-Caveat Lector-

Again, in the concept of "Free Speech" resides, implicitly,
"responsibility".  The interesting thing about the title of the subject web
site is that it identifies one group of people for whom a bounty has been
posted.  As the article states, "" They maintained that they were merely
collecting data on doctors in hopes that abortion providers, like Nazi war
criminals, could one day be tried for ``crimes against humanity.'' "", the
argument could be made on the other side as well -- the subjects of the
Nurmeberg trials were accused of having it in for a select group of people.
 Nevertheless, it points to the existence of one group conspiring to
eliminate another.  Aside from the current legality of the issue, the
concept of "crimes against humanity" dictated by the web site and its
supporters points to a kind of vigilante-ism that, if allowed, could be
applied to almost ANY group, with the perpetrators   "... crossing through
the names of {{fill in the blank}} who were killed."

>From Wash DC Post

Anti-Abortion Web Site Loses Case

Tuesday, February 2, 1999; 3:18 p.m. EST

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- A federal jury ruled Tuesday that a Web site and
``wanted'' posters listing abortion doctors' names and addresses amounted
to threats.

Damages in the tens of millions were assessed against various defendants.
The verdict could redefine what is considered constitutionally protected
political speech because the anti-abortion materials contained no explicit
threats of violence, only veiled messages, such as crossing through the
names of abortion providers who were killed.

At issue was the ``The Nuremberg Files'' Web site, which lists hundreds of
``baby butchers'' and invites readers to send in such personal details as
their home addresses, license plate numbers and even the names of their
children. The similar Wild West-style posters offered a $5,000 reward for
information about the ``Deadly Dozen'' doctors branded ``Guilty of Crimes
Against Humanity.''

Three times, doctors whose names appeared on the list were killed, most
recently last October when Dr. Barnett Slepian was gunned down by sniper
fire in his home outside Buffalo, N.Y. His name on the Web site was
promptly crossed through.

Throughout the three-week trial, abortion doctors on the list testified
that they lived in constant fear, used disguises, bodyguards and
bulletproof vests, and instructed their children to crouch in the bathroom
if they heard gunfire.

``This is terrorism,'' plaintiffs' attorney Maria Vullo said in closing
arguments, pointing to a timeline of the four doctors and two clinic
workers killed since 1993. ``The message is, `Stop performing abortion or
wear a bulletproof vest.'''

Attorneys for more than a dozen defendants, including the anti-abortion
umbrella group American Coalition of Life Advocates, contended their
clients were peaceful protesters engaged in a vigorous political debate.

They maintained that they were merely collecting data on doctors in hopes
that abortion providers, like Nazi war criminals, could one day be tried
for ``crimes against humanity.'' And they stressed that nowhere in any of
the materials is there a threat to do bodily harm.

But on the stand, defendant Andrew Burnett, publisher of Life Advocate
Magazine, conceded that doctors may have reason to fear the Web site
because of the extent of anti-abortion violence.

``If I was an abortionist,'' he said, ``I would be afraid.''

Defendants had indicated that no matter what the verdict, their tactics
would not change. They also said any monetary award would have nothing more
than a symbolic impact because they have transferred their assets to make
themselves ``judgment-proof.''

The plaintiffs sued under federal racketeering statutes and the 1994
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, which makes it illegal to incite
violence against abortion doctors and their patients.

While the law has been used often against people who have firebombed
clinics or attacked doctors, this case, filed in 1995, was believed to be
the first not to result from a violent confrontation or a direct,
person-to-person threat.

© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press


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