-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 01/30/99) -- Several news items have surfaced in the  past
72 hours:

(1) On Friday, Jan. 29, 1999, ABC News broadcast a report showing
that  Nathan  Landow,  a  wealthy  contributor  of  funds  to the
Democrats, has been linked to harassment of Kathleen Willey.  Ms.
Willey has alleged that President Bill Clinton sexually  molested
her  in  the White House, when the grief-stricken Willey had just
learned  of  her  husband's  apparent  suicide.   This  story  is
especially interesting since  ABC  News  for some reason reported
it, and reported it during their prime time news broadcast.  (The
NBC network, as is normal behavior for the big TV networks, chose
to suppress a major story it had  which  dealt  with  an  alleged
rape, by Bill Clinton, of a woman named Juanita Broderick.)
   The name Nathan Landow  awakens  memories.  According to James
Norman, a former Forbes magazine senior editor, the  week  before
Vince  Foster was mysteriously found dead a high-level meeting of
Democrats likely occurred  at  Landow's Maryland estate, attended
by, among  others,  George  Stephanopolous.   Webster Hubbell may
also have been present.
   According to ABC News, "Jarrett Stern, a private  investigator
with ties to prominent Democratic fund-raiser Nathan Landow," has
come   forward   with   claims  that  he,  Stern,  was  hired  to
not-so-subtly intimidate Ms.  Willey.   Nathan  Landow denies any
involvement  with  reported  harassment   of   Kathleen   Willey.
["Witness   Backs   Willey   Claims;   Starr  Probes  Obstruction
Allegations," ABC News, 1/29/99.  See also, "Private Investigator
Says Landow Employed  Him  in  Willey  Matter," by Susan Schmidt.
Washington Post, 1/30/99.]

(2)  Besides  Nathan  Landow,  another  high-level  power  in the
Democratic Party is Robert Strauss.  In 1996, Sherman Skolnick of
the Chicago-based  Citizens'  Committee  To  Clean  Up the Courts
reported that an intense meeting had occurred at the White House.
Present at the meeting, according to Skolnick, was  Strauss,  who
reportedly  participated  in  a  screaming  match  between  those
present  and  Bill  Clinton.   Skolnick  says  that, after he had
reported on the  meeting,  he  was  phoned  by  Strauss who badly
frightened Skolnick.  According to Skolnick, Strauss spoke  in  a
remarkably cold, chilling tone of voice.
   Now, "Ru Mills" (pseudonym) reports that she has just received
a  terse,  two-word communique from one of her deep sources.  The
message,  Mills   reports,   reads,   "Watch   Strauss."    In  a
synchronistic parallel, Mills next saw on her television  a  news
report  showing  Strauss talking with Vernon Jordan.  Jordan is a
close friend of Bill Clinton and  has been called as a witness in
Clinton's impeachment trial.  Given the  behind-the-scenes  power
wielded  by Strauss, interpretation of the current Strauss/Jordan
connection  is  tantalizing.    ["The   Many   Plots  Behind  the
Impeachment Trial," by "Ru Mills."  RMNews, 1/29/99.]

(3)  Reportedly,  a  rare  type  of lunar eclipse will occur this
weekend.  According to J. Adams,  editor of Spirit of Truth News,
"this weekend there will  be  a  lunar  eclipse  of  astrological
significance.   First  off, the lunar eclipse will involve a full
'blue' moon.  This is a true blue moon (with the moon the closest
possible to the earth),  a  rather  rare event.  Also, this lunar
eclipse/blue  moon  will  be  conjunct  Mercury  and  Uranus  and
T-squared by a Mars/Saturn opposition."
   Speculation, from various sources, is widespread  as  to  what
down-to-earth  events  might  occur  in  relation  to  the  lunar

(4) This news service has  made  inquiries  recently  as  to  why
cameras covering the senate's impeachment trial aren't allowed to
pan,  and  show  the senators in their seats.  Responses received
suggested that it would be awkward to televise senators sleeping,
cutting out  paper  figures,  and  reading  newspapers during the
august proceedings.  Hard information has  come  from  syndicated
columnist  Ariana Huffington.  She reports that Senator Herb Kohl
(D-Wisc.)  has  been  seen  reading  Sports  Illustrated magazine
"while the fate of the president was being debated in the  well."
["Lights, Camera, Impeachment," by Ariana Huffington.  1/28/99.]

(5) Dennis Halliday, a former U.N. official, charges that ongoing
punitive sanctions  against  Iraq,  instead  of  weakening Saddam
Hussein, are  actually  strengthening  his  power.   ["Former  UN
Official  Calls  For  Radical Rethink On Iraq."  London Guardian,

(6) The Brazilian monetary unit, the Real, continues to plunge in
value.  Panic is emerging in Brazil as the currency continues  to
deteriorate.  Bank depositors have been lining up outside several
banks  there,  trying to withdraw their savings.  ["Panic Emerges
in Brazil as Currency Continues to Plunge," by Diana Jean Schemo.
New York Times Online, 1/30/99.]

(7) The North Pacific Ocean is "acting strangely"  and  it's  not
due  to  any  El  Nino  effect,  say  worried  scientists.  Ocean
temperatures have risen  dramatically  and wildlife patterns have
become very unusual.  "The big buzz with researchers  is,  what's
going  on  out there?  Is it a natural shift we're going through?
Is it global warming?  We  don't  know,"  one expert is quoted as
saying.  ["Ocean Changes Worry, Perplex Experts."  AP, 1/29/99.]

(8) New information has  surfaced  which  sheds more light on the
intriguing   scandals   connected   to   the    Carlos    Salinas
administration,  in  Mexico.  The Harvard-educated Salinas served
as president of Mexico in the late 1980s through early 1990s, and
was  instrumental  in  the  passage  of  NAFTA.   The  depths  of
corruption which occurred in  Mexico, under Salinas, are complex;
the  whole  shocking  story  is  well-documented  in  the   book,
"Bordering on Chaos."  (By  Andres Oppenheimer.  Boston:  Little,
Brown and Company, 1996. ISBN: 0-316-65095-1.)
   According to a  Reuters  report,  Daniel  Aguilar  Trevino,  a
jailed  assassin  who murdered a leading Mexican politician, "has
implicated former president Carlos Salinas  for the first time in
the murder [of the politician] and in the killing of  the  ruling
party's  1994  presidential  candidate."   The  two  assassinated
politicians  were  Jose  Francisco  Ruiz Massieu and Luis Donaldo
   Carlos Salinas now resides in Ireland and is too terrified  of
public anger to return to Mexico.
   Aguilar Trevino's allegations have taken a further twist:   he
now,  according to a later Associated Press report, denies having
fingered Carlos Salinas.  He  also reportedly denies having given
an interview to Time magazine, which had quoted him this week  as
saying  Carlos  Salinas's  brother, Raul Salinas, had ordered the
death  of  Jose  Francisco   Ruiz  Massieu.   ["Confessed  Killer
Implicates Mexico's Ex-President, Reuters, 1/29/99.  "Twists  and
Turns   Continue   in  Mexico's  Sensational  Murder  Case,"  AP,

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  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
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your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
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Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief    | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418----------------
Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

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