-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.madcowprod.com/genesis.htm">Enterprise, Alabama</A>
a 1st person account of life under cartel occupation
by John Burt Caylor


The nightmare for America began back in the 60’s during the Vietnam
War... in my hometown: Enterprise, Alabama, located 6 miles west of Fort
Rucker, the U.S. Army’s Aviation Center, with merchants of death here in
Enterprise laughing all the way to the bank with blood money taken from
the poor soldier boys of America.

Starting in the forties with World War II, the U.S. Army established
Fort Rucker as the training spot and headquarters for army aviation.
During the early 60’s along came Vietnam and a massive buildup of
hundreds of remote airstrips, facilities and influx of thousands of
soldiers and pilots.
The area was a natural for the military. The climate is like Vietnam,
hot and humid, the terrain is full of pine forests with rough hills and
valleys. The inhabitants were firebrand rednecks, full of hate for
commies, Jews and Niggers, blood thirsty for dollars of death and
destruction that war brings.

The Dixie Mafia Arrives

First came the military retirees who overtook Enterprise--with its cheap
land and low cost of living-- soon dominating all aspects of business
and government. The area also suffered an influx of mobsters fleeing
Phoenix City, Alabama in the wake of "crime fighter" district Attorney
John Patterson Sr.’s, assassination.

My father was the number one lawman and Chief of Police who welcomed all
those folks with open arms. Everyone addressed him as "Chief"; he was a
dead ringer for actor Carroll O’Conner, in the TV series "Heat of the

The Golden Triangle Boys Arrive

I believe that my father’s power came from his new found associates, men
who were retired Army Colonels and Defense Intelligence Agency,  guys
who made their fortunes smuggling opium in the Golden Triangle of
Southeast Asia.

Their dope smuggling skills were fine-tuned under the protective cover
of the  4500 fixed-wing aircraft take-offs and landings each day at Army
airfields extending over 150 miles in all directions, in South Alabama,
Northwest Florida and Southwest Georgia.

(Geographically, the area is not quite a gas tank away from Columbia and
other hot spots of Central and South America. )

Cliff Wentworth

In 1966 along came Army Captain Clifford Wentworth from Miami, Cliff was
a tall handsome All-American type guy, smart as hell with his new law
degree. Everyone liked Cliff. Daddy who by now had become a successful
real estate developer operating his own construction company, built
Cliff and his wife a new home on Dixie Drive in Enterprise.

Cliff soon left for his tour of duty in Vietnam, and after a year or so
he was back home with his wife Brenda. Upon leaving the Army, daddy
encouraged Cliff to stay, and he joined a local law firm with retired
Col. Charlie Reese, my father’s personal lawyer and good buddy.

The Miami Connection

Shortly thereafter, Cliff left to set up an additional law practice in
South Florida, later calling for my dad to send me down to Miami, saying
 he would put me to work and take care of me.

When I arrived Cliff looked at me and said: here’s the deal. I know you
are a good photographer and I need one because I do lots of divorce
cases and insurance claims. Every now and then I want you to go out a
secretly photograph guys screwing around on their wives, because I
represent the wives in court.

A few weeks later, I’m making friends with Cubans who used to be
somebody in Havana until Fidel came along. One of the guys who was a
big-time lawyer in Havana tried to get me to join the Cuban
Revolutionary Army, playing weekend soldier over in the Glades,
 compliments of our CIA.

The Colombians Show

One Tuesday night I arrived, with my cousin Neal, at an apartment. Neal
knocks at the door and says "Hay Manny, It’s me Man, Neal". The door
opens and there sits this ugly little Colombian guy with a sawed off
shotgun pointed right in my face. I’m about to freak out, Neal tells him
it’s okay, I’m his cousin Johnny from Enterprise. Inside the 2-bedroom
apartment, the living room is empty except for a rocking chair, stereo,
fish tank, small couch and a table with a cash box on it and the

Neal says, "John don’t worry about me, man, I'm doing fine at work,
making lots of money, and he then takes me to bedroom one, cracks the
door open and there from the floor to the ceiling were bricks of
Colombian Gold. There wasn’t a foot or more of space left in the whole
damn bedroom. Crap, the other one was filled the same from the floor to
the ceiling. I couldn’t even take a piss in the bathroom because it was
filled up too.

Shocked and being a candy ass at the time, I couldn’t understand how any
one could bring this much dope down the sidewalk without getting caught.

Neal says, "Cops man, the cops."

(Later on, I learned from Timmy, Neal’s younger brother, that Colombians
just kill you on sight if they don’t like your looks. "It was an instant
love or hate relationship that usually ended at first sight," says
Timmy. In the early 80’s when Timmy was 15 years old, he was recruited
from Enterprise as a cocaine runner.)

According to Timmy, they would meet their Colombian buddies for weekend
fishing trips starting off at the Flamingo Bar, mid-way down Alligator
Alley in the Everglades. There they would take airboats out to staging
areas and at the predetermined hour, money and cocaine fell from the sky
in army duffel bags.

This 15 year old kid was given a Smith and Wesson 45, a briefcase full
on money, a new Cadillac filled to the brim with cocaine in the trunk
and a map showing the route he must drive to Atlanta. Timmy worked that
circuit for quite a few years--until he started sampling the

Later on Timmy was recruited locally, to load automatic weapons
apparently stolen from Fort Rucker, onto airplanes, and to unload
cocaine over at the Opp-Andalusia area some 45 miles to the west of
Enterprise. Timmy refused to discuss that in detail, because he says the
people involved owned the DEA and were more ruthless than the

My guess is that they were Defense Intelligence Agency guys.

Miami Vice Gets Stung

Back to 1974 in Miami I began to get occasional calls from Cliff. I’d
then go out and shoot the pictures of those divorce case guys actually
screwing around on their wives. Little did I know back then, that those
guys were really Miami Vice cops working narcotics.

Apparently, it must have worked because Cliff had it all figured out,
after I gave him the photos and negatives these guys were invited to his
office for a preview.

After several months, I decided I was to young for prison, and left.

Wise Men Say, "Sampling the Product Will Do Your Ass In!"

Over the next few years I didn’t hear a word from daddy and frankly I
was relieved to be left alone. I minded my own business and kept it that
way until Cliff telephoned from Miami one day and suggested that he
would like to meet the new wife and get together for old times sake. We
decided to get together over that next weekend in Vero Beach at the
Howard Johnson’s Oceanside.

That weekend, Cheryl and I arrived shortly before they did. It was a
different Cliff who wheeled in on a Harley Davidson motorcycle with
Brenda attached, I didn’t know that Cliff was a bike rider, his favorite
used to be a Mercedes. On the bike behind him was his brother Eddie with
wife in tow. Eddie was the publisher for a Scripps Howard newspaper in
Hollywood, Florida, the Sun Tattler.

It was snort, snort and snort all weekend long.

The Law Got Lucky

It never really gripped me until October 1981, when a federal grand jury
in Miami indicted Cliff and several others in operation "Sunburn", for
importing a billion dollars worth of Colombian pot. Back home in
Enterprise everyone was in shock and my dad ranted on about the
indictment being pure horse shit.

Cliff, being the lawyer and mastermind of the group, got word of the
indictments from his federal buddies and he immediately fled the
country, heading south to Columbia. There, from what I’ve been able to
piece together from various DEA and intelligence sources, his business
associates Pablo Escobar and Carlos Lehder put him up in a safe house.

At that time there was no Cartel in Columbia, but there sure as hell was
one in Enterprise. According to former DEA agents Bobby Spencer and John
Kreppine, Cliff and the boys had set up a far-reaching network over the
Southeast U.S.

At one point, they even had a commercial airline flying into Columbia.
Not only did they use army airstrips, one was set up at Cliff’s
father-in-law’s farm at Cottondale, Florida, 40 miles south of
Enterprise, with the Houston County Sheriff’s department flying cover in
helicopters alerting them to snoopy DEA agents.

They were so successful at smuggling dope, I believe that after the
indictments, Cliff turned the whole operation over to Carlos Lehder, who
was also a pilot. They weren’t going to let this shit end, the money was
too easy, everything was in place,and  I’m convinced that there was,
also, a hidden force at play.

Escobar, Lehder and Seal, Inc.

Carlos Ledher was a good pilot, fresh from U.S. prison on car theft
charges at Miami and Chicago, Lehder was pretty much an independent.
During those years in the late 70’s and until 1981 cocaine smuggling was
reserved for false bottom suitcases and condom swallowers.

Minute amounts of the white powder would flow into the country and the
price was sky high. Only the rich and famous could afford it. In the
U.S. things had been put in place to change that, at their 1980
convention, the American Medical Association endorsed cocaine as the
drug of choice to kick the cannabis habit.

The good doctors of America decided that cocaine was not addictive, was
less harmful than that evil cannabis weed, they thought that everyone
trying to kick the habit should switch.

In Columbia, Pablo Escobar, another criminal independent was also
looking for ways to expand and with Cliff’s network already in place all
they needed to do was get some new airplanes and fresh pilots. Now comes
U.S. Intelligence operative Barry Seal, first cousin of the bird, who,
along with Carlos Lehder, flies up to Enterprise shopping for new
airplanes and pilots.

At Ozark, Alabama less than 20 miles from Enterpise, CIA asset Bill
Williams of Southern Aero, supplies the boys with all the all aircraft
they need. Next the pilots are recruited from retired army aviators
living locally at Enterprise, Ozark and Dothan.

And so it was, cocaine began to fly into the area by the ton, "The
Enterprise" began.

Make' em an Offer They Can't Refuse.

In September 1980, at the Ramada Inn of Dothan, I’m introduced to CIA
Director and Vice Presidential candidate George Bush. Ramada Inn owner,
Bob Miller, formerly from Houston makes the introduction. He then turns
around, grabs me by the arm and says, "This is the man who is really
going to be President, not that stupid son of a bitch Ronnie Ray Gun,
you watch what I say, he’s going to make everyone rich."

Thereafter, Vice-President Bush hob-knobbed and rubbed elbows in the
Dothan-Enterprise area. After the November election, he even got Ronnie
to show up there for a Presidential visit and banquet to reward the
locals for their Contra support.

Good Ole Ollie North, personally autographed his picture for my dad long
before that "kiss my ass speech", to Congress. Both Barry Seal and Ollie
loved to hang out there, they were brazen as hell about it, after all
they were above the law.

Two things I’ve always noted since that introduction to Bush: one, that
cocaine lurks in the shadows of his associates. Several days after the
introduction, someone goofed and two Colombian nationals were arrested
by the DEA at Bob’s Ramada Inn with a couple of kilos of coke. But they
just posted large bonds and were promptly taken to the airport for a
flight back to Columbia. They apparently never responded to the letters
requesting them to come back to the U.S., and be prosecuted for the big
bad felony of importing cocaine?

Everybody Lives Happily Ever After

What about Cliff? Three years later, I ran into him, after the United
States forced Columbia to make him leave. He was arrested shortly after
stepping off a flight to meet Brenda and the kids on some Caribbean

On his sentencing for importing a billion dollars worth of dope, he
said, I told that federal judge that I was a disgrace to my legal
profession and my country and very much wanted to make amends to that
and that I was ready to face it."

That judge said "Mr. Wentworth, for your high crimes against the United
States of America, I hereby sentence you to 6 years in a federal
correctional institution, with 5 years and 6 months suspended for
restitution in the amount of twenty five thousand dollars".

Cliff dug deep into his pocket, pulled out a quarter and with that
All-American grin, he flipped it to me, and he was off to serve his time
on the golf courses at Elgin Air Force base.

I never saw him again, he just vanished from the face of this earth,
Brenda, the kids, Eddie and the whole family, gone! No shit – crime must
really pay!

In 1987, Lucy Morgan an investigative reporter for the St. Petersburg
Times, who spent nights with Brenda and the kids when Cliff was on the
lam, told me he was in the witness protection program.

America's Worst Nightmare has Arrived

Cliff and the boys set in motion the most powerful criminal organization
the earth has ever known, one that employs over a million people, is
worth billions, and has its own army, poised to shoot the shit out of
anyone getting in their way.

Today with the support and cover of former U.S. Intelligence officers,
that same operation "The Enterprise", lives on, headquartered at
Enterprise, Alabama, with countless outposts all across America.

That network over the past 18 years has taken complete control over our
so-called democracy.

In the next installment you’ll learn:

--How this gang (the boys) bankrupted the nations savings and loans and
used money from Mena, Arkansas and Enterprise to do it.

--Where they laundry their dirty money and how they waged war against
the entire federal judicial system in 1989-90, murdering federal judges
then stacking the courts with their own people using mail bombs from
"The Enterprise".

--How they bought whole state legislatures, governors, senators and even
a sitting president.

You’ll hear the real CIA names like "Tepper Aviation", and names of
current and past players.

We’ll even show you the corporate records.

You’ll read the story of Beth Lyman a divorced wife of one of their
pilots who testified to a federal grand jury last year. Then you’ll read
about the 5.5 ft rattlesnake deposited in her mailbox.

All these stories, courtesy those of us who talked, and today are
trapped in this hell we call "The Enterprise".

John Burt Caylor.

January 17, 1999

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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