-Caveat Lector-

Revolutionr Part 5

[RU Sirius]   Do I Dare To Eat Impeach?
              Or How Mr. Clinton Got Caught in his own Police State
Speak your
mind in the   It's a case of the chickens coming home to roost.
Propaganda    Malcolm X, on the assassination of JFK

              Most of my friends and compatriots seem to feel that
              Starr is instituting a right wing coup d'etat against a
              popular president, so it's time to put aside any
              disagreements we may have with Bubba, and oppose the
              impeachment proceedings. A few others whisper in my ear
              that we're all equal under the law, and this President,
              who has been no friend of justice, should pay for perjury
              and witness tampering with his Presidency. They are all

              Must one always take sides in every schoolyard brawl? In
              this instance, can't we just sit on the sidelines and
              hoot our derision?

              I will neither advocate nor oppose the impeachment of
              President Groovy. But today, my derision will be aimed
              specifically at him. After all, I ain't running for
              Special Prosecutor. But hear this campaign promise: If
              elected, I will do everything within my power to see that
              these two assholes get adjoining cells.


              Laughing along with Bill Maher on Politically Incorrect,
              you get the comfortable sense that-hey, we knew Bill
              Clinton was kind of a libertine guy, an easy-going, hip
              liberal sort of fellow. And now this paragon of personal
              liberty is being attacked by a right wing inquisitor. The
              reality is that Mr. Clinton has been our "right wing"
              inquisitor (right wing here meaning authoritarian), the
              man who has--according to the ACLU--"crippled... the Bill
              of Rights."

              Watching Mr. Bill whine on national TV about his right to
              privacy and justice was a moment of high irony for those
              few of us who have been reading the fine print. Tell it
              to a few million medical marijuana users, Bill. And don't
              forget to use encryption!

              Let's have a look at the record, shall we?

              While Bill was enjoying phone sex with Monica, he could
              have been vulnerable to victimization by his own attempts
              to radically expand the FBI's wiretapping authority in
              several bills.

              In collaboration with the FBI, El Presidente pushed for a
              plan that requires the phone companies to reformat their
              new digital technology to allow government agents to
              wiretap with great ease. The ACLU said the plan was
              "similar to requiring homes and offices to have
              microphones built into the walls which the government can
              turn on. The FBI would require that companies enable
              government agents to eavesdrop on at least 1 in every 100
              lines in use in major U.S. cities and other targeted
              areas - a capacity believed greater than the KGB ever
              commanded in Soviet Russia."

              Clinton also asked Congress to pass legislation that
              would give the Federal Bureau of Investigation the power
              to use "roving wiretaps" without a court Order -- in
              other words making warrantless wiretaps the rule rather
              than the exception. The legislation was appended to an
              intelligence authorization bill and passed during the
              week of October 5, 1998.

              Even without this legislation, federal agents have set
              themselves a proud record for the most wiretaps ever
              placed in one year for "intelligence" purposes without
              establishing probable cause of crime.

              I don't suppose Bill had encrypted cybersex with Monica,
              but that's not because of the success of any of the silly
              schemes against the encryption of online communications
              unsuccessfully attempted by his administration. After
              failing to impose the "Clipper chip," which would have
              required any encryption device to have a backdoor giving
              government agents convenient unannounced access for
              eavesdropping, they tried "Clipper II." In this scheme,
              anyone using encryption would have to give the government
              the key so that they could read your mail without you
              noticing. While both these schemes failed to gain
              political traction, and encryption policy has improved
              somewhat under the watch of Clinton's new Internet
              advisor, Ira Magaziner (the man who made a hash of
              universal health care), the administration still wants
              easy government access to your email.

              Of course, when you can't pass legislation, you can
              always due maximum damage via executive order. As you may
              recall, the American Revolution was fought largely over
              warrantless searches by British enforcers. In the name of
              national security, Clinton's Executive Order 12949
              authorized physical "foreign intelligence" searches of
              homes and other places without a court order and without
              probable cause. In essence, there now needs be no
              evidence of criminal wrongdoing for law enforcement
              organizations to ransack your home. And since everybody's
              talking about Watergate, it's worth noting that under
              Executive Order 12949, Tricky Dicky's minions might have
              gotten away with searching McGovern headquarters. They
              certainly would have been able to excuse their third-rate
              burglaries against that threat to national security,
              Daniel Ellsberg. Of course, the mainstream American press
              would probably be too chickenshit now to publish The
              Pentagon Papers anyway, since they were illegally
              obtained (see Chiquita Banana).

              The secret police are out there. It's known that several
              warrantless searches have already occurred under Janet
              Reno's watch, although the numbers and specifics are
              clandestine, known only to certain White House and
              Justice Department officials.

              The Clinton Administration has also instituted a plan in
              which public housing tenants have to sign leases that
              allow government agents to randomly search their homes.

              The Clinton Administration has defended warrantless
              "suspicionless" drug testing in the public schools and
              endorsed the idea that welfare recipients should be
              subject to random warrantless, suspicionless drug tests.

              The Clinton administration has, of course, continued
              funding and support for the War On Some Drugs, violating
              not only the privacy of people's bedrooms but their
              brains. The rights violations that have resulted from the
              drug war are so vast, and its impact so devastating, that
              I don't have the space or time to begin to do them
              justice here.


              They got the wrong guy? Been unjustly imprisoned? Clinton
              wants to keep you in jail anyway! Remember freedom of
              association, even with people other than Monica Lewinsky?
              Forget it!

              Martial Law was declared, quietly, on April 24, 1996 when
              our horny president signed the Anti-Terrorism Bill. In
              the straight-forward and heartbreaking words of the ACLU,
              " With the stroke of a pen, President Clinton today
              crippled the century-old authority of the federal courts
              to enforce the Bill of Rights." Please let that sink in.

              The Secretary of State can now label any foreign-based
              organization he or she pleases as "terrorist." There is
              no legal recourse for removing the assignation. Banks are
              authorized to freeze assets of American citizens and
              organizations suspected of being agents of one of these
              declared terrorist groups. Again, there is no legal
              recourse to challenge such an act. Law enforcement can
              also now easily investigate individuals suspected of
              terrorism based on activities protected by the First

              The bill also guts prisoners' right to habeas corpus.
              Prisoners can no longer challenge the constitutionality
              of state court convictions, since this law requires
              federal courts to defer to state court interpretations of
              constitutional issues, even when the state is wrong. The
              bill also prevents consideration of innocence unless they
              are "backed by clear and convincing evidence," something
              nearly unattainable by current legal standards. In other
              words, let's show how tough on crime we are by keeping
              innocent people in jail too!

              The bill also denies undocumented aliens, including those
              seeking political asylum, the right to challenge
              deportation. If the government declares that an alien is
              suspected of association with "terrorist groups," then
              they can use secret evidence that need not be disclosed
              to the suspect. In other words, the government need not
              even prove that the person is, in fact, in any way
              associated with a "terrorist" organization. After all,
              how would you know whether they've proved it or not.

              If that isn't enough, there's also been:

                 * Several cases of the Clinton Administration
                   intervening in the judicial process against the
                   constitutional rights of the accused.
                 * Limits placed on anti-abortion protesters that would
                   have had us screaming *fascist pig* had they been
                   tried against the anti-war and civil rights
                 * "Overenthusiastic" gun law enforcement. However you
                   feel about the second amendment's protection of
                   citizens' rights to unlicensed access to the
                   varieties of modern armaments, the Clinton
                   Administration's anti-gun zeal has unleashed the
                   fury of the BATF, most memorably in the slaughter in
                   Waco Texas.
                 * Dress codes that would have made Chairman Mao smile.
                   I doubt if Clinton, in his youth, would have sat
                   still for mandatory school uniforms, but we
                   understand that new uniforms will come
                   pre-cum-stained to symbolize Mr. Clinton's
                   commitment to youthful abstinence.


              Now it can now be told. As most non-white people in
              America know, and many of the rest of us suspected, in
              the wake of the war on crime and drugs America has become
              a police state. In the politicians' and citizens' zeal to
              end crime, they have unleashed a new criminal element.
              This element has murdered, tortured, and abused
              thousands, if not millions, of American citizens - many
              of them innocent. And they've gotten away with it. These
              police officers, prison guards, immigration officials,
              DEA agents, and other enforcement agents have
              more-or-less had carte blanche to do what they will.
              Recourse to sadism is not surprising when you give some
              human beings that much power over others, particularly
              the type of human being who is attracted to the power of
              being an "enforcer."


              A few weeks ago (October, 1998), Amnesty International
              released a devastating report on Human Rights violations
              in a persistent and widespread pattern of human rights
              violations in the USA. As a nation state worthy of being
              singled out by Amnesty for such a report, America joins
              such vacation dreamlands as Haiti and Guatemala.

              Here are a few items from the report:

                 * (There is) persistent and widespread violation of
                   the rights to freedom from torture and cruel,
                   inhuman or degrading treatment... and the right to
                   freedom from arbitrary detention
                 * Across the USA, people have been beaten, kicked,
                   punched, choked, and shot by police officers, even
                   when they pose no threat.
                 * In prisons, women and men are subjected to sexual,
                   as well as physical abuse... isolating prisoners for
                   long periods... using chemical and electro-shock
                   methods of restraint that are cruel, degrading, and
                   sometimes life-threatening. Victims include pregnant
                   women, the mentally ill and even children.
                 * As if they were criminals, many asylum-seekers are
                   placed behind bars when they arrive in the country.
                   Some are held in shackles. They are detained
                   indefinitely in conditions that are sometimes
                   inhuman and degrading.
                 * Police officers have beaten and shot unresisting
                   suspects; they have misused batons, chemical sprays
                   and electro-shock weapons; they have injured or
                   killed people by placing them in dangerous restraint
                 * Most law enforcement agencies maintain that abuses,
                   when they occur, are isolated incidents. However, in
                   the past eight years independent inquiries have
                   uncovered systematic abuses in some of the country's
                   largest city police departments, revealing a serious
                   nationwide problem.
                 * In prison, guards are subjecting their victims to
                   beatings and sexual abuse. The victims of abuse
                   include pregnant women and the mentally ill.
                 * The Justice Department and others have documented
                   appalling conditions in dozens of jails: overflowing
                   toilets and pipes; toxic and unsanitary
                   environments; prisoners forced to sleep on filthy
                   floors without mattresses; cells infested with
                   vermin and lacking ventilation
                 * While successive US governments have used
                   international human rights standards as a yardstick
                   by which to judge other countries, they have not
                   consistently applied those same standards at home.
                   In some areas international standards offer greater
                   human rights protection than US domestic law, but
                   the US authorities have refused to recognize the
                   primacy of international law. The USA has been slow
                   to agree to be bound by important international and
                   regional human rights treaties: it is one of only
                   two countries which have failed to ratify the UN
                   Convention on the Rights of the Child. (The other is

              The report goes on to delineate specific as well as
              general systemic abuses by police, prison guards, and
              immigration officials, American hypocrisy on human rights
              issues, and the creation in the United States of weapons
              of torture and death that are used internationally by
              other abusive regimes, as well as by our own.

              This devastating report, which flies in the face of
              America's official rhetoric and self-image, should have
              knocked George Clinton vs. Ringo Starr off of the front
              pages. But widespread torture, false imprisonment, racist
              cops running on a rampage, are apparently of little
              import to the mainstream media. I've yet to see a
              columnist even deal with it.

              The rape and torture of prisoners in America is the
              source of much late night humor. On The Daily Show (which
              I generally like) on Comedy Central, a clip of a large
              imprisoned black man jerking around and spasming around
              on a prison floor while guards tested an electronic shock
              device ran without comment to great guffaws from the
              audience. Prisoners... criminals... are dehumanized,
              providing a convenient outlet for all of the aggression
              and sadism current in America. The media-- newspapers and
              particularly TV shows--contribute to this dehumanization
              by featuring the most depraved crimes and criminals, both
              in non-fiction and in fiction. In keeping Americans
              focused on the likes of Richard Allen Davis and Charles
              Ng, a mentality is created that justifies all these
              abuses. However, if most Americans were to review the
              situation case by case, they would probably feel that
              many if not most of these people don't belong in prison
              at all. About half of them are in for drug related
              offenses. Some are in because of drug crimes committed by
              distant family members!!!

              But you don't even have to have a naughty family member
              to fall victim to the police state. Consider this: as
              reported by Robert Anton Wilson in Everything Is Under
              Control: "In January 1989, the Minneapolis police smashed
              down the floor of the home of an elderly black couple,
              using "flash bang" grenades, which accidentally set the
              house on fire and killed both old people. The cops were
              looking for drugs, but never found any. The chief of
              police justified the murders of two innocent citizens by
              saying, "This is war."


              America is a police state. Most Americans like it that
              way, so long as they--or somebody close to them--don't
              fall victim to its caprice. People fear crime and
              politicians have fed that fear unto frenzy, until the
              point where freedom is naught but a rhetorical device.

              The Revolutionr would like to suggest that we get tough
              on crime. First of all, we would get tough by punishing
              only crimes for which there are victims. That will give
              us lots of focused toughness. We would punish crimes of
              violence with greater severity than crimes of property.
              We would punish crimes of the privileged -- the dumping
              of toxins that leave entire communities to cope with
              cancer and other illnesses, Savings and Loans scams, and
              insurance and bank policies that clearly constitute usury
              -- more severely than the crimes of the destitute. And we
              would punish the crimes of the institutionally powerful
              more severely than those of the powerless. To that end,
              we would have the Justice Department put several billion
              dollars towards making an example of 10,000 power
              abusers, putting them into a prison system far kinder
              (and less crowded) then the one they have presided over.
              From government officials to DEA agents to police
              officers to prison officials, let the word go out: if you
              have been abusing your power, if you have been ransacking
              the homes of innocents, if you have been dropping bombs
              in foreign lands, if you've been shooting black men down
              in the street for traffic violations, your time is gonna
              come. And Mr. Clinton and Mr. Starr, adjoining cells
              await you.

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