-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.madcowprod.com/SavageHeartland%20Tour3.htm">The MadCow
"SavageHeartland" Tour</A>

The MadCow Savage Heartland Tour visits the very darkest Heart of


"Miami is where the bodies are buried," one source told us darkly early
in our investigation into the Life and Twisted Times of a man who has
been called the American James Bond, Adler Berriman "Barry"  Seal,
covert operative extraordinaire and the most successful drug smuggler in
American history.

So when the Savage Heartland Tour left Louisiana, we pointed our
brightly-painted day-glo tourbus for the place that has been called the
'Casablanca in the Caribbean,' a city that a decade ago served as the
unofficial capital of the (cocaine-fueled) go-go 80’s.

We headed for Miami.

Miami... that place of sultry intrigue...that Berlin of the Western

Miami... the city cited most often cited when spooks turn in their
expense reports...

Miami... the home of JMWAVE, where the CIA's Theodore Shackley merged
the Agency with the Mafia to create the Covert Op That Ate the World...

Miami... where drug smugglers, both Cuban and Colombian, rubbed elbows
with movies stars like Cher and Sly and Madonna and Don Johnson...and
where you could find Richard Nixon and bagman Bebe Rebozo sunning
themselves like aging lizards on Biscayne Bay while George Bush flashed
by aboard Don Aronow’s cigarette boat.

(A curious sight, that-- the Vice President of the United States
 consorting with celebrity boat racer and drug smuggler Arononow, but
let that go-- just yet.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."

In Miami we were to hear the most startling assertion yet, from a
soft-spoken Colombian, accountant who worked in Seal's organization in
the middle eighties.

(And since it is becoming increasingly obvious that cloaking our sources
with pseudonyms may be essential to their health,—at least until our
book comes out-- we will call him Peter.)

"Peter" displays, during our lunch with him, the refined European
manners of the South American elite, and this is doubtless one of the
qualities that led Barry Seal to recruit him into his organization,
after meeting him through Medellin cartel honcho Carlos "Lito"

"Barry Seal wasn't just a drug smuggler-- he created the Medellin
Cartel," Peter stated. "He took warring groups, competing factions, and
he brought them together, melded them, showed them the benefits of
acting as one. The benefits of making a cartel. He brought together the
Ochoas and Ledher and Escobar, all of whom were at each others’ throats,
and got them to work together."

"On Whose Orders?"

Peter couldn't answer the burning question which hovered over our table
in a Cuban restaurant in Hallandale. But, startling as it was, we had
little trouble crediting his assertion. It fits in with the knowledge
that has been painfully accumulated already about the Medellin Cartel,
in, for example, the groundbreaking investigations of journalists
Alexander and Lesley Cockburn.

They were the first to report that the Medellin Cartel had made a $10
million "contribution" to the contras, at the behest of the notorious
Felix Rodriguez, CIA agent, "shooter team" alumnus and close friend of
George Bush.

Ramon Milian testified to this fact to Senator Kerry's Senate
subcommittee in the late 80's, to much the same reaction from the major
media as Gary Webb's Dark Alliance series received.

And General Miguel Maza, the chief of Colombia's intelligence agency,
the DAS, is on record as having stated that he believed that the CIA had
ties to the Medellin Cartel... ties which the Agency has clearly gone to
some lengths--including the assassination of Barry Seal--to conceal.

Tracking Barry Seal, the biggest drug smuggler in American history,
bringing in 5 billion dollars worth of cocaine (the govt.'s own estimate) to
the go-go 80's, leads to a a vein that leads right to the heart of the
heart of the country...

And while Gary Webb's ground-breaking work cannot be praised too highly,
the folks he tracked do NOT lead right to Bush, North, Casey,and the
fucks behind the Kennedy assassination.
Tracking Barry Seal does.


Order your copy of
 "The Secret Heartbeat of America."

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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