-Caveat Lector-

Source - Richard wrote:

> I still believe many of you on the list have a lot of catching up to do
> regarding the current resurgance of the Neo-nazis and Fascist ideals
> amongst todays society, and hope that we can build a strong, meaningful and
> hopefully effective discussion on this most essential of lists.  Come on CTRL,
> pull your socks up!!!

As, I believe, you do as well. Who do you think is behind this movement
and what is their purpose in pushing it?
   About two years ago I spent a great deal of time studying the
question of whether or not the Holocaust happened as we are taught in
the schools and media. I went at it as neutral as possible, realizing
long before my studies began that we are lied to constantly. In fact, at
the end of my studies I came to the conclusion that the Holocaust was
not truthfully portrayed by our common history books. So, I guess you
might call me a "revisionist". However, the anomalies that had lead many
to doubt the whole genocide story lead me to believe that, in fact, that
the British intelligence had known through their ability to break the
German codes of details of the Holocaust from near its beginning. And, I
believe that this has been one of the reasons why no debate on this
subject is allowed. For it was obvious to me after a while that many
details of the Holocaust which the deniers were bringing out could only
be explained by the fact that British Intelligence had known from the
beginning. I gave a speech at a meeting in Atlanta to a group called
"Americans for Lawful Government" reporting my findings. It was well
received and of those few members who had been leaning towards the
denier's position, most saw the error of their arguments and renounced
them and the rest stopped attending. During my speech I mentioned my
belief that the British Intelligence had known of the systematic
killings. Less then a month later AP verified my belief in the following

 Documents show Britain was
                     aware of Holocaust

                     Secret transcripts follow killings
                     'as they happened'

                     May 19, 1997
                     Web posted at: 11:14 p.m. EDT (0314 GMT)

                     LONDON (AP) -- Winston Churchill
                     and other British leaders knew Nazi
                     Germany was killing Jews from the
                     first massacres in June 1941 to the final
                     concentration camp gassings in 1945,
                     according to intelligence documents released

                     The previously classified transcripts of German
police radio
                     messages, intercepted by British code-breakers,
show senior
                     officials knew where Jews were being killed almost
from day to

                     As Hitler's Third Reich conquered most of Europe
and marched
                     into the Soviet Union, the transcripts document the executions
                     that followed -- some involving just a few Jews and
others tens
                     of thousands.

                     It has long been known that Allied leaders were
aware of the
                     genocide before it became widespread public
knowledge. But the
                     hundreds of pages of documents released Monday suggest
                     senior wartime British officials had more
information about the
                     killing than previously believed.

                                         "What these records reveal is how
                                         much the British knew of the atrocities
                                         as they were happening," said John
                                         Fox, a lecturer in Jewish
history and
                                         Holocaust studies at Jew's
College in

                                         Britain was able to obtain great
                                         amounts of enemy material
because it
                     broke Germany's top-secret code -- nicknamed
Enigma. The
                     information was given only to Churchill and a few senior
                     intelligence officials.

                     Last fall, the U.S. National Security Agency
declassified a
                     handful of documents from the Public Record Office,
the British
                     government's archive.

                     The records, which were loaned to the U.S.
government in 1981
                     to aid in its war crimes investigation, revealed
that the British
                     knew the Nazis were systematically killing Jews in
the Soviet
                     Union as early as June 1941.

                     That was more than a year earlier than previously
                     acknowledged. It was not until December 17, 1942,
that the
                     Allies said they would prosecute Nazis for war
crimes when the
                     war ended.

                     Many historians raised questions about why the
British kept the
                     documents secret. Fox, however, said the British
used the
                     intelligence as evidence of war crimes.

                     "Nobody could do anything about the rescue of Jews
until the
                     Nazi Third Reich was militarily defeated," Fox

                     The 1941 police messages released Monday show the
                     information the British government had about the Holocaust
                     was intimate and detailed.

                     "What we didn't have before is first-hand
documentary detail of
                     the killing -- and the killing is relentless," Fox

                     For example, on July, 18, 1941, Erich von
                     dem Back-Zelewiski, a German police
                     commander in the Soviet republic of
                     Belarus, sent a message saying: "In
                     yesterday's cleansing action in Slonim,
                     carried out by Police Regiment Center,
                     1,153 Jewish plunderers were shot."

                     The newly-released documents also
                     reveal much closer cooperation between Hitler's
elite SS police
                     and regular army forces, the Wehrmacht, in killing
Jews, Fox

                     One file documents the day-by-day deaths in 10 concentration
                     camps in 1942-43, including Auschwitz, Dachau and
                     Buchenwald. On September 7, 1942, it recorded 3,529
deaths at

                     A police message on September 6, 1944 reported a
shortage of
                     Zyklon-B, a gas used to murder Jews, at the
Mauthausen camp.

                     "The figure of executions in my area now exceeds
the 30,000
                     mark," the leader of an SS brigade in central
Russia reported in
                     August 1941.

                     The following July, an SS officer reported on a
"Jew operation"
                     in Ukraine and said, "700, being incapable of work,
were shot."

                     The declassified records also deal with more
mundane matters
                     -- including an order from air force chief Hermann Goering
                     banning "all public dance entertainments." There is
also a report
                     on the Nazi's systematic plundering of art and
cultural objects.

   So now I do not have the single question of whether or not it
happened, but now I have two questions, first: Why did the allies do
nothing about it?
   After the above was released I expected a lot of discussion on the
above question. I did not see any on the major news web sites. Then last
fall I went by the Holocaust Museum in Washington. I went by the library
there to see what they had on this. The librarian knew nothing about it
and even questioned if I might be mistaken. And, I could find nothing in
any of the Journals they carried about this revelation. The second
question, of course, is why not? Something is very fishy about this
whole thing. You would think that there would have been a lot more about
it in the news then, for instance, the Nazi gold in Switzerland. Also,
the documents should set the total number killed much more accurately
then was possible previously. Any ideas?

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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