-Caveat Lector- Disclaimer - I am not an expert:

"Midnight soil" or human waste has been a common fertilizer.  It is subject to the same limitations as aging beef, if the person or animal has taken antibiotics or is on medicine that has killed the decomposing bacteria in the gut (and in the other cells) then e. coli has a chance to take hold.  This also means that cattle fertilizer (or any other animal) can have e. coli.  Many of our vaccines are needed to clean up after what the antibiotics have caused.  Have you ever seen a female animal eat the feces of its young?  Urine used to be what they cleaned with in Pompeii.  Waste (normally) adds good bacteria to the soil, that is why earth worms and flies are beneficial.  I saw a episode of Quincy were they talked about the fact that yogurt was a bad medium for e. coli because it had Acidophilus bacteria in it.

In other words what is normally beneficial is now a biohazard.  Anyone wonder who wants to control the word food supply?  Animal Rights activists, overall a bunch of hoopla - vegetarians the base line could be hoopla too.  Why would they push all this stuff on us?  So we will bury ourselves?  Right now the government only gets taxes, if solar energy, replication, ect goes in how will the monopolies continue to have control.  An idea, what if they owned all the land in the United States and we had to pay to even live on it?  Would they want to do away with the true Monarchies?  Think of it, those Monarchies are actually to much like peoples Republics now days.

Have they kept us from going to the stars and having many inventions since they would not make money off of those inventions?  Now they are in so deep that with History and the Internet allowing people to see what has happened either they get complete control or everything has to come out.

They have kept things from people by saying that it will mess up the economy.  Kept scientific advances from us saying that it will mess up Religions.  Weeding?  Some have believed that it is survival of the fittest.  In reality it is genocide and very few will or are going to be needed.  Why would they need very many with computers if they can stay alive for centuries through cloning and or going through a replicator.

If we do manage to get out of this - to settle a new world traditionally requires a agricultural society.  This means that range fed animals that are healthy will be needed to replicate over to the new world.  Heinlein, Del Rey, and Anne Mc Cafferty have already been through these ideas.

What would we require of a leader?  One that is not afraid of having his past in the open.  One that can examine her or his conscience and know that they had as many facts as possible and they did the best that they could do.

Think of it like this.  People the believe in abortions can also believe that a child is basically a parasite.  That when you are ready (have enough education and financially) to take on a commitment like that that you have a child.  These leaders have had the children, have taken from us, and are breaking their commitments to us.  We are not being aborted - we are being killed after the fact.  Why didn't they work it out that we had enough knowledge and education to make decisions before it got to the point of their being able to say that we are surplus?
end the rest are links--
    World Wildlife Fund - chemicals in the environment - http://www.worldwildlife.org/toxics/
    Find more about Health Canada's perspective on antibacterial soaps at
    To find out what the Soap and Detergent Association have to say on 
         antibacterial soap, visit http://www.sdahq.org/sdalatest/welcome.html
    Visit Tufts University and find out more about there research at 
    Learn more about antibiotic resistance at 
   Antibiotics in agriculture creating superbugs - TORONTO (Reuters) - 04:25 PM ET 11/03/98.
    Non-Milk -http://www.antidairycoalition.com/062898.html
    The American Farmer up a Creek - without the paddle =
        Terminator Seed Technology - http://www.greenpeace.org/~geneng/

Eric Roberts wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

I believe human waste can be made into building material. Does anyone know?

YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:
> >It's amazing that human waste has been used as fertilizer all over the world
> >without major problems.
> What makes you say that?  Cholera and dysentery are common in areas where
> human waste is used as fertilizer...
> >Filtering through enough feet of earth can purify
> >untreated waste, human or otherwise.
> Definitely untrue...e.coli can remain in the soil for some time...
> What makes you think that bacteria and virii don't live in soil?
> And what was described in the article was NOT 'filtering...through...
> earth', but aerial spraying of the stuff...
> June

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