-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
At 14:33 28/01/99 -0800, Ric Carter wrote:

>>># A PILL THAT INCREASES BREAST SIZE? This is a preposterous and
>>>ridiculous thing for women to fall for in this day and age. How-
>>>ever, it is understandable because we have made such a big deal
>>>about it in our society. It's expensive and it feeds wrong thin-
>>>king - but it may not do any actual harm.
>>: How about buying an Alien Implant Detector, Kirlianscope, Brain
>>Circuitry Enhancers, Quantum Aphrodisiacs, all via Secure NetLink?
>>Maybe a bridge too? --Ric
>Didn't I read somewhere on the Net a husband's advice to his wife that
>rubbing toilet paper on her breasts was the answer to this particular
>problem, since it certainly worked on another portion of her anatomy!
>Ron Thomas

Obviously this subject needs more research.  Can we get a grant?

  Ric "soon we'll have nanorobots to rebuild us as we wish" Carter

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