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From: "dessie.andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: [fpe] RightWay Law  Announces  A  "Call to Action"
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-----Original Message-----
From: Carolyn Carney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: dessie.andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 8:29 PM
Subject: Fw: [fpe] RightWay Law Announces A "Call to Action"

-----Original Message-----
From: spot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 5:15 AM
Subject: [fpe] RightWay Law Announces A "Call to Action"

The following is an unusually long message, but NEEDS to be read BY ALL.



      The issue concerning the "Clinton Impeachment" process is really
not about William Jefferson Clinton as much as it is about whether the
People of the Nation called the United States of the America want to
choose to go back to the Lawful Republic, or choose to remain in the
military-bankrupt-democracy. The "Clinton Impeachment" process is
merely a vehicle used by the creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES to
see if the American People want to elect to set aside the international
Law bankruptcy under an operation of Law, or whether the American People
want to choose to continue as a subject of the creditor.

         Many members for Right Way have sent to the Senators sitting
within the judiciary committee a Lawful Protest. The goal was to make
it known

       BY THESE PRESENTS, We, the free People of the several freely
associated united States of America, in correct public capacity as
beneficiary of the Original Jurisdiction, do bring forth, and place
before you and each of you, and make appear, in deed, upon the public
and private record(s) served by this presentment of NOTICE OF LAWFUL
PROTEST to wit;

     No one within this assembly since the referral by Judge Starr on
September 9, anno Domini 1998, has defined which constitution the
articles of impeachment have been brought under.

         No one within this assembly has Lawfully Objected, pursuant to
Original Jurisdiction, and their oath of office; to a censure for
William Jefferson Clinton as unconstitutional in that the term "censure"
is not mentioned within the Constitution for the united States of
America: anno Domini 1787, with articles of Amendment, anno Domini 1791.

          Is it the will of this Congress assembled to be in contempt of
the Constitution for the united States of America: anno Domini 1789,
Amended anno Domini 1791?

        Is this Congress assembled choosing to function under the
Constitution for the United States, anno Domini 1871?

       We, the free People of America, DEMAND that you and each of you
now have firsthand personal knowledge of this LAWFUL PROTEST having
power, authority, and opportunity to prevent, or aid in preventing,
wrongs, damage, injury to the free People of America.

            Remove any and all barriers, impediments, statutes, rules,
regulations, and or laws, which stand in the way of the free American
People having access to Original Jurisdiction remedy, including the
articles of impeachment on an instanter basis in Original Jurisdiction
venue, pursuant to the Original Agreement known as: Constitution for
the United States of America, anno Domini 1789, with Articles of
Amendment, anno Domini 1791.


       Notice to each and all, by these Presentments, who have eyes to
see and ears to hear, should this NOTICE OF LAWFUL PROTEST not be timely
responded to, within ten days of your receipt, by this Senate Judiciary
Committee, it will be deemed, by your silence, the presumption of
implied assent to the fact that Congress is operating under the

Constitution of the United States, anno Domini 1871 is an ultimate fact
and that your failure to respond will be an overt admission and knowing
and willing confession, by willful and knowing breach of the Original
Agreement known as Constitution for the United States of America, anno
Domini 1789, with Articles of Amendment, anno Domini 1791, by the
Congress assembled.

         Notice to each and all, by these presentments, failure to
respond within ten days, will be deemed a breach of, and contempt for
the Original Jurisdiction Agreement known as Constitution for the United
States of America, anno Domini 1789, with Articles of Amendment, anno
Domini 1791, by will of intent, and will be made known, by publication
on the internet, by news release, to all available radio, television,
newspaper, and magazine media on an immediate basis.

       Upon your Oath of Office take due heed and govern yourselves

      Since the time when everyone has sent their Lawful protests,
there have been some very interesting results. Democrats have been
voting to end all this have changed their mind and are voting to bring
forth witnesses and other Senators have written back saying that they
will uphold their oath and follow through with the impeachment.

Brief History

     To understand what I am going to tell you, one must first know
what is happening in the Nations under principles of international Law
and what it means.

          Everything is related to the Law. Acts, actions, and
consequences are all dictated by the Law. People's acts, actions, and
consequences are dictated by the Law and so are the acts, actions, and
consequences of the nations dictated by the Law. When it comes to
nations, the Law is dictated by public international law which is based
upon the natural Law and the law of nations. "Only the fool says in his
heart, there is no God"- i.e. Law.

      One of the most interesting aspect of the laws of nations is the
law dealing with bondage and captivity.


       In Jeremiah 25, we are told that word came to Jeremiah to tell
the People of Israel that: "11 And this whole land shall be a
desolation...and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy
years." A national captivity was established as a period of time of
seventy (70) years. Daniel had prayed to God seeking a revelation as to
when the nation of Israel would be set free of the bondage of the nation
of Babylon. God sent an angel to tell Daniel that the time of captivity
was to be seventy (70) years, and that the seventy (70) years were about
up. Seventy is made up of the multiplication of the numbers seven (7)
by ten (10). Seven deals with completion. Ten deals with the Law (as
in the ten commandments). Seventy then deals with the completion of the
time set aside by law for the nation to pay back its debts after a
national bankruptcy- or default. This application of this number is
demonstrated in modern times as the period of time that the Soviet Union
existed as a communist nation from the time of the Bolshevik revolution
until the Berlin Wall fell.

         The United States is also a nation that falls under the seventy

year captivity rule. There is the short seventy year captivity and the
long seventy year captivity. The long seventy year captivity deals with
three times seventy, or two-hundred-ten years. This time period is ten
times twenty-one. Twenty-one years is important in the Scriptures.
This is the length of time that Jacob worked for his father-in-law,
Laban, before being set free of bondage. He worked seven years as an
apprentice, then seven years as a dowry for his wife Leah, and then
seven years as a dowry for his wife Rachel. After twenty-one years,
Jacob's time was his own. He was set free from commercial bondage or
being subject to another person's economic control. The period of time
of twenty-one years is known as "the time of Jacob's trouble". The
period of time of ten times twenty-one years would be a national time of
Jacob's trouble before a nation would be set free. In fact, the
Children of Israel were subjects to the law form of Egypt for
two-hundred-ten years before God set them free under Moses. The number
twenty-one means "full maturity of sin". In other words, the time for
payment of the debt has expired.

              In 1909, the nation experienced a treaty negotiation at =
Island between the international bankers and the representatives of the
UNITED STATES. The nation of the UNITED STATES could not pay its debts.
The nation was given a twenty (20) year moratorium on paying its debt in
return for a concession of establishing a private bank (the Federal
Reserve Bank) to be owned by the international bankers, and in which the
UNITED STATES would deposit all its securities as a surety on the unpaid
debt. Twenty years later, in nine-teen-hundred-twenty-nine, the UNITED
STATES defaulted on the debt. The nation of the UNITED STATES went into
a bankruptcy. This was the direct cause of the depression and the stock
market collapse. This put the UNITED STATES into an unpaid debt, that
under international law, made the UNITED STATES and its subjects a
"captive" to the creditors. In nineteen-hundred-thirty-three, F.D.
Roosevelt, upon assuming the office of the President of the UNITED
STATES, gave an executive order issued under international law, in which
the citizens and the residents of the UNITED STATES became "enemies" of
the UNITED STATES under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The citizens
and residents of the UNITED STATES went into a "captivity" under
international economic law as surely as the Children of Israel and Judah
in Jeremiah's time. The period of captivity is set as seventy years.
The time started in 1929 and ends in 1999.

           Another confirmation of this time is given in the long time
theory. The school history books do not tell you this. However, on
July 16, seventeen-hundred-eighty-two, the Continental Congress entered
into a treaty with the King of France, Ireland, the Netherlands, and
Great Britain, for a loan of eighteen million livre. It was signed at
Versailles. This happened in time one year before the Treaty of Peace
with Great Britain. In other words, at the time that Congress send
their delegates to negotiate a treaty with the Crown of England, the

Congress was in debt to the Crown of England. The creditor is the head
and the debtor is the tail. That is why the delegates for the UNITED
STATES signed the Treaty of Peace as "Esquires" or servants of the King.
The loan was payable by the United States of America on or before the
first of January, 1788. But the Continental Congress defaulted on the
payback of this loan. This default placed the new nation into debt to
the Crown of England. The dire need to hold the "Constitutional
convention" to amend the Articles of Confederation was based upon the
nations first bankruptcy to the crown of England. The passing of the
Constitution of the United States of America in seventeen-hundred
eighty-nine (one year after the default to the Crown of England) was in
essence a disguised reorganization of the "corporate" or "private"
UNITED STATES government to satisfy the creditor. It placed the
commercial functions of the government under the Crown of England as the
creditor. The First National Bank was created by President Washington
under emergency law form as a private bank to enable the Crown of
England to hold the securities from the bankruptcy. The First National
Bank Charter expired in twenty years- a period of prescription. When it
was not renewed, the Crown of England used military force, by way of the
War of 1812, to attack the UNITED STATES in order to have its securities
restored under international law. The Second National Bank was then
established to provide the private securities to the Crown of England on
the defaulted loan of Congress.

       If one adds 210 years to the default date of 1788 A.D., one gets
an interesting date- 1998 A.D. Is this the proper year of the release
under international law for the American Colonies from the initial
bankruptcy of the nation under the loan of the Continental Congress?

              There is an interesting principle of law dealing with
bankruptcy. One can go through a bankruptcy proceeding and have one's
debts declared to be discharged. Then one can turn around and agree to
pay the old debt that was discharged by an operation of law (like by the
decree of the bankruptcy court). Upon the bankrupt person agreeing to
pay the old debt discharged by the bankruptcy proceeding, after the
bankruptcy proceeding released him, the law will now require that person
to pay the debt, notwithstanding that the person was released by the
court order. This same procedure is being used in the year 1999 to get
the American People to reestablish the debt with the Crown of England,
even after the time for being subject to the Crown of England has
expired under international law.


          The attorneys (are all "Esquires" who work for the Crown of
England and its law form) and the Congressmen in Washington D.C. know
that the UNITED STATES has been under a bankruptcy to the Crown of
England (or its principals) and that the time for the year of release
(70 years or 210 years- three times seventy) is up. When Jeanne, Pete,
Bob, and Rick were in D.C., they decided to serve a Lawful protest to
the Senators about another matter. They spoke with two Legislative

Counsels for Congressman Charles Taylor and Representative Sue Myrick.
These attorneys admitted to the bifurcation, acknowledged what Jeanne,
Pete, Bob and Rick were doing was a Lawful process which needed to
happen. When you establish the nature and character of your party,
learn the proper language, you will prevail in your Law form.

         This is why as an operation of law, the UNITED STATES is
eligible to elect to revert back to its sovereign and independent status
under the laws of the nations. This means that the 1040 income tax
collections that have been going on for seventy years under a "treaty
with Great Britain" to pay back the debt to the Crown of England is
about to expire unless the American People elect to continue the debt
payback. [Notice how the checks to be paid for taxes this year are made
out to the "UNITED STATES TREASURY" and not to the IRS].

                Let us assume that it is not in the best interest of the
attorneys and the politicians to expressly inform the American People
that this option is available [to elect to stop payment on any unpaid
loan debt and interest]. But international law requires that one party
inform the other party of that parties options before the first party
continues in its acts or actions. This means that under international
law, the Crown of England and its agents must give you notice of the law
that entitles you to discharge of the debt and the liberty that results.
The question is, how can the Crown and its agents inform you of the
fact that the UNITED STATES can elect to walk away from its debt
liability to the Crown in the year 1998/1999, without being so open
about it that the People of America will catch on?

       Let us assume that the attorneys and the agents for the Crown of
England [and its principals like the Vatican], establish a great public
debate over the issue of whether the People of the United States want to
leave captivity and move back to sovereignty. And lets assume that the
Great Public Debate will be such that not one living soul in the land
can escape the debate. All will know about it. It will be the talk of
the land. It will involve great principles of law at the highest level.
But let us assume that the vehicle chosen for the debate will distract
the American People from the true intent and meaning of the debate.
What kind of Great Public debate would we as agents for the creditors
choose? Ah! I have a good plan!

       Let us charge the President of the UNITED STATES with a crime.
Everyone will hear about it. It will be on television and the radio and
in the papers and magazines for a good period of a year. Of course, we
are really not interested in what it is the President did to commit the
alleged crime. We do not even care about the alleged crime. It is
immaterial and irrelevant to our plan. The issue is not whether he
committed a crime or even whether we are going to let the President stay
in office or get thrown out. The real issue is the procedure that we
use to bring this issue before the American People. And in the Great
Public Debate that we are going to establish, the attorneys and the

politicians will feign that they do not know what procedure should be
used. They will solicit the "advice" of the American People as to what
the attorneys and the politicians are to do with the Presidential
Criminal Trial. What does the plan really mean?

          Before anyone can be tried for a civil or criminal action, it =
imperative to ask the question: "Under what Law Form [venue] is the
accused person to be tried?" Let me put it bluntly! If there is a
criminal accusation against the President of the UNITED STATES, then he
must be tried by some form of tribunal. The only question is which one.
The problem that we have in the UNITED STATES, is that the nation has
been under an international law bankruptcy for the past seventy years
(or two-hundred-ten years). This means that the nation has been in a
"democratic" law form. A democracy is a form of government in which it
is ruled over by a military commander as an emergency defacto
government. The people therein are not free, but are the subjects of
the law form. If the above hypothesis is correct, and the nation has
its release from captivity in the 1998/1999 year, then the nation should
revert back to a republic. The People of the republic are set free from
bondage. Does that mean that the trial of the President of the UNITED
STATES should be under the law form of the democracy or the law form of
the republic? Very good question!

         Let us assume that the American People actually understood what
the game was that the attorneys and the politicians had going with the
William Jefferson Clinton impeachment trial. The game is very simple.
If the American People want the nation to revert back to a republic and
leave its commercial bondage, then the American People should be
informing the attorneys and the politicians that the "RULES FOR THE
form of the republic as a sovereign nation. If the American People want
to reaffirm the debt with the international bankers and elect to have
the government of the UNITED STATES stay under the Crown of England,
even though under international law, the nation is permitted to walk
away from the debt as free men, then the American People should be
informing the attorneys and the politicians that the "RULES FOR THE
form of the democracy as a nation in a continuing bankruptcy. Now that
the American People have told the politicians and the attorneys what law
form is to be used to try the criminal acts of the President, then the
politicians and the attorneys will be informed as to which way the
American People want the government of the nation to go. In short, the
American People are being (subtly) asked to vote by national referendum
on whether the nation is to become free or to be continuing subjects of
the private international bankers.

         The interesting question is: "What will happen if the American
People do not wake up, get involved in the Great Public Debate, and do
not voice their opinion to the attorneys and to the politicians?" The

answer is simple. It there is no NOTICE OF LAWFUL PROTEST, the old law
form, or the status quo, will remain in effect. This means that if the
American People do not issue a written and loud NOTICE OF LAWFUL PROTEST
to the politicians and the attorneys, and do it soon (probably before
March 21, 1999- the beginning of a new year) whereby the American People
demand that the government of the nation revert to sovereignty under the
laws of nations and remove itself from the bankruptcy, then the old law
form of the bankruptcy and the subject status will continue.

         When you fail to set the nature, capacity, and character of =
party through Public Notice and Declaration by doing a Depositum for
Bailment return and a Bank Note Use Challenge, you have said the current
bifurcated law form is the private corporation in the form of a
government you choose to be under. You have failed to do your duty by
Lawfully protesting the acts of the bifurcated government. The
bifurcated government then has the duty to act within the proper
legislation to protect its' subjects.

          Now, another interesting question: "What would happen if the
subjects to the private corporation in the form of a government catch
on to what the real public debate should be?" How did this whole thing
start? It started with Ken Starr's private investigation into
Whitewater and campaign process violations. Did you ever wonder why
Gingrich the great leader for the republicans who managed to overturn
the seat within congress to a republican congress resigned? First of
all, he was censured and fined $300,000.00 for taking money for a book
he was going to write from a foreign born billionaire who had business
before congress back in 1994. In the best interest of the bifurcated
government who seems to be involved in some serious crimes and at the
risk of this whole mess being exposed, Newt resigns. Could it be that a
whole can of worms has been opened within their own corporate business?
Could it possibly be that the men seated on the judiciary committee for
the impeachment of Clinton are also guilty of campaign violations and
are creating a scenario to side track the people into thinking that this
is only about sex?


                It is the opinion of this writer that the statesmen and
researchers are absolutely correct. The door has been opened for even
the people of the bifurcated government to turn up the heat to help oust
Clinton and all the rest of the criminals. The government has given the
people notice and opportunity to correct this situation, it is all
through the media and the evidence for a quo-warranto action against
Clinton has been given over to the media for the people to use.

        The operations that the Senate is involved in right now is for
public notice to notice the people that there is some very corrupt
violations going on at this time and that now is the time for the people
to let the Senate know what they need to have happen. The president has
stood up to the judicial venue by the president's own permission and
lied to violate due process, his oath of office. The Senate has tried

to stand up for president Clinton and this is where the timing for quo
warranto actions lie. The people are awakening and we are not going to
stand for a body Senators speaking like they have any governmental
authority at all whether it be corporate or otherwise, to do the things
that the Senate is doing if the Senate is not going to uphold the very
rules that their own corporation requires them to uphold.

        While the quo warranto is going forward it causes the people to
become aware of all the things that has been mentioned within this
article. This is our opportunity to make the public aware of how they
can make a Lawful change within this corporate bifurcated government.
The corporate government does not really believe that the people are
smart enough to bring this about! When you bring a quo warranto action
what will happen? The prosecutor, Janet Reno, has sixty days to sign on
to the case as prosecutor. We know that Janet will not prosecute, she
has had every opportunity within the past four years to do so. What
the beauty of the quo warranto is that you can bring the quo warranto to
the judiciary to prosecute in her name.

          The three things to bring within this action are: Perjury,
Misprision of a felony, and obstruction of justice. How do you ask
these questions? Read all the past media articles, they gave it to you!
What made Gingrich resign? Those are the same questions, and they want
you to ask them.

         There are only a few times within this century that a blue moon
has happened this is it. The blue moon will happen twice in this year,
do you think its' time? Well, this writer is wasting no time writing to
you to encourage you as to what to do. The time is absolutely critical,
Clinton cannot fight a quo warranto, he is being impeached!!!!

         Not only is the importance of Lawful protest material at this
time, but we must bring forth the evidence the media has given us to
restore Lawful government and watch what will happen!

Best regards,
The Chief Associates at Right Way L.A.W.



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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B>-----Original =
</B>Carolyn Carney &lt;<A=20
href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>&gt;<BR><B=
</B>dessie.andrews &lt;<A=20
href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>&gt;<B=
</B>Thursday, February 04, 1999 8:29 PM<BR><B>Subject: </B>Fw: [fpe] =
Law Announces A &quot;Call to Action&quot;<BR><BR></DIV></FONT>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B>-----Original =
</B>spot &lt;<A =
href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>&gt;<BR><B>To:=20
</B><A href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A> &lt;<A=20
href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>&gt;<BR><B>Date: =
February 02, 1999 5:15 AM<BR><B>Subject: </B>[fpe] RightWay Law =
Announces A=20
&quot;Call to Action&quot;<BR><BR></DIV></FONT>
        <TD><PRE>The following is an unusually long message, but NEEDS =
to be read BY ALL.



      The issue concerning the &quot;Clinton Impeachment&quot; process =
is really
not about William Jefferson Clinton as much as it is about whether the
People of the Nation called the United States of the America want to
choose to go back to the Lawful Republic, or choose to remain in the
military-bankrupt-democracy. The &quot;Clinton Impeachment&quot; process =
merely a vehicle used by the creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES to
see if the American People want to elect to set aside the international
Law bankruptcy under an operation of Law, or whether the American People
want to choose to continue as a subject of the creditor.

         Many members for Right Way have sent to the Senators sitting
within the judiciary committee a Lawful Protest. The goal was to make
it known

       BY THESE PRESENTS, We, the free People of the several freely
associated united States of America, in correct public capacity as
beneficiary of the Original Jurisdiction, do bring forth, and place
before you and each of you, and make appear, in deed, upon the public
and private record(s) served by this presentment of NOTICE OF LAWFUL
PROTEST to wit;

     No one within this assembly since the referral by Judge Starr on
September 9, anno Domini 1998, has defined which constitution the
articles of impeachment have been brought under.

         No one within this assembly has Lawfully Objected, pursuant to
Original Jurisdiction, and their oath of office; to a censure for
William Jefferson Clinton as unconstitutional in that the term =
is not mentioned within the Constitution for the united States of
America: anno Domini 1787, with articles of Amendment, anno Domini 1791.

          Is it the will of this Congress assembled to be in contempt of
the Constitution for the united States of America: anno Domini 1789,
Amended anno Domini 1791?

        Is this Congress assembled choosing to function under the
Constitution for the United States, anno Domini 1871?

       We, the free People of America, DEMAND that you and each of you
now have firsthand personal knowledge of this LAWFUL PROTEST having
power, authority, and opportunity to prevent, or aid in preventing,
wrongs, damage, injury to the free People of America.

            Remove any and all barriers, impediments, statutes, rules,
regulations, and or laws, which stand in the way of the free American
People having access to Original Jurisdiction remedy, including the
articles of impeachment on an instanter basis in Original Jurisdiction
venue, pursuant to the Original Agreement known as: Constitution for
the United States of America, anno Domini 1789, with Articles of
Amendment, anno Domini 1791.


       Notice to each and all, by these Presentments, who have eyes to
see and ears to hear, should this NOTICE OF LAWFUL PROTEST not be timely
responded to, within ten days of your receipt, by this Senate Judiciary
Committee, it will be deemed, by your silence, the presumption of
implied assent to the fact that Congress is operating under the

Constitution of the United States, anno Domini 1871 is an ultimate fact
and that your failure to respond will be an overt admission and knowing
and willing confession, by willful and knowing breach of the Original
Agreement known as Constitution for the United States of America, anno
Domini 1789, with Articles of Amendment, anno Domini 1791, by the
Congress assembled.

         Notice to each and all, by these presentments, failure to
respond within ten days, will be deemed a breach of, and contempt for
the Original Jurisdiction Agreement known as Constitution for the United
States of America, anno Domini 1789, with Articles of Amendment, anno
Domini 1791, by will of intent, and will be made known, by publication
on the internet, by news release, to all available radio, television,
newspaper, and magazine media on an immediate basis.

       Upon your Oath of Office take due heed and govern yourselves

      Since the time when everyone has sent their Lawful protests,
there have been some very interesting results. Democrats have been
voting to end all this have changed their mind and are voting to bring
forth witnesses and other Senators have written back saying that they
will uphold their oath and follow through with the impeachment.

Brief History

     To understand what I am going to tell you, one must first know
what is happening in the Nations under principles of international Law
and what it means.

          Everything is related to the Law. Acts, actions, and
consequences are all dictated by the Law. People's acts, actions, and
consequences are dictated by the Law and so are the acts, actions, and
consequences of the nations dictated by the Law. When it comes to
nations, the Law is dictated by public international law which is based
upon the natural Law and the law of nations. &quot;Only the fool says in =
heart, there is no God&quot;- i.e. Law.

      One of the most interesting aspect of the laws of nations is the
law dealing with bondage and captivity.


       In Jeremiah 25, we are told that word came to Jeremiah to tell
the People of Israel that: &quot;11 And this whole land shall be a
desolation...and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy
years.&quot; A national captivity was established as a period of time of
seventy (70) years. Daniel had prayed to God seeking a revelation as to
when the nation of Israel would be set free of the bondage of the nation
of Babylon. God sent an angel to tell Daniel that the time of captivity
was to be seventy (70) years, and that the seventy (70) years were about
up. Seventy is made up of the multiplication of the numbers seven (7)
by ten (10). Seven deals with completion. Ten deals with the Law (as
in the ten commandments). Seventy then deals with the completion of the
time set aside by law for the nation to pay back its debts after a
national bankruptcy- or default. This application of this number is
demonstrated in modern times as the period of time that the Soviet Union
existed as a communist nation from the time of the Bolshevik revolution
until the Berlin Wall fell.

         The United States is also a nation that falls under the seventy

year captivity rule. There is the short seventy year captivity and the
long seventy year captivity. The long seventy year captivity deals with
three times seventy, or two-hundred-ten years. This time period is ten
times twenty-one. Twenty-one years is important in the Scriptures.
This is the length of time that Jacob worked for his father-in-law,
Laban, before being set free of bondage. He worked seven years as an
apprentice, then seven years as a dowry for his wife Leah, and then
seven years as a dowry for his wife Rachel. After twenty-one years,
Jacob's time was his own. He was set free from commercial bondage or
being subject to another person's economic control. The period of time
of twenty-one years is known as &quot;the time of Jacob's trouble&quot;. =
period of time of ten times twenty-one years would be a national time of
Jacob's trouble before a nation would be set free. In fact, the
Children of Israel were subjects to the law form of Egypt for
two-hundred-ten years before God set them free under Moses. The number
twenty-one means &quot;full maturity of sin&quot;. In other words, the =
time for
payment of the debt has expired.

              In 1909, the nation experienced a treaty negotiation at =
Island between the international bankers and the representatives of the
UNITED STATES. The nation of the UNITED STATES could not pay its debts.
The nation was given a twenty (20) year moratorium on paying its debt in
return for a concession of establishing a private bank (the Federal
Reserve Bank) to be owned by the international bankers, and in which the
UNITED STATES would deposit all its securities as a surety on the unpaid
debt. Twenty years later, in nine-teen-hundred-twenty-nine, the UNITED
STATES defaulted on the debt. The nation of the UNITED STATES went into
a bankruptcy. This was the direct cause of the depression and the stock
market collapse. This put the UNITED STATES into an unpaid debt, that
under international law, made the UNITED STATES and its subjects a
&quot;captive&quot; to the creditors. In nineteen-hundred-thirty-three, =
Roosevelt, upon assuming the office of the President of the UNITED
STATES, gave an executive order issued under international law, in which
the citizens and the residents of the UNITED STATES became =
&quot;enemies&quot; of
the UNITED STATES under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The citizens
and residents of the UNITED STATES went into a &quot;captivity&quot; =
international economic law as surely as the Children of Israel and Judah
in Jeremiah's time. The period of captivity is set as seventy years.
The time started in 1929 and ends in 1999.

           Another confirmation of this time is given in the long time
theory. The school history books do not tell you this. However, on
July 16, seventeen-hundred-eighty-two, the Continental Congress entered
into a treaty with the King of France, Ireland, the Netherlands, and
Great Britain, for a loan of eighteen million livre. It was signed at
Versailles. This happened in time one year before the Treaty of Peace
with Great Britain. In other words, at the time that Congress send
their delegates to negotiate a treaty with the Crown of England, the

Congress was in debt to the Crown of England. The creditor is the head
and the debtor is the tail. That is why the delegates for the UNITED
STATES signed the Treaty of Peace as &quot;Esquires&quot; or servants of =
the King.
The loan was payable by the United States of America on or before the
first of January, 1788. But the Continental Congress defaulted on the
payback of this loan. This default placed the new nation into debt to
the Crown of England. The dire need to hold the &quot;Constitutional
convention&quot; to amend the Articles of Confederation was based upon =
nations first bankruptcy to the crown of England. The passing of the
Constitution of the United States of America in seventeen-hundred
eighty-nine (one year after the default to the Crown of England) was in
essence a disguised reorganization of the &quot;corporate&quot; or =
UNITED STATES government to satisfy the creditor. It placed the
commercial functions of the government under the Crown of England as the
creditor. The First National Bank was created by President Washington
under emergency law form as a private bank to enable the Crown of
England to hold the securities from the bankruptcy. The First National
Bank Charter expired in twenty years- a period of prescription. When it
was not renewed, the Crown of England used military force, by way of the
War of 1812, to attack the UNITED STATES in order to have its securities
restored under international law. The Second National Bank was then
established to provide the private securities to the Crown of England on
the defaulted loan of Congress.

       If one adds 210 years to the default date of 1788 A.D., one gets
an interesting date- 1998 A.D. Is this the proper year of the release
under international law for the American Colonies from the initial
bankruptcy of the nation under the loan of the Continental Congress?

              There is an interesting principle of law dealing with
bankruptcy. One can go through a bankruptcy proceeding and have one's
debts declared to be discharged. Then one can turn around and agree to
pay the old debt that was discharged by an operation of law (like by the
decree of the bankruptcy court). Upon the bankrupt person agreeing to
pay the old debt discharged by the bankruptcy proceeding, after the
bankruptcy proceeding released him, the law will now require that person
to pay the debt, notwithstanding that the person was released by the
court order. This same procedure is being used in the year 1999 to get
the American People to reestablish the debt with the Crown of England,
even after the time for being subject to the Crown of England has
expired under international law.


          The attorneys (are all &quot;Esquires&quot; who work for the =
Crown of
England and its law form) and the Congressmen in Washington D.C. know
that the UNITED STATES has been under a bankruptcy to the Crown of
England (or its principals) and that the time for the year of release
(70 years or 210 years- three times seventy) is up. When Jeanne, Pete,
Bob, and Rick were in D.C., they decided to serve a Lawful protest to
the Senators about another matter. They spoke with two Legislative

Counsels for Congressman Charles Taylor and Representative Sue Myrick.
These attorneys admitted to the bifurcation, acknowledged what Jeanne,
Pete, Bob and Rick were doing was a Lawful process which needed to
happen. When you establish the nature and character of your party,
learn the proper language, you will prevail in your Law form.

         This is why as an operation of law, the UNITED STATES is
eligible to elect to revert back to its sovereign and independent status
under the laws of the nations. This means that the 1040 income tax
collections that have been going on for seventy years under a =
with Great Britain&quot; to pay back the debt to the Crown of England is
about to expire unless the American People elect to continue the debt
payback. [Notice how the checks to be paid for taxes this year are made
out to the &quot;UNITED STATES TREASURY&quot; and not to the IRS].

                Let us assume that it is not in the best interest of the
attorneys and the politicians to expressly inform the American People
that this option is available [to elect to stop payment on any unpaid
loan debt and interest]. But international law requires that one party
inform the other party of that parties options before the first party
continues in its acts or actions. This means that under international
law, the Crown of England and its agents must give you notice of the law
that entitles you to discharge of the debt and the liberty that results.
The question is, how can the Crown and its agents inform you of the
fact that the UNITED STATES can elect to walk away from its debt
liability to the Crown in the year 1998/1999, without being so open
about it that the People of America will catch on?

       Let us assume that the attorneys and the agents for the Crown of
England [and its principals like the Vatican], establish a great public
debate over the issue of whether the People of the United States want to
leave captivity and move back to sovereignty. And lets assume that the
Great Public Debate will be such that not one living soul in the land
can escape the debate. All will know about it. It will be the talk of
the land. It will involve great principles of law at the highest level.
But let us assume that the vehicle chosen for the debate will distract
the American People from the true intent and meaning of the debate.
What kind of Great Public debate would we as agents for the creditors
choose? Ah! I have a good plan!

       Let us charge the President of the UNITED STATES with a crime.
Everyone will hear about it. It will be on television and the radio and
in the papers and magazines for a good period of a year. Of course, we
are really not interested in what it is the President did to commit the
alleged crime. We do not even care about the alleged crime. It is
immaterial and irrelevant to our plan. The issue is not whether he
committed a crime or even whether we are going to let the President stay
in office or get thrown out. The real issue is the procedure that we
use to bring this issue before the American People. And in the Great
Public Debate that we are going to establish, the attorneys and the

politicians will feign that they do not know what procedure should be
used. They will solicit the &quot;advice&quot; of the American People as =
to what
the attorneys and the politicians are to do with the Presidential
Criminal Trial. What does the plan really mean?

          Before anyone can be tried for a civil or criminal action, it =
imperative to ask the question: &quot;Under what Law Form [venue] is the
accused person to be tried?&quot; Let me put it bluntly! If there is a
criminal accusation against the President of the UNITED STATES, then he
must be tried by some form of tribunal. The only question is which one.
The problem that we have in the UNITED STATES, is that the nation has
been under an international law bankruptcy for the past seventy years
(or two-hundred-ten years). This means that the nation has been in a
&quot;democratic&quot; law form. A democracy is a form of government in =
which it
is ruled over by a military commander as an emergency defacto
government. The people therein are not free, but are the subjects of
the law form. If the above hypothesis is correct, and the nation has
its release from captivity in the 1998/1999 year, then the nation should
revert back to a republic. The People of the republic are set free from
bondage. Does that mean that the trial of the President of the UNITED
STATES should be under the law form of the democracy or the law form of
the republic? Very good question!

         Let us assume that the American People actually understood what
the game was that the attorneys and the politicians had going with the
William Jefferson Clinton impeachment trial. The game is very simple.
If the American People want the nation to revert back to a republic and
leave its commercial bondage, then the American People should be
informing the attorneys and the politicians that the &quot;RULES FOR THE
form of the republic as a sovereign nation. If the American People want
to reaffirm the debt with the international bankers and elect to have
the government of the UNITED STATES stay under the Crown of England,
even though under international law, the nation is permitted to walk
away from the debt as free men, then the American People should be
informing the attorneys and the politicians that the &quot;RULES FOR THE
form of the democracy as a nation in a continuing bankruptcy. Now that
the American People have told the politicians and the attorneys what law
form is to be used to try the criminal acts of the President, then the
politicians and the attorneys will be informed as to which way the
American People want the government of the nation to go. In short, the
American People are being (subtly) asked to vote by national referendum
on whether the nation is to become free or to be continuing subjects of
the private international bankers.

         The interesting question is: &quot;What will happen if the =
People do not wake up, get involved in the Great Public Debate, and do
not voice their opinion to the attorneys and to the politicians?&quot; =

answer is simple. It there is no NOTICE OF LAWFUL PROTEST, the old law
form, or the status quo, will remain in effect. This means that if the
American People do not issue a written and loud NOTICE OF LAWFUL PROTEST
to the politicians and the attorneys, and do it soon (probably before
March 21, 1999- the beginning of a new year) whereby the American People
demand that the government of the nation revert to sovereignty under the
laws of nations and remove itself from the bankruptcy, then the old law
form of the bankruptcy and the subject status will continue.

         When you fail to set the nature, capacity, and character of =
party through Public Notice and Declaration by doing a Depositum for
Bailment return and a Bank Note Use Challenge, you have said the current
bifurcated law form is the private corporation in the form of a
government you choose to be under. You have failed to do your duty by
Lawfully protesting the acts of the bifurcated government. The
bifurcated government then has the duty to act within the proper
legislation to protect its' subjects.

          Now, another interesting question: &quot;What would happen if =
subjects to the private corporation in the form of a government catch
on to what the real public debate should be?&quot; How did this whole =
start? It started with Ken Starr's private investigation into
Whitewater and campaign process violations. Did you ever wonder why
Gingrich the great leader for the republicans who managed to overturn
the seat within congress to a republican congress resigned? First of
all, he was censured and fined $300,000.00 for taking money for a book
he was going to write from a foreign born billionaire who had business
before congress back in 1994. In the best interest of the bifurcated
government who seems to be involved in some serious crimes and at the
risk of this whole mess being exposed, Newt resigns. Could it be that a
whole can of worms has been opened within their own corporate business?
Could it possibly be that the men seated on the judiciary committee for
the impeachment of Clinton are also guilty of campaign violations and
are creating a scenario to side track the people into thinking that this
is only about sex?


                It is the opinion of this writer that the statesmen and
researchers are absolutely correct. The door has been opened for even
the people of the bifurcated government to turn up the heat to help oust
Clinton and all the rest of the criminals. The government has given the
people notice and opportunity to correct this situation, it is all
through the media and the evidence for a quo-warranto action against
Clinton has been given over to the media for the people to use.

        The operations that the Senate is involved in right now is for
public notice to notice the people that there is some very corrupt
violations going on at this time and that now is the time for the people
to let the Senate know what they need to have happen. The president has
stood up to the judicial venue by the president's own permission and
lied to violate due process, his oath of office. The Senate has tried

to stand up for president Clinton and this is where the timing for quo
warranto actions lie. The people are awakening and we are not going to
stand for a body Senators speaking like they have any governmental
authority at all whether it be corporate or otherwise, to do the things
that the Senate is doing if the Senate is not going to uphold the very
rules that their own corporation requires them to uphold.

        While the quo warranto is going forward it causes the people to
become aware of all the things that has been mentioned within this
article. This is our opportunity to make the public aware of how they
can make a Lawful change within this corporate bifurcated government.
The corporate government does not really believe that the people are
smart enough to bring this about! When you bring a quo warranto action
what will happen? The prosecutor, Janet Reno, has sixty days to sign on
to the case as prosecutor. We know that Janet will not prosecute, she
has had every opportunity within the past four years to do so. What
the beauty of the quo warranto is that you can bring the quo warranto to
the judiciary to prosecute in her name.

          The three things to bring within this action are: Perjury,
Misprision of a felony, and obstruction of justice. How do you ask
these questions? Read all the past media articles, they gave it to you!
What made Gingrich resign? Those are the same questions, and they want
you to ask them.

         There are only a few times within this century that a blue moon
has happened this is it. The blue moon will happen twice in this year,
do you think its' time? Well, this writer is wasting no time writing to
you to encourage you as to what to do. The time is absolutely critical,
Clinton cannot fight a quo warranto, he is being impeached!!!!

         Not only is the importance of Lawful protest material at this
time, but we must bring forth the evidence the media has given us to
restore Lawful government and watch what will happen!

Best regards,
The Chief Associates at Right Way L.A.W.

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