-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, nessie wrote:

> A guy I know from  <bbs.sfbg.com> says:
> >I'd say, "Respondeant ipsi equites". Others might tweak the word order.
> Thanks for asking!!

Yes, that's much better. Thanks.

> >Hope your listmate likes his answer. Why in heaven did he need it?

It's from "Knights of the Roundtable" in CNNS 2/3/99, where the
philosopher advises to "Let the knights themselves make answer."
It seemed like such good advice that I decided I'd codify it
into a basic principle (something handy to respond to critics.)

e.g. typical critic: "And what about this? And how about that?"

CNNS: "Respondeant ipsi equites." (Let the knights themselves
make answer.)

Here's the original article (attached) which has at the close
the philosophers good advice.


(CNNS, 02/03/99) -- In a  stunning development, a person or group
of persons connected  with  a  "Round  Table"  has  promoted  the
accusation  that  this  news  service  may  itself  be  part of a

The  keen eyes of the Round Table penetrated beyond what had been
covered in the CNNS press  release  dated Feb. 2, 1999 ("Parallel
Universe Entered"), and focused their attention instead  on  what
had  =not=  been  covered.   By  use  of this "negative template"
method, the Knights of  the  Round  Table uncovered missing facts
which have raised serious questions in some quarters.

The  "negative  template"  method  has previously been used by at
least one other researcher:   Peter  Dale Scott, in his excellent
book, "Deep Politics And  The  Death  Of  JFK."   In  that  book,
Professor  Scott (U of C, Berkeley) gives an example on how names
missing from  a  Justice  Department  list  piqued his awareness:
"...for a name to be missing from the Justice Department list was
itself a lead, fallible to be sure, that the [missing] name might
turn out to be that of a significant figure..."  [*Deep  Politics
and  the  Death  of  JFK*.   Berkeley:   University of California
Press, 1993. ISBN: 0-520-08410-1.]

Yes, the Round Table  Knights  admit,  the CNNS report, "Parallel
Universe Entered," does mention names such as  Gary  Sick,  Jimmy
Carter,  Sidney  Blumenthal,  and  Vernon  Jordan.  But, note the
Knights piercingly, the CNNS  article  FAILS TO MENTION that "all
are Council on Foreign Relations members."

And the Knights wonder:   Why  has  CNNS neglected to mention the
possibility that the ongoing scandal dramas in Washington, DC may
have been sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations?

"When a group called Conspiracy Nation prints conspiracy articles
that make no mention or connection to the  group  sponsoring  the
conspiracy  the  conclusion  may  be  that  Conspiracy  Nation is
helping with  the  conspiracy,"  suggest  the  Knights.  And they
conclude ominously that "Conspiracy Nation  [may]  be  a  CFR/CIA
operation  to  find  people  'interested' in conspiracy theory so
that they can neutralize their efforts."

Stunned by the cynical perceptiveness of the Round  Table,  which
rivals  and  out-distances our own, this news service needed some
good  advice.    We   therefore   turned   to   three  unemployed
philosophers of  our  acquaintance:   Glaucon,  Polemarchus,  and


CNNS:  These "Round Table" people,  whoever they are (I call them
the Knights of the Round Table), are saying that since I left out
certain details in a previous  press  release,  that  that  means
something.   It's  like  they've used Professor Scott's "negative
template" method and have discovered  some clues with it.  I turn
to you, wise ones, for your thoughts.

GLAUCON:  It is most pleasing to see  you  again,  Friend  Brian,
even though the season is cold.

CNNS:   But  why  call  me "Friend Brian"?  Could not the Knights
deduce from that, "He  really  means  *Comrade* Brian.  (And note
that his e-mail begins 'Big Red.')"

POLEMARCHUS:  True.  But by the Negative  Template,  this  rather
means (since it is stated openly) that such cannot be the case.

THRASYMACHUS:  But is the pointing out by  Friend  Brian  of  the
Friend/Comrade parallel a clever ruse, since it is he himself who
first  notices  the  connection?   Has  he introduced it so as to
mis-lead even the wise?

GLAUCON:  These thoughts are  deep,  and  go  in circles.  Let us
rather deduce from what we know.  For the Knights  of  the  Round
Table are written on in many tales.

THRASYMACHUS:  Around  the  year  500  A.D.,  German  tribes, the
Angles and the  Saxons,  conquered  the  Britons.   Many  of  the
Britons were slaughtered.  But some of the Britons escaped to the
mountainous country of Wales.  Then arose a mighty King, in South
Wales,  by  name  of  ARTHUR.   In  twelve  battles,  King Arthur
defeated the Angles and the Saxons.  It was King Arthur who had a
special group of Knights, who  sat  at a Round Table.  These were
called Knights of the Round Table.

POLEMARCHUS:  But since  they  sat  at  a  round table, would not
their talks have gone round, in circles?

THRASYMACHUS: It seems likely.

POLEMARCHUS:  And if their talk went in circles, would not  their
thoughts  also?   For  thought  must  precede  talk, just as does

THRASYMACHUS: It appears so.

GLAUCON:   I  see!   For here is the key:  Just as I'd said above
that "these thoughts are deep, and  go in circles," so too do the
thoughts of the Knights go in circles.

POLEMARCHUS:  Friend  Brian,  perchance  the  thoughts  of  these
Knights  who  have  troubled your sleep are neither good nor bad,
right nor wrong.  For these  Knights,  at their Round Table, must
needs talk on (since there is no end to a circle.)

CNNS: Okay. But how should I answer what they say?

GLAUCON:  That is easy:  Let the Knights themselves  answer  what
they say.

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

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  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
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your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief    | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418----------------
Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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