-Caveat Lector-

Very good. Gavin.

<< Well, latest word is that NBC News has killed the Juanita
 Broaddrick interview because the White House didn't want you to
 see it.

   What lesson do we learn from that?

   We learn that NBC News, when push comes to shove, isn't really
 in the news business. It's in the news suppression business. It's
 big lie is to make you think you know what's going on, while
 making certain you do not. NBC News is, in short, a propaganda
 organ, building it's credibility with news that nobody cares to
 suppress, so that you will believe that they have told you all
 you need to know, and that all that they tell you is the truth.

    But it isn't.

   Most people are already aware of the famous truck bombing
 incident, in which NBC News, to illustrate a story about the
 supposed dangers of side mounted fuel tanks on GM trucks, rigged
 such a truck with explosives to explode when it was struck by a
 test vehicle.

   Remember when the plane carrying Ron Brown crashed? The evidence
 indicates on board electrical failure. But the government wanted
 you to think that the plane crashed in "the worst storm in a
 decade", so that's what NBC told you. That the storm didn't
 actually exist was irrelevent to the job NBC had to do.

   Then there was the notorious "stolen incubator" story, in which
 a Kuwaiti nurse reported that invading Iraqi troops were looting
 incubators from the Kuwaiti hospitals and leaving premature
 babies to die. The story was phony, concocted by PR firm Hill &
 Knowlton, and the nurse wasn't even a nurse but the daughter of a
 high Kuwaiti government official. NBC, who had the resources in
 the mideast to check the story, didn't bother. They ran the story
 as straight news. The government wanted you to think that the
 Iraqi were stealing incubators, to make you angry enough to
 accept without question a war, and NBC went right along with it.

   It's mind control. The government wanted you angry, so Hill &
 Knowlton concocts a fairy tale which will make you angry and NBC
 (and the other networks) fed it to you, disguised as news. And if
 you take that one step further, you will realize that if the
 government and the media have to concoct a fairy tale reason to
 justify a war, then the real reasons for the war were something
 the American public were not going to approve of. Look at Desert
 Storm's real result. At a time of a world wide oil glut, 1/3 of
 the mideast's oil was suddenly (and permanently) off of the
 market. Supply went down, and market forces kept prices from
 dropping any further. Profits were protected. But NBC didn't
 bother reporting that to you.

   Then there was TWA 800. When James Sanders had a lab analyse
 the strange red residue found near the hull breach of the 747,
 the NTSB and FBI assured everyone that a NASA lab test had
 confirmed that the red residue was seat glue. NBC reported that.
 But when the scientist, Dr. Charles Bassett, swore under oath
 that his tests did NOT produce the results the FBI and NTSB had
 claimed they did, NBC was silent. You, the sheep, are not
 supposed to know that the government lies to you. Just as you're
 not supposed to know that we may have a rapist (and drug user) in
 the Oval Office. NBC doesn't want you to know what's really gong
 on. They don't want you to think about anything too hard. You
 might, God forbid, miss those commercials!

   Let's talk about Vince Foster. NBC was in the forefront of
 those reporting that Vince Foster had committed suicide. Yet when
 the official FBI records surfaced proving fraud in the
 manufacturing of Lisa Foster's identification of the gun,
 evidence which has since helped land the FBI in Federal Court,
 NBC was not interested in it. I know, I personally delivered this
 info to NBC News Burbank, and they were quite rude in asking me
 to leave. Then there was the discovery in the National Archives
 of Dr. Haut's signed report which confirmed eyewitness testimony
 about a bullet wound to Foster.s neck. Did you see NBC carry
 that? No, of course not. The government didn't want you to see
 that, so you didn't.

   In a culture immersed in the mass media, reality is what is
 seen on TV. Many people still dismiss out of hand any concept or
 idea that has not appeared on the mainstream news.  To them,
 having surrendered their own perceptions to the group-think,
 Foster MUST have committed suicide, because that's what NBC News
 told them.

 Mind control.

   NBC News gives you only that information which will cause you
 to decide for yourself exactly what the government wants you to
 think. That Foster killed himself. That 150+ witnesses on Long
 Island all hallucinated a missile striking down TWA 800. That we
 were perfectly justified in shutting down Iraq's oil production
 (and should be damned proud to be paying higher gas prices as a
 result). That the President is an okay guy, and see we have these
 here polling numbers to prove it. That there wasn't any cocaine
 at Mena.

   Of course, state-directed media only works if the people don't
 know it's state-directed. They have to be convinced that the
 media is a "watchdog" on government abuse so that when media
 ignores crimes by high government officials, the public,
 conditioned since birth with a religeous obeiscence to TV, will
 ignore them as well. Only those issues that TV declares to be
 issues will arouse the passions of the people. Clubbed baby
 seals, or some other "feel good" distraction. As Shakespeare
 wrote, it is the task of rulers to give their subjects something
 to think about, lest they think about the wrong things.

   Mind control.

   State-directed media, in order to be effective, must be a
 monopoly. No dissenting media may be allowed, which is why the
 laws which formerly protected a diversity of ownership of the
 media were repealed when Clinton first took office, and all media
 in this country is under the control of just 15 people. This is
 also the reason behind the mainstream media's constant attacks on
 the internet, which include the planting of false stories by
 their agents for the express purpose of making the internet look,
 if perhaps no worse in accuracy than the mainstream media, at
 least no better.


   That the media is controlled directly by the government is
 known. The CIA, decades ago, initiated OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD,
 with the intent of placing CIA assets into the top management
 positions of all the mainstream media.  MOCKINGBIRD was launched
 by Frank Wisner, and it's first director in the late 40s was
 Philip Graham, then publisher of the Washington Post. In the
 book, "Katherine the Great", writer Deborah Davis reports that by
 the late 50s, Wisner (then working for Allen Dulles) had direct
 control of almost 500 assets in the media, placed in management
 positions at Newsweek, TIME, and CBS, and 20 other major news
 providers. Including, of course, NBC News.

 More about MOCKINGBIRD at

 More about media lies at

    The good news is that NBC's ham handed cancellation of a story
 "everybody" (as Congressman Chris Cannon put it) knows NBC was in
 possession of, has opened the eyes of America. Even that
 dwindling minority of people without access to the internet know
 NBC has killed a story that the public should have been allowed,
 indeed needed, to see. The foreign press, even that of our
 supposed friend Great Britain, are having a field day with this,
 laughing at the sillyness of Americans. They shake their heads at
 us, even as we once shook our heads at the citizens of the former
 Soviet Union, and wonder how it is that they did not see the
 scale of the lies under which they lived.

    NBC has revealed itself to be a government and corporate
 propaganda organ, one that Hitler or Stalin would be proud of.

   But, like Hitler and like Stalin, NBC News has outlived it's
 usefullness. State controlled media loses it's effectiveness if
 the public knows it's state controlled. Nobody trusts a liar once
 it's known they are a liar. This is why total viewership of the
 network news is in serious decline while internet memberships are
 doubling every three months.

   But, "for the encouragement of the others", it's time to teach
 NBC that the public does not like being lied to. Suffer not liars
 to prosper in your midst.  Boycott NBC. Call NBC's sponsors and
 announce you are boycotting their products. Sell your GE stock.

   Contact information for NBC, their affiliates, and most
 importantly, their sponsors can be found at the "Boycott NBC"
 website at  http://web.wt.net/~stidham/
 Mike & Claire - The Rancho Runnamukka http://www.accessone.com/~rivero/
 Clinton doing cocaine in the White House?

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