A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date of December 12, 1998
               The Occult (Secret) Technology of
                     Commercial Imperialism
                   or Business Collectivism?

   By Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research
Perhaps the most persistent and perplexing stimulus to the curiosity of American right-wing
conspiracy researchers has been the seeming contradiction of collectivist sympathies among big
business and banking magnates who one would expect to be individualists. On the "left," the
fascist, corporate state predilections of big businessmen have been long known and researched.
The right, on the other hand, tends to deny the fascist tendencies of big business and instead,
stress the role of big business in fostering communist/socialist societies such as Soviet Russia and
Red China. The "left," of course, is as blind to the big business connection to communism as it is
alert to the big business connection to fascism.
The Project theory postulates that an objective point-of-view exists from which the high echelon
manipulations of big money can be seen as a consistent whole, ie. seen as an artificial technology
of "commercial organism" building and "natural" social organism manipulation that encompasses
the facts and observations of both left and right, but the interpretations of neither. Perhaps, the
key to the puzzle consists in ignoring the classical "individual rights" defense of business and
commercial/capitalism, as invented and propagated by agents of the British East India Company
such as Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, and, instead, viewing business as the art of
consciously building artificial social organisms by harnessing individual self interest through the
artifice of money to the thereby emergent "social organism" or collective designed ultimately to
serve an elite.
Grasping this postulated technology outside the inner sanctum of the conspiracy is at a
rudimentary level. The Occult Technology of Power, reviewed elsewhere in this issue, was
perhaps the first attempt, albeit an a-historical attempt, at adumbrating this technology. The
Occult Technology of Power should be read as a primer.
Most important in researching the concept of  "artificial organism" creation, hereafter "commercial
imperialism", is the study of the British East India Company, by far the most titanic single organ of
commercial imperialism ever launched by the "City" or any other earthly imperialist entity.
Unfortunately, research on the British East India Company is no easy task. Though a few books
exist on this topic, nearly all seem to recount the same dry historical narrative, mostly the military
battles and suppression of various revolts. Somehow, the juicy details about the Company's
founders, the Board of Director's secret committees, major stockholders, Royal sponsors, details
of exploitive practices such as "tax farming" and narcotics traffic, etc, seem to be purposely down
played. Also down played is the extraordinary public antipathy to the Company that ebbed and
flowed in waves over the extraordinary life of the Company. One suspects there is a vast,
forgotten trove of "conspiracy literature", contemporary to the Company that has been lost to
history. Project readers are encouraged to report whatever evidence they nay have of this "lost"
However, even such pro-Establishment accounts as Brian Gardners' The East India Company
who writes-off admitted popular opposition to ignorance and envy, admits that there was
something unfathomable and mysterious in a "private" Company that once governed a major
fraction (1/5) of the world's population! Perhaps his introduction which quotes several other
authors will give Project readers a taste of that mystery:
A government which through might of arms, was the most powerful in Asia: a government, the revenue of hich was greater than that of Britain; a government which ruled over more people than the present government of the United States; a government owned by businessmen, the shares of which were daily bought and sold- As Macaulay said,
'It is strange very strange.' The days of the East India Company seem remote, prodigiously remote, and so they are in every way except in the real passage of time. Even in my own lifetime there were  servants of the Company still alive. Although it receives little attention now, this remarkable institution was a matter for constant comment and controversy not so long ago. It is nearly seventy years fifth of the world's population-
Dr, C. Northcote Parkinson made it seem straightforward enough, in his admirable definition:
 'How was the East India Company controlled? By the Government. What was its object? To collect taxes.  How was this object attained? By means of a large standing army. What were its employees? Soldiers, mostly, the rest, civil servants. Where did it trade to? China. What did it export from England? Courage. And what did it import? Tea!'
That is fair enough. But lurking behind the shelves upon shelves of correspondence in the India Office Library London, with their intricate records of the public company which ruled over territories from St. Helena to Singapore and beyond, there is an ambiance less easy to define and peculiar to the Company, R. H. Mottram expressed it eloquently:
 'There was always something magic, queer, unaccountable about it. Clive knew perhaps what it was. But he died mysteriously and never said what he knew. The facts can always be collected. The ledgers and Minute books are all extant and can be read. Great modern cities, Calcutta, Bombay, even Delhi can be visited. The evidences of the Company lie scattered about Europe and Asia. Yet one has an odd feeling that the Company was not exactly that, and that the attempt to make the East mercantile on the European model ended by altering Europe and leaving the East under the surface, untouched.'
Macaulay, 1833: As quoted in The East India Company: A History by Brian Gardner, 1971, 313
 It is the strangest of all governments, but it is designed for the strangest of all empires.
In William Robert Plumme's eccentric, but valuable path breaker, The Untold History: How the
British East India Company's "Pre-Fabian" Philosophical Radicals Set Up Capitalism and Its
Antithesis Communism ($l5.00 in-stock), we find the following fruitful hypothesis regarding; the
genesis of the "power group" or "social organism" more popularly called "The Anglo-American
Establishment", "The Ruling Class", "The Plot Against the Church", or "The Conspiracy" (p. 19):
 Such high echelons are known as power groups and power groups have desires, intentions, and objectives. . .Power groups are like people in other ways too. They have their inception, their growth maturity, old age, and their death. . .They have their parents and their offspring; they have their brothers and sisters, their cousins marriages, and other relations. The purpose of this essay is to give the story of one such power group, to reveal its parentage and, more particularly, its more important offspring, some of its connections and some of its important personnel. The name of this power group was the English East India Company. Its father was the London Mercers Company, and its grandfather the London Staplers. Prior generations included the commercial banking establishments of northern Italy and of Venice. The line extends back in time through the ancient commercial groups of the Mediterranean to India. Among its uncles were the German Hansa and the Hansa of the Low Countries with its headquarters at Bruges. Among its elder brethren were the Levant Company and the Anglo-Muscovy Company. . .Among the younger brethren of the East India Company were the London Company, Chartered in 1606 to establish the Virginia Plantation on a communistic basis, and the Plymouth Company, Chartered in 1621 which made a similar attempt on the coast of New England... Of the East India Company's offspring, perhaps the most important is the Rockefeller-Standard Oil Empire...(This empire has a siamese twin by the name of Royal Dutch Shell)... On the female side, the English East India Company's relations included various pantheistic, agnostic, and Rosicrucian groups, a number of Christian sects such as the Swedenborgians and, perhaps, of even greater importance, the World Council of Churches. . .deistic groups such as the Unitarians... (As used here, the term male is applied to economic uni  of the apparatus: these provide support for the family. The term female is applied to the cultural units of the apparatus; as the producers and disseminators of the philosophical doctrines of the apparatus at the given moment, they keep order in the house, and perform the self-serving functions of justifying the objectives of the moment).
Regular Project readers know that the Project has adopted Plumme's "power group" idea in
concept and principle, but not in detail. As shown by the above quoted passage, Plumme's
concrete bound concept leads to hopeless complexity. Plumme has confused transitory "fronts" or
"organs" of the conspiracy with the underlying "organism" or "power group", itself. For instance,
the British East India Company was only an organ of the underlying social organism or power
group: The Empire of the City. The "City" itself, as a minor commercial/social organism dates
back to when it was founded as an outpost of Rome. However, its spectacular growth into a
supra-national. world-dominating "Empire of the City" began to gain serious momentum only with
the Tudor era as shown in the August-Sept 1985 Project. A false start not mentioned in that
Project was the 14th Century reign of Edward III (1327-1377 Order of the Garter). That false
start was frustrated by England's failure to win the 100 Years' War with France and follow-up
theologian Wyclif's attempts to break the Vatican's spiritual hold on Britain.
The Project postulates that the "City", as a commercial power organism. had a long period of
infancy or incubation. During that period, lasting approximately from the era of Julius Caesar until
the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, the "City" was more important as an outpost for the ancient
Mediterranean commercial entities and later, for the conspiratorial Hanseatic and Venetian
commercial power organisms, than as an independent power organism in its own right. The
Aug-Sept 1985 Project identified the Venetian, Jewish, and Sufi/Islamic inputs to vitalizing the
Empire of the City during the Tudor era. However, the even more important input from the
Hanseatic League was neglected. Just as the Jewish and Sufi networks, fleeing destruction in the
Spanish and Italian Inquisitions, bestowed their commercial/banking power on the relatively
tolerant, newly Protestant commercial ground of the "City" of London, so the commercial power
of the ancient Hanseatic League fell to the insular "City" during religious disputes and, finally, 30
Year War that devastated Northern Germany (not Prussia), the home ground of the Hanseatic
The Untold History by Plumme is still available:
Untold History: How the British East India Company's "pre-Fabian" Philosophical Radicals
Set-up Capitalism and Its Antithesis Communism
by William Robert Plumme
Published 1964, 290 pages, Paperback, Price $15.00 + $3.95 Postage and Handling 
Another cache of this rare paperback has been discovered allowing us to, once again, offer the
original edition published by the eccentric author. Seminal thoughts on the world's most
important power organism and its relatives.
                On-Line or "Snail" Mail Orders http://www.msen.com/~lloyd/order.html
East India Company: A History
by Brian Gardner
Out-of-Print Hardcover Published 1986, 319 pages, Price $24.00 + $3.95 Postage and Handling
Establishment history of the key institution of the British Empire--A Crown sponsored artificial
"commercial organism" that approached nation status.
                On-line or "Snail" Mail Orders http://www.msen.com/~lloyd/order.html
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Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
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