-Caveat Lector-

One writes:

The Drug War is marketed as the only way to "save our children." Yet,
years into the most protracted and expensive experiment in Prohibition in
history, illicit drugs are more available on the streets, on our
and in our school yards than ever. What are the real consequences of
disastrous policies? Click on any topic at right to learn more about
gone wrong, and how we can fix it.

Prohibition is the problem. You can be part of the solution. Join DRCNet
today, and SAY NO to the Drug War -- your voice makes a difference.
   drug-related HIV/AIDS and needle exchange
kids and the drug war
chronic pain management
people of color and the drug war
drug treatment
medicinal marijuana
more coming soon!
Why not make robbery, rape and murder legal.
Because those are crimes against persons...I am arguing for
decriminalizing victimless crimes...
When women are raped by those in a stupor
When people are killed in wrecks by those in a stupor
When dopers are in a stupor robbing and killing people
are there no victims?
It is not legal to be drunk and drive?

Of course it is illegal to be drunk and driving but
after one becomes drunk, they get in a stupor and their
logic/fears/reflexes are lost. Their fear of being caught
drunk or doped up .. their common sense is lost...
so because it was legal for them to get drunk, they
got in a stupor and because they got in a stupor
*  It cost the rest of us money out of our pockets to pay
   for their stupor.
*  It cost injury and death to thousands of innocent each
    year for their right to be in a stupor.

                             Victimless crimes?
*  Tell me why non drunks have to pay billions of dollars
    for extra cops to catch and lock up drunks (who are involved
   in legal dope)
*  Tell me why innocent people killed by drunks aren't victims?
*  Tell me why the families of innocent victims are not victims of

Legal drunks ... Legal dope users .... so then the government
makes their slaughter, assaults, rapes legal ?
Most rapes, etc., are NOT done by drunks...or by dope users...
Duh, did you miss 48 hours last week. What amount of rapes
did they reveal happened while the pervert was in a stupor?

and the statistics on all the criminals in prison, 80% of them
were stupid on booze/dope when they committed their crimes.
So you ARE arguing for reinstution of Prohibition, aren't you?  Just come
out and admit it.
NO, prohibition could never work in a government in which the politicians
are mob bosses on the take.
The only way prohibition would ever work is by having the death penalty
for drunks/dope users and the death penalty for those who get rich
With in a year there would be about 2000 executions and after perverts
knew they could not get away with it or buy their way out of it, it would
almost non existent.
After that time the perverts would stop killing themselves and innocent
With in 10 years there would be over 15 times more lives saved than those
NO, I am not stupid enough to think it will ever happen in a corrupt
in which the perverts have their rights at the loss of the rights of the
I know innocent people will never have their rights in America, I only
point out
that perverts and their bleeding hearts are an evil force in an evil

It does not matter that it will not be changed, establishing the faces of
the evil
is my only point.
"Making dope legal will stop crime"

                                         Double Duh
Booze is legal and on the cop videos and in our newspapers we see
grocery stores broken into, we read about people being killed by
drunks who are just getting enough money to get drunk.
How do they know that the crimes were done by those who are alcoholics?
Because they admitted to that reason, because they were caught stealing
booze, because the muggers beating/killing their victims were drunks/dope
users who were not robbing to by a tv, fix their car or to send money to
They beat and rob victims in order to get their next stupor.
They were stupid on dope or booze while committing their crimes !

How do I know, because that is what the FACTS state.
they wouldn't have to do if heroin, etc., were available CHEAPLY to them
via a government program...
We'd also cut down on the incidencense of diseases which are spread via
the sharing of needles...
Take a look at the documentary on needle park and see what a crock this

Who is going to pay for the government doctors, offices and dope...
Heh Heh ... yeah I have the transcript about needle park. It showed
a place where people were allowed to have all the dope they wanted
and after about 7 years ago, they went back. 73% of them are now
Perhaps.  But at least the programs got them off the streets, and stopped
them from committing crimes against the public, and now the park is a
safe place for families to bring their children.
Yeah, it is save now because they got rid of all the dope users.

Giving someone money so they won't assault or kill us? Sound like
The last program that got them off the streets is a government dope
in which innocent tax payers are forced to supply them with dope, doctors
and medical buildings "so they are safe"

Imagine that, me giving money to a dope user so they won't mug, rob or
kill me
or my family.
               Me being forced to pay taxes to keep a stooge in a stupor.

                                       Listen to yourself.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but one must first have one.

As for the government supplying dope users with dope ... Yeah
imagine that, me paying tax money to the government to keep
dope users stupid on drugs.
You're paying big tax money for a 'war on drugs' which isn't working...
why not institute a program which has been demonstrated to SAVE the tax
payer money in the long run
Heh Heh, make me prez and the government will become a dope pusher.
We will pass a law that makes it legal to sell poison dope.
As the government decides innocent babies do not have the right to live,
the government can decide dope users don't have the right to live.
We will make it legal to put poison in any dope and after the idiots
dropping like flies.. just think "how much tax money we will save in the
long run".

You (liberals) want to pay to support the drug habits of dope users, fine
then register with the government and we are willing to let you set up an
area of the country where your dope users can live and YOU liberals
can pay to support the dope user's habits.

I am quite willing to allow liberals to have THEIR WAY as long as they
willing to take THE RESPONSIBILITY of their own wishes.

We know being drunk and driving is illegal but after someone becomes
or doped up, they get in a stupor and do not give a damn about what is

*  Would you want your parents to be in a plane with a dope using pilot?
*  Would you let your a dope user be the driver of your kid's school bus?
*  Do you like to be around drunks or dope users or do you think they are
    stupid bastards?
*  Would you want your son or daughter marry a dope user?
*  If your option was to have dope users or non dope users working for
    you, which would you chose?
*  Would you allow your kids to play in a park that dope users hang out
*  Would you want any of your loved ones in the hospital where the
     were druggies?
*  Would you want to have crack users driving on the roads?
*  Would you want your kid's teachers to be dope users?

The test of a dirt bag is finding out if they have different standards
for others
than they have for themselves.
What do you say loud mouth liberals, would you be willing to have your
families put in these situations if you could stop it?

No,no,no!  You forget his post regarding locking up all us 'supporters'
of drunks/dopers in some sort of concentration camp with the actual
substance abusers....
No, no, no! my post suggest either

*  Quick execution of perverts
*  Liberals and perverts having their own region where the liberals take
   on the cost of taking care of the perverts they defend.
*  Liberals taking on the total financial cost created by perverts.

No I don't want to lock you up and pay to keep you, nor am I stupid
enough to
think any of these things will ever happen.
      Imagine submitting to the extortion of perverts to save money.
Imagine that, the American people supplying perverts with dope so they
will not beat, rob or kill their families

    Dope users, homosexuals, whores, drunks, gamblers ...
                    Every segment of society who
1)  Forces others to pay for their perverted acts.
2)  sickens
3)  injures
4)  terrorizes
5)  kills innocent people


I only point out that the bleeding hearts who protect and fraternize with
enemy of the innocent segment of society is no knight in shinning armor,
LIBERALS  are cock roaches who ARE THE ENEMY
of the innocent/decent segment of society !


Let's do this ... find all the dope/booze/whore/homosexual supporting
All of you agree on some nice part of the country where you would like to
live and migrate to your mecca of perverts.
Let them run free or you pay for the cops to control them, you pay for
the doctors,
hospitals and dope to keep them happy. (no moralist allowed)

Let the self righteous moralist chose their part of the country where
can migrate to and have their area to themselves ... with out any fear,
death ... with no perverts allowed.

You and your family live in the middle of the perverts you defend and we
and our
families live in the middle of the self righteous moralist. You pay for
all the cops
and medical cost of your people and we do the same.

We can never come into your territory and you can never come into ours.
If our kids decide to join you they can and if your kids decide to join
us, they
                                    What do you say?

Let us do this ... Liberals support the rights of perverts so let all
liberals register
as supporters of pervert rights.
Let some government agency figure the amount of taxes paid for extra
aids research, aids medicines, aids homes, jails, hospitals ...
Let the government figure all cost caused by pervert rights.

Now all liberals support the rights of perverts so let the liberals pay
for all taxes
needed to pay for the acts of the perverts.
ONLY you want it, so ONLY you pay for it ...


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