-Caveat Lector-

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Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 13:38:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Colby, the FLIR tape, and a new Waco documentary (fwd)

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Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 21:54:44 -0800
From: Jon Roland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Colby, the FLIR tape, and a new Waco documentary

In response to a message I forwarded from Ian Goddard, in which he cited
an article from _American Freedom_ magazine, Vol. 1, No. 7, October,
1996, consisting of a report by Gordon Novel of an interview with former
CIA Director William Colby, and in which Goddard recalls Novel to have
claimed to have received the FLIR footage that appeared in the Academy
Award nominated documentary _Waco: the Rules of Engagement_ from Colby,
who is also supposed to have said that President Clinton was "behind"
the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, I received an email message
from Michael McNulty, a producer of the Waco documentary, asking me to
call him to get some corrections on that initial report. I called him
January 29, 1999. The following is extracted from my telephone
conversation with McNulty:

In late 1993 the Davidian defense team received a copy of the FLIR
footage from the FBI through discovery, but they were unable to play it
in their machines. McNulty says he got the tape several months later,
about April, 1994, after the Davidians had been convicted and while they
were awaiting sentencing. The defense team had been unable to play the
tape because it was in a super VHS format that was unlabeled. McNulty
says the lack of a label was at least unprofessional, and at worst an
attempt at obfuscation. McNulty provided a lengthy analysis of the tape
in June, 1994, and returned the tape, after making a dub of it with the
permission of the defense team, onto a digital D2 format. The defense
team sent McNulty's analysis to the U.S. prosecutor, although McNulty's
analysis did not identify the flashes as automatic firearms fire.

It was about 18 months after McNulty got the tape that former CIA
Director William Colby contacted Gordon Novel, who said that Colby sent
two men to show Novel a high-quality, probably 1st-generation copy, of
the FLIR footage, who pointed out to Novel what to look for on the tape
and where to find it. However, they did not leave a copy of the tape
with Novel at that time. What they pointed out were the signatures of
automatic gunfire by assaulting troops directed at the only exits of the
buildings, which the Davidians would have had to use to escape the fire.

At that point McNulty had the only copy of the tape, a 3rd-generation
digital D2 copy, other than the one retained by the Davidian defense
lawyer he had obtained it from, and he refused to release it to anyone.
He had already become friends with Gordon Novel, who had begun working
as an investigator for the firm of Ramsey Clark, who had become one of
several law firms representing the Davidians in their civil case.

Novel told McNulty what Colby's men had told him, and McNulty then took
his tape and the information delivered from Colby through Novel and
sought an expert in interpreting FLIR footage who was not associated
with the government in a way that the expert would not have wanted to
work with McNulty. He found one in Dr. Edward Allard, who appears in the
documentary with his analysis.

In the meantime, Novel got himself in trouble and was put in jail in
Ohio, and was interviewed by Don Weideman for a series of articles. It
was during these interviews that Novel revealed he had a copy, probably
a 3rd- or 4th-generation copy, of the FLIR footage.

McNulty's 3rd-generation copy is the FLIR footage that was used in the
documentary. Another dub was made of the 2nd-generation copy the defense
attorney had, and it was that copy which was later passed on to the firm
of Caddell and Chapman, and from them to the firm of former Attorney
General Ramsey Clark. Novel got his 3rd- or 4th-generation copy from Jim
Brannen, one of the civil litigation attorneys.

Impatient with the delay in getting the footage to the public through
the documentary, Novel took his 3rd- or 4th-generation copy of the FLIR
footage to CBS Sixty Minutes, who sought their own expert analyst in
the firm Infraspections, and that analyst confirmed Allard's analysis of
the flashes as automatic weapons fire. Later, CBS Sixty Minutes
personnel went to members of Congress on the committee investigating the
incident, and misrepresented the results of their expert's analysis to
those congressmen, saying the analyst found no sign of gunfire. They did
not provide a copy of the tape or the analysis of their expert to those
congressmen, who obtained the short segments they viewed during the
hearings from Paul Gray and James Quintiari, federal arson investigators
on the government team.

That incident, and others, will be coming out in a new documentary
McNulty is producing called _Waco: A New Revelation_, due out in late
February or early March, 1999. In 1998, attorney David Hardy, also
allied with the civil litigation team, was able to obtain a
1st-generation copy of the FLIR footage on VHS, although with a 5-minute
segment missing from the beginning, through a FOIA request, from the
government, and it is that improved and additional footage that will be
shown in the new documentary, which is more clear than that shown in the
documentary _Waco: Rules of Engagement_.

McNulty has asked Novel for the complete tapes of his conversations with
Colby, but he has only provided short segments of some other telephone
conversations which only seem to be discussing business deals between

McNulty says the only information he has about what Colby may have told
Novel is what Novel told him, and Novel won't provide the full footage
of the tapes he says he has. McNulty recalls discussing the Oklahoma
City bombing with Novel, but Novel never mentioned to McNulty any
complicity on the part of the White House or president in that incident.

However, McNulty did do a voice analysis of the tape segments Novel
provided, and the voice is definitely that of William Colby. The
information Novel claims Colby provided him about the FLIR footage
checked out. Novel had a relationship with Colby, and Colby had a
motive, namely the turf battle between the CIA and the FBI regarding
overseas operations.

McNulty's assessment of Novel's credibility is that one should never
ignore anything Novel says. On the other hand, what he says should be
taken carefully. Novel has a history as a high-level insider. He is an
expert in technical espionage and counter-espionage, and claims to be
the technician who was responsible for the missing 18 minutes in the
Nixon tape. On the other hand, he likes to tell a story, and may put a
spin on what he knows. His checkered past makes him the perfect person
whom a whistleblower might pick to disclose something to in order get
the information out while providing plausible deniability.

McNulty says Novel deserves a great deal of credit for working himself
almost to death to help the Davidians, and he is certainly the conduit
through which they got the information from Colby about what to look for
in the FLIR footage. But Novel didn't obtain the tape itself from Colby.

More about Gordon Novel can be found on Lexis-Nexis, and on the WWW, at such
sites as http://www.io.com/~hambone/web/novel.html

The new documentary, _Waco: A New Revelation_, will be revealing new
non-FLIR video evidence that the government forces fired on the
Davidians during the final assault on April 19, 1993. It will also
present evidence identifying the organizations providing the personnel
who attacked the Davidian complex from the rear, which are seen in the
FLIR footage, which were the FBI Hostage Rescue Team and Delta Force. It
provides evidence that explains how the fire started, and how the
investigation following the fire was compromised, including interviews
with some Texas Rangers who were part of that investigation. It includes
interviews with some of the imprisoned Davidians, and follows the chain
of command of the orders for the final assault all the way to the White
House. It explores some of the unintended consequences of Waco, has an
interview with Randy Weaver, the target of the Ruby Ridge assault, and
reveals that Lon Horiuchi, who the Boundary County, Idaho, prosecutor
attempted to prosecute for shooting Randy's wife Vicki, was also present
at Waco in a position from which fire came toward the Davidians.

The new documentary, _Waco: A New Revelation_, will probably be first
released on video, and perhaps will also be released theatrically. The
price for the video has not yet been decided. For more information on
it, write:

C.O.P.S. Productions
1001-A East Harmony Road #353
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525

Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento, CA 95825
916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM         Date: 01/30/99  Time: 21:54:44
http://www.constitution.org/     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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