Some words to the wise?

From: "Sean O'Callaghan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi folks,

Honest guv....I'm not trying to stifle debate.  Believe me, the healthy
debates we have here ensure the list's liveliness and freshness, but I have
been a tiny bit concerned lately that one or two issues were taking on a
more " personal " tone and this often leads to a bit of " tit for tat "
which can be tedious for those not caught up in the topic.  I have sent
many emails and instantly regretted sending them; there is an immediacy
about email correspondence which means that you often don't think through
the issues and the effects.  I like what  Makarios writes at the end of
his/her posts " Contemplare et contemplata aliis tradere "... "to
contemplate and to give the fruits of that contemplation to others"  Just a
little bit more thought sometimes might avoid misunderstandings because as
someone wrote just this morning, too much of an all out frontal attack can
make some people afraid to contribute lest they be subjected to any kind of
ridicule.  This happens very rarely, but it is good to remind ourselves to
just be on the look-out for any signs of it,

Best wishes,


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