-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://welcome.to/tempeliers">Dutch Fraternal Order of Knights
Templar </A>


Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam

©1998 Templar Fraternity GLADIUS DEI.

The Dutch Templar Fraternity GLADIUS DEI is not affiliated with
Freemasonry, the SMOTJ, the OSMTH or the IFA.

This Knights Templar Research Ring site owned by Donato Ranzato.
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<A HREF="http://welcome.to/tempeliers">Dutch Fraternal Order of Knights
Templar </A>



The original medieval templar fraternity was founded in 1264 and it was
called Spada del Dio by its founder, a Venetian Knights Templar called
Giovanni di Ranza Santone. The name of the fraternity is the Italian
translation of the name of a special group of Knights Templar he
belonged to called Gladius Dei.

Gladius Dei (Sword of God) was founded by the Italian Knight Rosalli in
1124. This corps d'elite was the secret honour guard of the Magister
Templi of Italy (Umbria) and one or more Gladius Dei would always escort
him to wherever the Master went. Its membership was by invitation only
and its members were considered to be the ideal Knights Templar. Hist
orically, members of Gladius Dei were hand selected by the Master
himself and acted under his direct authority. Invitation to join Gladius
Dei was often also an invitation to join the ranks of glorious
martyrdom, but it's members were among the most respected and effective
templars - while alive.

The Dutch Priory is named Gladius Dei in memory and honor of the
original fraternity which still exists until this day in Italy only
under a different name.


The fraternity has a strong chivalric/templar flavor but mixed with
arabic/sufi mysticism. Why the orginal templar fraternity used
arabic/sufi symbolism as part of the initiation ceremonies of the
different grades is a matter of debate both in and outside the current
fraternity. The author Idries Shah in "The Sufis"suggests some
interesting things about a possible link between on of the possible
offshoots of the fraternity - the Carbonari - and the Sufi brotherhood.

"It has been said by some historians that the inspiration of the
Carbonari and similar societies came from pre-Christian times, for there
were settled in the Alps communities which seemed to owe allegiance to
Gnostic and other ideas which some profess to see reflected in
Freemasonry, Templarism and the discipleship of the way of the Sufis."
- Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies

Idries Shah suggests Sufic origins for a number of other Western occult
societies - the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Order of the Garter
and the Templars.

It is highly possible that the Sufis in some way influenced the Order of
the Temple and that the Order used some of its sufi-influenced mysticism
in its templar fraternities. These templar fraternities have possibly
influenced other Orders and fraternities, such as the Carbonari and the

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Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
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