-Caveat Lector-

S O M E T H I N G   S T R A N G E   I S   H A P P E N I N G


Quote of the Week

"Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
   --Mark Twain


Rant of the Week: “a flying craf of your own”

Every week we pick the wackiest, scariest, nastiest or funniest rant from the
hundreds of letters received by us here at ParaScope headquarters, and present
it to you as our Rant of the Week. This week, “Infinity Mike” offers us a line
on a complete database full of plans on one of those flying craft. Enjoy.

"Let them have the land! Who cares, you'll never get to see how the craft work
that way. Why expose them anyway? Aren't you really after plans for a flying
craft of your own? I have plans for every and any. I don't sell plans. May
build for someone I think can be trusted however. And if your intentions are
the same as my own, I may even show you plans for more. Complete database. You
will not share this with anyone wishing to expose it for idiots fighting for
some lost cause."

"Subjects covered: unified theory solved; why are there sets of 3 lights?;
force conversion; endless free energy anywhere in space; exactly how anti
gravity; and even dematerialization work; more...."


All rants are printed “as is,” with spelling and grammar goofs left
uncorrected. Some rants may be edited for brevity or clarity, to the extent
such a thing is possible. If you’ve got a rant you’d like to share, send it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with “possible rant” in the subject line of your letter.


Coming Up This Week!

Catch a number of great stories this week on the ParaScope web and AOL sites,
including daily updates to our Conspiracy Newsline and Daily Dose features.
Among the articles you'll want to check out:

The Media and the Supernatural

For many scientists and skeptics, distortion of facts and information in media
portrayals of the paranormal and pseudoscience has reached critical
proportions. Too often, mysterious forces eclipse rational explanations, if
such explanations are even offered at all. But is there empirical evidence
that portrayals of the paranormal really do have an influence on what people
believe? Does the media have a responsibility to maintain balanced reporting?
In a report from Skeptical Inquirer Electronic Digest, CSICOP's Matt Nisbet
and Tom Genoni summarize the proceedings at a recent conference entitled
"That's Entertainment! Hollywood, the Media and the Supernatural," hosted by
CSICOP and the Council for Media Integrity.


Gary Webb Speaks on CIA/Contra/Crack Connection


It's an issue that continues to boil beneath the surface. The CIA allowed
drugs to be smuggled by its covert operatives into the United States. They
KNEW about it. And they did NOTHING to stop it. But thanks to investigative
journalists like Bob Parry and Gary Webb, the story got out. When Webb's "Dark
Alliance" series was released on the Internet, the scandal exploded like a
Molotov cocktail. But three years later, we're still fighting to get all the
answers from a government that would prefer to sweep the whole thing under the
rug. In January, Webb held a question-and-answer session on the
CIA/contra/crack scandal, and ParaScope was there. Get a complete text
transcript of the event, sound clips, photos and more in this special report,
and find out what you can do to press the government for straight answers.


1977 MKULTRA Senate Report


Our latest addition to ParaScope's Documents Library: "Project MKULTRA, the
CIA's Program of Research in Behavior Modification." You can now read online
the full report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's June 1977
hearing on the CIA's notorious MKULTRA mind control program. Testimony,
document transcripts and image scans, and a document-specific keyword search
feature. You won't find this one anywhere else online. Who loves ya, baby?!


CIA's UFO Secret

Secrets on the ground, secrets in the skies. The Central Intelligence Agency
has had plenty of both over the years. Now a declassified CIA history report
adds detail to last year's startling revelation: the government lied about
early UFO reports to conceal its top secret overhead reconnaissance programs.
Was the U-2 spy plane the CIA's real UFO secret? Dossier editor Jon Elliston
opens the files in search of the facts.


UFO Roundup


UFOlogy news and sighting reports from around the world: "Chupacabra" strikes
again in Puerto Rico; green fireball sighted in Honolulu; "mystery boom"
rattles central Delaware; daylight disc videotaped in northern Ireland; UFO
flap spreads across Italy; unknown threat puts Cassini probe in "safe mode";
lots more news.


Conspiracy Newsline


USAF airman faces court-martial for refusing Anthrax vaccination which some
fear may be linked to Gulf War Syndrome; trial begins for defendants charged
with murdering a disabled black man by dragging him behind a pickup truck in
Jasper, Texas; Pope takes the Pepsi challenge as Vatican allows papal imagery
on billboards and potato chip bags to fund visit to Mexico and the U.S.; lots
more news.

...All this, and much, much more!


Jane, Stop This Crazy Thing!

Thought you were tough enough to handle the Dispatch and now you realize
you're not? Starting to think you've made a wrong turn off the info highway?
Well, we're only going to go over this once, so listen up!

To unsubscribe yourself from Dispatch:

1) Send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2) In the body of your mail, type: unsubscribe dispatch

That's all there is to it!

Likewise, to subscribe:

1) Send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2) In the body of your mail, type: subscribe dispatch


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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