-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin H. Katchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: carl raschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Nils Swanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Frances Makarava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
carl raschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Lee Markland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Vail
Riches (ICQ#2018060) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Ruth Lewin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Jacco Zwetsloot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 1999 12:12 AM
Subject: Fw: AEP: Republicans let Clinton off the hook

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, February 09, 1999 8:21 PM
Subject: CAS: AEP: Republicans let Clinton off the hook

>Electronic Telegraph
>ISSUE 1356
>Wednesday 10 February 1999
>Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Republicans let Clinton off the hook
>IT is time to admit defeat. For the past six years I have been shouting
>that Bill Clinton is a wicked man, with past ties to organised crime and
>a tolerance for vicarious violence. I assumed that Americans would catch
>on to this, and that most would object. For though they are famously
>slow to anger, they are - or used to be - harsh in judgment. But the fat
>times have dulled the senses and absolved all sins.
>As for the Republicans, they are too timid, or too enmeshed in
>Clintonian intrigue themselves, to pursue the real charges. They picked
>on an Oval Office sex scandal instead.
>During Watergate, the trio of press, Congress and the inquisitor (a
>Democrat partisan and Kennedy protégé) worked together in synergy. As
>they nudged the story forward, they gradually persuaded a sleepy nation
>that something was amiss in the Nixon White House.
>This time the media are on the sidelines - or fraternising. The
>Washington Post has been caught feeding media intelligence to the White
>House Counsel's office. NBC Television is sitting on an interview with
>an Arkansas woman who was allegedly raped by Bill Clinton. She now
>admits signing a false affidavit in the Paula Jones lawsuit, under
>This is combustible stuff. It is also directly relevant to the
>impeachment trial, which stems from witness tampering in the same case.
>NBC may have grounds for caution, but does anybody believe it would have
>hesitated to strike against Nixon?
>Still, the Republicans have only themselves to blame for the bêtise of
>indicting Mr Clinton on Monica Lewinsky charges. The counts were bound
>to be mischaracterised as "lying about sex", and bound to serve as a
>perverse vindication for the President. If that is all his persecutors
>could find, we keep hearing, there cannot be much else.
>But there is so much else. Congress did not have to confine the
>impeachment to the findings of Kenneth Starr, the independent counsel.
>By doing so, it became a prisoner of Mr Starr's own subtle agenda. This
>is not to accuse Mr Starr of conjuring Miss Lewinsky as a distraction,
>while orchestrating the real cover-up. His actions were never so
>calculated. But Mr Starr is most assuredly not an "independent" counsel.
>He is a creature of the Justice Department, where he once served as
>chief-of-staff. His team in Washington has been dominated by fellow
>insiders, and he has relied slavishly on the FBI to do the donkey work.
>But it is precisely the politicisation of the Justice Department and the
>FBI that forms the core scandal pervading the abuses of this
>administration. Mr Clinton began his presidency by firing all senior
>prosecutors, giving him direct control of the investigative machinery.
>He then carried out a putsch at the FBI, sacking its director for the
>first time in its history. This was taboo. The FBI director is appointed
>for 10 years, like a judge, to ensure political independence.
>Mr Starr has instinctively recoiled from confronting the FBI, limiting
>his zeal to harmless follies that could be prosecuted without collateral
>damage. He turned a blind eye when his deputy warned him about an FBI
>cover-up in the investigation into the death of Vincent Foster, Hillary
>Clinton's closest friend. Negligently - or worse - he failed to take
>testimony from key witnesses in the "Filegate" affair, in which the
>confidential FBI files of more than 900 Republicans were slipped to the
>White House.
>The story is emerging instead from a civil lawsuit. We have learnt that
>the raw data were fed into computers for purposes of political
>espionage, at the behest of Mrs Clinton. Had the Republicans folded this
>into the impeachment inquiry, Americans might have taken a very
>different view of the current trial. Misuse of the FBI, after all, was
>Nixon's cardinal sin during Watergate.
>But the Republicans have always been skittish about exposing the
>dirtiest of Mr Clinton's dirty linen, lest their own (lesser)
>indiscretions come to light. There is a Washington etiquette in these
>matters, or put another way: they, too, are "mobbed up". That is why, I
>believe, they backed away from probing whether Mr Clinton knowingly
>solicited laundered campaign funds from Chinese military intelligence in
>exchange for restricted missile technology.
>It is also why they have been so wary of discussing Mr Clinton's
>astounding ties to Arkansas's 1980s cocaine king, Dan Lasater. Dig a
>little and you discover that Arkansas played a role in the Reagan
>administration's clandestine supply flights to the Nicaraguan Contras,
>with a messy spill-over into the Dixie Mafia. A forbidden subject. Mr
>Clinton gets another free pass.
>Impeachment is thus reduced to two measly counts on Monica Lewinsky, and
>the Republicans cannot even get that right. They put on a show trial
>with a scripted outcome of acquittal, calibrated to wound but not to
>kill. Undertaken in the wrong spirit, it has turned against them. The
>Senate Republicans have humiliated their House colleagues by refusing to
>try the case properly, stripping the impeachment of its legitimacy.
>So the man caught red-handed in perjury, obstruction of justice and
>ungallantly smearing his lover as a demented stalker is hailed as the
>winner. The world knows that he is guilty, but he is the one enjoying a
>victory cigar.
>What a way to end the 20th century.
>© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 1999.
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