From the Offices of:  Rumor Mill News Agency
The Uncensored National Rumor

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          The Many Plots Behind the Impeachment Trial

                     "Watch Robert Strauss"

Friday 01.29.99 RMNews-- This morning, after four weeks
of no communications, an RMNews Source left us a two
word message. All it said was, "Watch Strauss".

The two words took me back to August of 1996 "09.96
RMNews Does the rapid activity in the Office of
Presidential Executive Orders have anything to do the
secret White House meeting which took place Saturday,
August 3, 1996?
     "This meeting took place barely a day and a half
after President Clinton raged at a Rose Garden news
conference. He had been asked if he had gone back on his
word to pay the legal bills for fired and then prosecuted
White House Travel Office employee, Billy Dale. He
(Clinton) bristled in anger and rage and began berating the
CBS correspondent who asked the question. As his temper
and voice rose, Chief of Staff, Leon Panetta was seen
frantically waving to press aides to end the news
conference. As the President's staff tried to herd him back
into the safety of the Oval Office, the President was heard
screaming at the media."
     A day and a half later, ten prominent Democratic
elders held a meeting with President Clinton.  Sources
claimed that Robert Strauss headed the meeting. Strauss
took the unprecedented step of calling the reporter who had
broken the story, Sherman Skolnick, and advised him, in no
uncertain terms that he, Strauss, was not part of the
meeting. At that time, Strauss was considered the ranking
statesman of the Democratic party.
     Quoting again from the August 96 RMNEWS,
"Strauss and his gang of 10 high ranking Democratic
leaders told Clinton that the gathering storm of indictments
and revelations against Hillary would destroy the
Democratic party.
     "The President was shown a photograph of the
upcoming federal criminal indictment which accuses
Hillary of perjury and obstruction of justice.
     "The President shouted in rage that they were all
     The ten brave men knew that Clinton had just
signed Executive Order 13010. This order has been dubbed
the "Terrorist Gestapo E.O.". This executive order gives the
President and his agents the right to label anything they
choose as a terrorist act. The offending "terrorist" can be
jailed  with no explanation given. Furthermore, the
"terrorist" will be charged with treason and treason is
punishable by death.
     "The President shouted in rage that they were all
"traitors." Knowing that Executive Order 13010 had just
created the Terrorist Gestapo, the President's angry use of
the word traitor, carried sinister and potentially deadly
overtones to the 10 brave men.
     Countering Clinton's raging outburst with one of his
own, Strauss (who claims he was not at the meeting)
shouted, "You use cocaine and liquor. You are unfit to deal
with worldwide emergencies."
     The president screamed back with a string of
obscenities and curses. Strauss, (who says he was not
present), fired back that the President is acting deranged
and as such could be removed by the 25th amendment.
     Prior to the secret meeting, the Gang of 10 had
arranged to have damaging stories about Clinton  leaked to
the press. One story had already been leaked to Susan
Schmidt of the Washington Post. CIA Director John
Deutsche ordered the Inspector General to investigate
claims that U.S. Intelligence Agencies were involved in
illegal arms shipments and drug smuggling at an isolated
airstrip in Mena, Arkansas during the years that Bill
Clinton was governor. Susan Schmidt broke the story on
August 7, four days after the secret meeting. (There is a
related report at Look for the second,
unreleased report on the CIA's involvement in drugs.)
     "Deutsche and the CIA have subsequently been
putting pressure on the President and First Lady. The Most
publicized of the pressure is the investigation into Mena,
but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Is it any wonder that
rumors of Deutsche's year end resignation are popping up?
Deutsche know that he has to get out before he joins
William Colby, Jeremy Boorda, Ronn Brown, Vince Foster
and scores of lesser known or un-named Generals,
Admirals, operatives, reporters and innocent Americans
who have ended up on the list of strange deaths that
surround Bill Clinton.
     "10.99 RMNews The Gang of Ten risked more
than their careers when they marched into the Oval Office
that sunny August Saturday. They risked their lives in the
same way that our Founding Fathers risked theirs when they
defied King George and his oppressive tyranny.
     "Using Executive Order 13010, the President has
the power to label any loyal American a terrorist, i.e.
traitor, and confine him without trial in order to halt his
     The gang of ten failed in their mission. Clinton
refused to step down and let Al Gore run for President in
the 1996 election. The President was able to block the
release of the indictments against Hillary by issuing a threat
to all Republicans: "If Hillary is indicted, we will indict
George Bush and his secret team of CIA drug smugglers
and arms dealers... We will destroy the Republican Party!
     "The pre-election release of the indictment against
Hillary was stopped. While this was good for the temporary
satisfaction of the President's ego, he will soon have to face
the fact that he has a tiger by the tail, a tiger named, George
     Up until the President refused to step down, there
were three paths open to removing the president from
office. Now there were only two, the hard one and the
deadly one. Which path will finally remove the President
from office? The path of Richard Nixon or the path of John

              The Politics of Personal Destruction
     In the August, 96 issue of RMNews we released a
minor story regarding Senator al D'Amato. At the time,
D'Amato was the heading up a Senate investigation into
White Water crimes. One of our sources told RMNEWS
that D'Amato had been told that if he continues his
investigations, he will be facing a life sentence in prison for
fraud, racketeering, conspiracy and willful cover up of
murder. He was told that the Clinton Justice Department
would sic the Untied States Attorney for the district of New
York on him to investigate and indict him on crimes that
have been floating around for years. Shortly after RMNews
published this piece of information, D'Amato adjourned his
investigations. This pattern of "personal destruction" has
been used consistently by Bill Clinton and his handlers
throughout Clinton's career. We have seen many recent
examples in the stories about Henry Hyde, Bob Livingston
and Dan Burton.

* * * * *
                Sidney Blumenthal as John Dean?
Two days ago Conspiracy Nation News Service released
this story:
             Sidney Blumenthal To Betray Clinton?
Date:     1/27/1999 5:10:32 PM Pacific Standard Time

(CNNS, 01/27/99) --  During  the  Watergate  investigation
in the early 1970s, White House aide John Dean played  a
pivotal  role. Dean's  testimony  regarding  his  boss,
then-President  Richard Nixon, was explosive and
propelled Nixon from office, in 1974.

John Dean fingered Richard Nixon.  Sources in
Washington, DC have informed  Sherman  H.  Skolnick,
chairman of the public interest research  group,  Citizens'
Committee  to  Clean  Up  the Courts (CCCUC), that
Sidney Blumenthal, aide to President Bill  Clinton, is
likely  to  play  a  John Dean-like role when he is called to
testify at Clinton's impeachment trial.

Motivation for Blumenthal's possible  betrayal is unclear at
this point.  He may just be fed up with how his boss, Bill
Clinton, is operating.   Or  perhaps,  in  the  welter   of
blackmail   and counter-blackmail  infesting  the  U.S.
capital,  Blumenthal has himself come under irresistible

One of  Skolnick's  sources  is  adamant:   "Sidney
Blumenthal is going to WRECK Bill Clinton."

The dirt which  Blumenthal  reportedly  wields,  like  a
sword of Damocles, over Clinton's head, may pertain to
specific details on job  offers  made  to  Monica Lewinsky,
the *femme fatale* of the Clinton presidency.

A week before the death of White  House  deputy  counsel
Vincent Foster,  in July, 1993, a meeting of top-level
politicos was held at the Cardozo (Landau) estate, on the
eastern shore of Maryland. Blumenthal, says Skolnick,  is
tight  with  that clique of elite planners.   Blumenthal  is
also, reportedly, in some way involved with the Chicago
Mercantile Exchange, according to Skolnick.

Blumenthal, formerly from the north side of Chicago, later
became a  journalist,  based in New York City.  From there
he was tapped as a high-level aide and advisor to President
Bill Clinton.

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                        More Rumors Fly
Date:     1/28/1999 4:15:06 PM Pacific Standard Time
               -+- The Hillary Angle -+-
(CNNS, 01/28/99) -- Tabloids  exclaim, "Why hasn't Hillary
dumped Bill!?"

The answer (supposedly) is that Hillary is "standing by her

A warning to Caesar (Bill Clinton): Beware the Ire of

Reacting to the previous story from this  news  service
("Sidney Blumenthal  To  Betray Clinton?"  CNNS,
1/27/99), two key sources have provided CNNS with
further background on Sidney Blumenthal, soon to testify in
the Clinton impeachment trial.

According to "Ru Mills" (pseudonym):  If Blumenthal
betrays  Clinton  it  will  be because he was   ordered  to  do
so by the higher powers.  And also remember  that Sid
Vicious  [Blumenthal]  is  Hillary's pit bull.  If  Sid  is going
to betray Bill I bet it has something to do  with Hillary
cutting herself  loose  in  time  to  run  for  senate in NY.

"Rhea  Fortean" (pseudonym) independently echoed Mills'
thoughts. "Sid Vicious," says Fortean, could be a dangerous
enemy. Hillary Clinton has already begun  to position
herself for a move away from husband Bill.   She  is  now
pre-arranged  to  inherit Senator  Moynihan's  New  York
senate seat when he retires in two years.

Hillary  Clinton also has a notorious temper.  Up until now
she's expressed that temper by  hurling  lamps  at and
punching out her husband, The Great Caesar.   But  now,
with  her  beloved  Elite Feminism  turned  into  a
laughing-stock, Hillary's rage has gone beyond sizzling hot
into the realm of cold, Scorpionic fury.

And further intensifying that fury  is  a  mother's  instinct
to protect  and  heal  the  hurts  suffered by her daughter,
Chelsea Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is extremely angry.

                 -+- John Conyers Weighs In -+-
                       A Bloodless Coup?
*Rumores Volant* (Rumors Fly) is the title of  this  latest
CNNS press  release.   Here, in this report, are contained
the current rumors and  speculation.   The  situation  is  in
flux,  and may change.  When you step into the future, do
you  alter  it?   When this  news  service  releases  reports
that Sidney Blumenthal may turn  Brutus  to  Caesar
Clinton,  do  such  speculative reports inhabit the future and
modify it?  (Turmoil  in  Hillary's  camp: "Drat!   CNNS
has  exposed  our  plot!  We'll have to change our plans.")

But lest some scoff at reports of an imminent coup d'etat,
coming sudden, swift and sure, be aware that a U.S.
congressman has said the same.  On  January  24,  1999,
Congressman John Conyers (D.,Mich.)  "acknowledged that
the Senate impeachment  trial  is  the outcome  of  an
immense political conspiracy, but that he and his fellow
Democrats have decided to  conceal their knowledge of this
plot from the American  people."   ["Conyers  Defends
Democrats' Silence  On  Impeachment  Conspiracy,"
World Socialist Web Site, 1/28/99.]

Conyers, according to  the  above-cited  report, also accuses
the mass media and even some fellow Democrats of silent
complicity in the "bloodless takeover of the government."

Weighing in with his own perspective on Blumenthal as
Betrayer is Sherman H. Skolnick of  the  Chicago-based
Citizens' Committee To Clean Up The Courts.  Contacted
today  by CNNS, Mr. Skolnick had SEVEN QUESTIONS:

                    -+- Seven Questions -+-

  "Here are six questions that knowledgeable investigators
in  and out of government would  like to ask Sidney
Blumenthal,   now a scheduled witness before the Senate
impeachment trial   (plus one question for the senators who
have  selected  Mr.  Blumenthal for questioning.)"

  "(1) What do you, Mr. Blumenthal, know  about  the
Chicago  office  of  Bill Clinton's reputed secret police
group, run   (reportedly) by Terry Lenzner?"

  "(2) Is it true that  you, Mr. Blumenthal, have assisted in
  'laundering' funds for that  secret  police  group  through
  Bank Leumi-Chicago?"

  "(3) Isn't it true, Mr. Blumenthal, that Bank
Leumi-Chicago   was part of the route for funds used to
deal with so-called  'Bimbo Eruptions?'"

  "(4) Isn't it true,  Mr.  Blumenthal, that these funds were
  the means by which  various  women  having  accusations
of   sexual misconduct against Bill Clinton were dealt with?
By  paying  for  strange  people to show up to harm or
threaten  these accusers?"

  "(5) Isn't it true, Mr. Blumenthal, that someone has parked
  a huge sum of  money,  overseas, for Monica Lewinsky
and/or  her mother?"

  "(6)  Mr.  Blumenthal,  have  you  been  a  go-between   on
  financing  'dirty  tricks'  against  Independent Prosecutor
  Kenneth Starr and other known critics of Bill Clinton?"

  "(7)  And  finally,  for  those  senators who have selected
  Sidney Blumenthal as  a  witness:   Isn't  it true that you
  hope to crack Blumenthal  and  force  him  to  finger  Bill
  Clinton,  and have selected Mr. Blumenthal as a witness
due  to his known weaknesses,  as  suggested above?  And
because  you have already uncovered information that
would  provide  answers to the above six questions?"

                     -+- Rumores Volant -+-

And what does the  Pope,  John  Paul  II, know?  He has
hurriedly flown to St. Louis (with a cover, side-trip to
Mexico)  where  he met with Bill Clinton.

Monica   Lewinsky   will  be  flying,  presumably  by
commercial airliner, to Washington, DC.  Would YOU
want to be on that plane? (It might be struck by lightning.")

Sam Donaldson, on ABC News,  bemoans that the Clinton
impeachment trial could "drag on," for weeks, even
months.  But according  to Poles,  Americans  LOVE  the
impeachment trial, since it at least bogs down the

The title of this  CNNS  press  release is "Rumors Fly"
("Rumores Volant").  As G. Gordon Liddy once said, "I'll
bet SOMEBODY     in this  town knows."  CNNS bets
that there are some who know PLENTY about what's going

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          The Vernon Jordan-Robert Strauss Connection
     RMNews--Shortly after discovering the two word
fax on our fax machine, which said "Watch Straus",
FOXNEWS showed a picture of Vernon Jordan walking
down the street with none other than Robert Strauss. The
Fox News reporter added that Vernon Jordan's mentor in
Washington DC was Robert Strauss.

RMNews first alerted our readers to the fact the
Robert Strauss is no fan of Bill Clinton's in August
of 1996. If the original story about Strauss wanting
to remove Clinton back in 1996 is true, then all
sorts of things can be read into Strauss's walk with
Vernon Jordan.

Did  Strauss tell Jordan  he no longer has to fear  reprisal if
he tells the truth about what Clinton ordered him, Jordan, to
do? Will Vernon Jordan tell the truth about how President
Clinton used him as an intermediary to provide hush
money, bribes, and jobs to people like Webb Hubbell and
Monica Lewinsky?

 CNNS just ran two days ago about Sidney Blumenthal
becoming Bill Clinton's John Dean. If Sidney Blumenthal
tells the truth about how President Clinton orchestrated a
"smear campaign" for Monica Lewinsky will it make
Monica mad enough to tell the Senate the whole truth of
the sordid scandal?

And what do we make of the Democratic loyalists who
seem to be defending Clinton no matter what the evidence
says? Have these people been told to "carry the President's
water" or get out of the Party? Or do they really believe he
is innocent of the charges against him?

If the whole truth about Bill Clinton's obstruction of
justice, bribes, payoffs, threats and crimes becomes public
knowledge through the major media, can the Democratic
loyalists ever be taken seriously again? This is the question
that throws a monkey wrench into the picture.

If Sidney Blumenthal and Vernon Jordan come forward and
tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, the
Democratic loyalists will have their rugs pulled out from
under them. They will become laughing stocks.

This will greatly harm the  Democratic  election campaign
in the year 2000. The fall of Clinton, by being exposed as a
liar, a criminal and more, may very well destroy the
Democratic Party. All the Republicans will have to do is
use the video tapes from the House Judiciary Committee in
their campaign ads. This will make the Democrats look like
fools and tools of coverup. The Democratic Elders cannot
allow this to happen.

              A Deal Must Be Cut, What Will It Be?
A deal will be cut. What it  will be is not known. What we
know now is listed below:

1. Vernon Jordan is being coached by Robert Strauss, who
believes that Clinton is the worst thing that has ever
happened to the Democratic Party.

2. Sources in Washington have told CNNS sources that
Sidney Blumenthal may become Bill Clinton's John Dean.
Sidney Blumenthal is not a member of Bill Clinton's inner
circle, he works for Hillary.

3. The latest New York polls show that Hillary is a shoo-in
for the Senate seat being vacated by Senator Moynihan.
Hillary wants to be free to run for this Senate seat. She
can't do this if she is tied to a wounded, lame duck,
impeached President.

4. Ken Starr is ready to send Webb Hubbell and his wife to
prison for income tax evasion. He is doing this because he
knows Webb Hubbell can give him the information he
needs to indict and convict Hillary in the White Water
matter. Ken Starr really needs a major conviction in the
White Water matter. He wants to indict Hillary.

5. Juanita Broderick, the woman who says Bill Clinton
raped her twenty years ago, is now ready to tell her story.
She told it to NBC, but NBC is sitting on the story.
RMNews was told yesterday, 01.29.99, that Broderick was
now negotiating with FOX NEWS to tell the story.
RMNews sent an email to Matt Drudge alerting him to this
news. Today's Drudge Report stated that Juanita Broderick
is now negotiating with another news network to get the
story out. When her full story of the rape, the bribes, the
coercion and threats becomes clear to the American people,
the polls will turn against the President.

6. RMNews alerted its readers months ago that the whole
Lewinsky episode was a bloodless coup to remove the
President in the same way that a "bloodless coup" removed
President Nixon. According to CNNS, Representative John
Conyers has accused fellow Democrats of conspiring to
cover up a "Bloodless conspiracy to remove the President".

7. If Clinton doesn't resign, the following will happen:
    A. The Broderick story will come out.
    B. Webb Hubbell will roll over on Hillary to save his
wife from prison.
    C. Hillary will be indicted, which may or may not end
her bid for the Senate, but it will complicate her run.
    D. Sidney Blumenthal will be given the final green light
to go ahead and dump on the President
    E. Vernon Jordan will be told to tell the truth

If the above is allowed to proceed, not only will this turn
the public against the President, but it will make he
Democratic Loyalists look like fools. It may very well
destroy the Democratic Party.

When RMNews Sources asked RMNews Readers to email,
call and fax Senator Trent Lott and tell him to proceed with
a Constitutional impeachment trial, they were signaling that
they needed time to put all the separate pieces of the puzzle
in place. It now appears that all the puzzle pieces are ready.
All that is needed for the puzzle to be put together and the
American People shown the truth, is for the President to
continue to refuse to step down.

If Bill Clinton continues to defy the will of the Democratic
elders and Alan Greenspan, who has recently become quite
vocal in his criticism of Clinton's economic plans, then Bill
Clinton will be sacrificed on the alter of the controlled

There are still some things that need to be sorted out. If
Ken Starr refuses to drop his indictment of Hillary, then
Hillary needs Bill's or Al Gore's agreement to pardon her.
This will require either a waiting period, for the indictment
to be issued, so that President Bill Clinton can pardon his
wife; or a firm promise from Al Gore that he will pardon
Hillary when Ken Starr indicts her. Of course, Ken Starr
could be promised something to drop the Hillary

                     Another Sinister Twist
As angry as Hillary is at Bill, it is  fear that there may be
another even more sinister twist to things.

The one plan that Faction 2 rejected when they decided to
remove Clinton was assassination. Faction 2 did not want
to make Clinton into a hero because they were afraid that
Hillary would "ride his casket into the White House".
Faction 2 thinks Hillary is more of a threat to the world
than Bill is.

Faction 2 decided to remove Bill from office when he
declared a full assault on the United States Military. He has
done more to harm the moral of the military than any
person in the history of the United States.

Faction 2 also decided to remove him because of the Waco
massacre, the Somalia massacre of our soldiers, the murder
of Admiral Boorda, the murder of  former DCI, William
Colby, and other matters too numerous and dangerous to
mention here, such as the sale of National Security secrets
to Communist China.

If there is anything Faction 2 does not want, it is Hillary as
President. Bill's death would make her a sympathetic
heroine and this could very well propel her into the Oval

If President Clinton dies in the next few days, before he can
be given the ultimatum to step down, then Hillary could
very well be appointed Vice President. The precedent for
this kind of appointment has been set by the wives of
Congressmen and Senators who have been elected to their
husband's seats upon the deaths of their husbands.

If Al Gore appoints Hillary as VP, then the next thing that
will happen is Gore will be forced to step down due to the
campaign finance scandal. This will make Hillary

This is not what Faction 2 wants. They need to keep
President Clinton alive and well  long enough for him to

               The President will Die This Sunday
Internet Psychic Sollog has predicted that Clinton will die
this Sunday, on the second full moon of January. The
second full moon in one month is called a "Blue Moon".
President's only get assassinated or die while in office,
"once in a Blue Moon".  Because RMNews knows that the
CIA uses psychics to prepare the public for disasters,
RMNews pays attention to so called "psychic" predictions.

All that Hillary would need to completely destroy the
Republican party forever is to have a "right wing militia
nut" kill the President. This would prove once and forever
that she was correct when she stated that "a vast right wing
conspiracy" has been out to get her husband since he was

                    The Manchurian Candidate
It has long been known that "Manchurian Candidates" can
be created through the use of mind control techniques.
These Manchurian Candidate assassins can be programmed
to assassinate targeted individuals. Many researchers
believe that the assassin of Robert Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan,
was a mind-control Manchurian Candidate.

It is not too improbable to believe that a Manchurian
Candidate has been prepared to assassinate President
Clinton,  and this assassin is just waiting to be "triggered".

The next few days are going to bring more excitement to
this country than we have had in years. If Faction 2 is
successful in their "coup" to remove the President, we will
see Clinton quietly announce that the American people
have been put through too much.

The President will blame the Republicans for his
destruction, and he will announce that for the good of the
country, he has now decided to step down. This will allow
him to stay alive and retain his benefits.

This will also keep the rest of the stories from ever being
released and Bill Clinton will be able to retain his
popularity in the polls.

His resignation will also give Hillary the time she needs to
move to New York and run for the Senate.

His resignation will also give the Democratic party the
ammunition it needs to smear all Republicans and blame
them for the willful destruction of President Clinton.

President Clinton will go down in history as a victim of a
"vast right wing conspiracy"

But this only happens if President Clinton resigns
immediately, before Sidney Blumenthal and Vernon Jordan
testify.... and before Juanita Broderick tells her story.

Only President Clinton knows what he will do.

Rumor Mill News Agency
P.O. Box 1784
Aptos, CA 95001
Fonfax 831 462 3949

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