-Caveat Lector-

The issue rests with each and every military member being required to be
'ready' at all times.  When entering the services, each and every member is
given a battery of shots with scheduled follow-ups as required (e.g.,
annual 'flu shots).  Even dependents who are colocated with sponsors
overseas have to have some; I used to get them all (from age 0 {zero} on

When one takes the oath, there is no disctinction between 'peacetime' and
'wartime'.  As a matter of fact, just by reading the news, one can readily
see that the military is ALL over the place, more so now than ever before
on temporary assignment (Persian Gulf, Bosnia, et cetera).  Additionally,
we have not been 'not at war' since the "Cold War" started (or possibly
since WW2 started; I think there was a couple of years in the latter '40s
when there was a deep drawdown).  No one can predict from day to day if one
will be at home for the foreseeable future.  Every day brings new and
exciting challenges. This is opposed to the "Cold War" days when the
military was fat and in forward positions in Europe or the Phillipines or
wherever.  In any event, the shots are essential to maintain readiness; a
sick soldier, sailor, airman, marine just isn't much use.  So as you state:

: In WAR TIME a commanding officer has the right, indeed duty to order his
: to do dangerous things that may get the me killed, he may even have to
: them to do something that will virtually certainly get them killed.
: a soldier has no right to go against this since it undermines the command
: nature of armed conflict.

This applies to ALL the TIME.

As far as a breakdown in authority, there have always been certain elements
who have chosen to cross their fingers during the oath, "I'll serve, obey,
go, whatever, except for, when, if ..."  These people have been known to
challenge the gay issue (Meinhart {sp?} et al), the fraternisation issue
{Flynn et al}, conscientious objecting, and a host of other issues.  These
people may have valid points or not; yet, the emphasis is on good order and
discipline -- the keys to any effective and realistic fighting force, one
that is ready at all times for anything.  Trust?  Used to be (at least 20
years ago) a myth or legend the officers were taught never to trust
enlisted people.  Of course, Viet Nam had 'fragging' to give credence to
this; I haven't heard of similar practices in current times.  I would say,
given the situation in the civilian world, many would ask if the sacrifice
and privation are really worth it.  With the end of the "Cold War", many
opportunities to travel and gain new experiences evaporated.  When Uncle
Sam starts using a full college scholarship as a recruiting tool (compared
to various versions of the G.I. Bill and in service tuition assistance),
there's an extra effort to attract new recruits/commisionees.

The anthrax issue stems from the Gulf War when so many people became
mysteriously ill and no ready explanation was available (by design or by
accident).  The military is in many instances a test base for all kinds of
medical procedures.  The Civil War brought us heroin; Korea brought us
triage and helicopters; Viet Nam its cornucopia.  The Gulf War presented a
different set of problems, physical, psychological, or a combination

The mechanic will serve as a test base for his issue:  Are the shots safe?
Effective?  Deadly?  Useless?  Only time (and anthrax attacks) will tell.
At any rate, this person will do perhaps a good thing:  make an issue out
of it and make a personal sacrifice for the benefit of others.
Nevertheless, an example will be set, forcing many to make choices:  go
down the same road or get the shots (and this applies to any other instance
of conscientious objection).  Sec'y Cohen was reportedly among the first to
get the series so he may not have a sympathetic ear.

I don't have any pretentions to scholarship on any of these matters; 20+
years of haircuts and shoeshines kinda put the experiential flavour to my
knowledge base.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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: From: Teo One Thousand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Subject: Re: [CTRL] Air Force to court martial mechanic who has
: Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 10:31 AM
:  -Caveat Lector-
: I have an interesting question regarding this issue, that might explain
: military's reasoning on it.  I don't necessarily support this view but
put it
: out there for thought.
: In WAR TIME a commanding officer has the right, indeed duty to order his
: to do dangerous things that may get the me killed, he may even have to
: them to do something that will virtually certainly get them killed.
: a soldier has no right to go against this since it undermines the command
: nature of armed conflict.
: That might explain the rationale of an army who wants to court-martial
men who
: refuse thus, BUT we are not at war (or maybe we are and it is just
: unacknowledged) we are in PEACETIME, thus the need for orders that are
: threatening is not apparent, so why would someone be compelled to take
: vaccine?
: Teo1000
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gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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