From the Offices of:  Rumor Mill News Agency
"The Uncensored National Rumor"

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                     Will FOXNews Run the
                    Juanita Broderick Story?

Tuesday 02.02.99 RMNews  RMNews sent the following
fax to Matt Drudge on January 28th:

Subj: Is it true that FOX is going to run with the Broderick
Date:     1/28/1999


One of my friends in Chicago just told me that he learned
from his sources in WDC that FOXNEWS is talking to
Juanita Broderick.

Is this true? Who would conduct the interview?

It should be you!

Can you check on this?

Ru Mills

Today the Drudge Report ran the following article:


White House spokesman Joe Lockhart personally warned a
news network on Tuesday  not to air a story on Juanita
Broaddrick, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

The development comes two weeks after Broaddrick sat for
an exclusive in-depth  interview with NBC NEWS reporter
Lisa Myers -- an interview that NBC NEWS  executive have
determined is not fit for air.

FOX NEWS CHANNEL on Tuesday evening ran with a story
about the interview and  questions swirling around NBC

According to network sources, earlier in the day, Lockhart
called FOX NEWS  CHANNEL's White House correspondent
and warned him not to pursue the story.

"You guys will regret this," Lockhart told the reporter.
"Clinton haters have  been putting this story out for a decade
now, as far back as the '92 campaign."

Lockhart warned: "If you go with the story after NBC NEWS
decided not to there  won't be any argument about whether
FOX NEWS is right wing or not."

Meanwhile, Lisa Myers has been told by management not to
comment on her spiked  interview with Broaddrick.

Over the weekend, Broaddrick told an confidant that she is
now deeply  disappointed in NBC, a network she says
"hounded" her for nine months to get the  interview and is
now giving her the run-around.

"It had been very painful to relieve the experience which she
had buried deep  down for years," says a source. "But she
thought she could clear it up once and  for all and make the
media go away with a one-time only statement."

"Now she's in an even worse fix -- calls, e-mails and people
driving by all the  time. NBC seems like its protecting the
president, and she feels used after  eight hours under the kleig
lights with them."

NBC NEWS Washington bureau chief Tim Russert was hit
was a "Jane Doe" Tuesday on  the IMUS IN THE MORNING
radio show.

As captured by HOTLINE:
Imus: "So, are you people at NBC News sitting on this Lisa
Myers interview with  Juanita Broaddrick?"

Russert: "This is one of the most amazing stories that I've ever
been involved  in, because it just hit the internet, and hit talk
radio. The answer is very  simple. If we honestly had a
buttoned-up bombshell, we would go with it in a  flash. That's
what we do for a living, and every time you're involved in a
story, this one or any other story, who, what, where, why. And
when you lock up  all those various corroborations, you go
with the story. If you don't, you don't  go with it. There are
four or five stories we're working on, Lisa Myers has led  the
way in her coverage of this entire episode. And, believe me,
if and when we  lock up a story, we'll go with it. If we don't,
we won't."

On if a tape of the Myers/Broaddrick interview exists: "I'm
not going to get  into where we are. It's a work in the process,
about a whole lot of things."

But last week, one NBC insider told the DRUDGE REPORT:
"The story is done, our  investigation is over! I challenge
anyone to point out the holes in Lisa's  piece."

Russert neglected to point out that Myers first reported details
of Broaddrick's  story last March 28 on NBC NIGHTLY
NEWS, just days before the Paula Jones case  was dismissed.

[MYERS: "The explosive new allegation tonight is that
President Clinton sexually  assaulted a woman 20 years ago
in Arkansas. It involves an alleged encounter at  this Little
Rock hotel in the late 1970s, between then Attorney General
Bill  Clinton and campaign worker, Juanita Broaddrick. In
court documents today, Paula  Jones' lawyers claim Clinton
quote 'forcibly raped and sexually assaulted'  Broaddrick, then
quote "bribed and intimidated her" to remain silent. Sources
say that Broaddrick, now 54, recently denied under oath that
such an assault  occurred. But Jones' lawyers claim she had
told their investigator she had  suffered a quote 'horrible thing'
at the hand of Clinton, and did not want to  relive it. And
NBC NEWS has talked to four people from Arkansas who say

Broaddrick told them of such an assault years ago."]
FOX NEWS CHANNEL's Rita Cosby, in a story that aired on
Tuesday night, expanded  on many of the details first reported
by Myers.

COSBY: "The alleged assault occurred when Broaddrick was
at a nursing home  conference at this Little Rock hotel 21
years ago. At the time, Bill Clinton was  Arkansas's state
attorney general and running for governor. Sources say he was
suppose to meet her in a conference room, but at the last
minute he switched the  location to a hotel room. A friend of
Broaddrick's who attended the conference  saw her right after
the alleged assault. Norma Kelsey told FOX NEWS that
Broaddrick said she had been assaulted by Clinton. Quote,
"She was hysterical,"

Kelsey said. "Her lip was blue and bleeding, and her hose
were severely torn in  the crotch area." Three other close to
Broaddrick, say Broaddrick gave them  similar accounts. But
Kelsey says Broaddrick told her never to tell anyone about
what happened in the hotel because she didn't want any
publicity and feared she  would be blamed because she let
him in her room."

 RMNews--  In the article we released last Friday, we noted
that Vernon Jordan is a friend of Robert Strauss, the former
Democratic National Chair and reigning Democratic elder. In
1996, RMNews was told that Robert Straus and a group of ten
elders from the Democratic Party had approached President
Clinton and asked him to step down for the good of the Party.
Clinton refused.

     Our number one Source  faxed us a note which said
"Watch Strauss". Within moments of receiving the fax,
FOXNews ran a story about Vernon Jordan which showed
him walking down the street with Robert Strauss. It said
Straus had been a mentor for Jordan for years.

     RMNews connected the dots and decided that Vernon
Jordan was going to be  given the green light by Democratic
elders to tell the whole truth today in his deposition before the
Senate Impeachment Trial. From the scanty news reports that
have been released, it appears that Jordan told the truth and
filled in more pieces of the puzzle for the House Managers,
who are acting as prosecutors in the Senate Impeachment

     Today, Vernon Jordan testified in a closed door
session at the Capitol. He was questioned by House Manager
Asa Hutchinson in a taped deposition. According to news
reports which have been publicized, Jordan did give new
information which is damaging to the President. Because of
the Senate rules covering the release of information given in
the taped depositions, no hard information has been released
as yet. The information that is being put out so far is only

     However, if Jordan went forward and told the truth, it
appears that he could be indicted and charged with perjury. If
Jordan is being protected by powers behind the scenes, he
may very well implicate the President in obstruction of

     Below is part of the article which was released last
Friday. RMNews still believes that a deal will be cut soon, but
because there are so many variables in this case, it is still too
soon to predict what the deal will be.

          The Many Plots Behind the Impeachment Trial
                     "Watch Robert Strauss"

Friday 01.29.99 RMNews This morning, after four weeks
of no communications, an RMNews Source left us a two
word message. All it said was, "Watch Strauss"......

A Deal Must Be Cut, What Will It Be?

A deal will be cut. What it  will be is not known. What we
know now is listed below:

1. Vernon Jordan is being coached by Robert Strauss, who
believes that Clinton is the worst thing that has ever
happened to the Democratic Party.

2. Sources in Washington have told CNNS sources that
Sidney Blumenthal may become Bill Clinton's John Dean.
Sidney Blumenthal is not a member of Bill Clinton's inner
circle, he works for Hillary.

3. The latest New York polls show that Hillary is a shoo-in
for the Senate seat being vacated by Senator Moynihan.
Hillary wants to be free to run for this Senate seat. She
can't do this if she is tied to a wounded, lame duck,
impeached President.

4. Ken Starr is ready to send Webb Hubbell and his wife to
prison for income tax evasion. He is doing this because he
knows Webb Hubbell can give him the information he
needs to indict and convict Hillary in the White Water
matter. Ken Starr really needs a major conviction in the
White Water matter. He wants to indict Hillary.

5. Juanita Broderick, the woman who says Bill Clinton
raped her twenty years ago, is now ready to tell her story.
She told it to NBC, but NBC is sitting on the story.
RMNews was told yesterday, 01.29.99, that Broderick was
now negotiating with FOX NEWS to tell the story.
RMNews sent an email to Matt Drudge alerting him to this
news. Today's Drudge Report stated that Juanita Broderick
is now negotiating with another news network to get the
story out. When her full story of the rape, the bribes, the
coercion and threats becomes clear to the American people,
the polls will turn against the President.

6. RMNews alerted its readers months ago that the whole
Lewinsky episode was a bloodless coup to remove the
President in the same way that a "bloodless coup" removed
President Nixon. According to CNNS, Representative John
Conyers has accused fellow Democrats of conspiring to
cover up a "Bloodless conspiracy to remove the President".

7. If Clinton doesn't resign, the following will happen:
    A. The Broderick story will come out.
    B. Webb Hubbell will roll over on Hillary to save his
wife from prison.
    C. Hillary will be indicted, which may or may not end
her bid for the Senate, but it will complicate her run.
    D. Sidney Blumenthal will be given the final green light
to go ahead and dump on the President
    E. Vernon Jordan will be told to tell the truth

Since this article was written last Friday, two of five
predictions have happened.

   1. Vernon Jordan went before the House Managers and in
a taped deposition it appears he told the truth. This may see
him indicted for perjury. If he is, will he implicate Clinton
in obstruction of justice?

   2. FOXNews has run with an outline of the Juanita
Broderick story. Matt Drudge just ran a story which stated
that the White House was warned not to pursue the
Broderick story. Since Fox has opened up the story on
major media, it appears that other networks will probably
follow suit.

     It is still to be seen if Webb Hubbell cuts a deal with
Starr to keep him and his wife out of prison. If he talks to
keep out of prison, then Ken Starr will have the evidence to
proceed with an indictment of Hillary on the Whitewater

     Wednesday will show what path Sidney Blumenthal
will walk.

     One other note of interest. In the article that was
sent out last Friday, RMNews added a note of interest
regarding Senator Al D'Amato of New York. One of our
sources had stated back in October of 1996 " that D'Amato
was so crooked that the pressure being put upon him by the
Clintonistas have made him look like a corduroy pretzel."

     Today, D'Amato, the former Senator from New
York, was introduced as a FOXNews contributor.

     All RMNews articles are sent to Bill O'Reilly at
FOXNews. It appears to me that someone at FOX is reading
our articles!!

     On a similar  note regarding FOXNews. RMNews
was one of the first news sources to publish an article on
the murder of Princess Diana. This article was picked up by
many newspapers and websites. The article was also quoted
in three books.
     One of the newspapers in England ran our headline
as their headline: "WHO CONTROLS DIANA,
     Shortly after this newspaper article was published,
FOXNews ran a picture of the headline, which was the
original RMNews headline. They used our headline as a
backdrop for their story on the "Conspiracy Theories
Surrounding Diana's Death."

 Here is the link for that original RMNews story:
 <A HREF=""></A>

The original  RMNews story about Princess Diana has
been turned into a book. It will be released
March 1st. Here is the link to the page that describes it:
 <A HREF="">Rayelan's Page</A>

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