-Caveat Lector-

I am starting to lose my appetite.

First "growth hormone" milk.

Next "terminator" sterile crop seeds.

Now "frankenstein" foods. What's next?

Genetically engineered salmon(ella)?

 Electronic Telegraph

ISSUE 1358 Friday 12 February 1999

  Alarm over 'Frankenstein' foods
By Polly Newton David Brown and Charles Clover

Biological Effects of Plant Lectins on the
Gastrointestinal Tract: Metabolic Consequences and
Applications - Pusztai A and Bardocz S

 Thorkild's main page on the Pusztai case - Prof
Thorkild Bog-Hansen [in support of Dr Pusztai]

 English Nature criticises presentation of House
of Lords report [22 Jan '99] - English Nature

 English Nature

 Friends of the Earth supports Tory GM moratorium
call [3 Feb '99] - Friends of the Earth

 Advisory Committee on Releases to the
Environment - Department of the Environment,
Transport and the Regions

 News releases - Cabinet Office

  A SCIENTIST who was condemned for saying that
genetically modified foods could damage human
health was backed last night by 20 scientists from
around the world.
Jack Cunningham, the Cabinet "enforcer", promised
that the Government would look "very thoroughly
and very quickly" into the new claims about the
effects of so-called "Frankenstein foods".
The scientist, Dr Arpad Pusztai, was forced out of
his job at the Government-funded Rowett research
institute in Aberdeen last August when he said
that rats had suffered a reduction in brain size,
liver damage and a weakening of their immune
system after being fed GM potatoes for only 10
days. The development of the animals' kidney,
thymus, spleen and gut was also affected.
Dr Pusztai told Granada TV's World in Action that
he would not eat GM food. He said he found it
"very, very unfair to use our fellow citizens as
guinea pigs".
At the time, the institute described the results
of Dr Pusztai's experiments as "very confused".
The head of the institute, Prof Philip James, is
the man behind the Government's proposals for a
food standards agency and has been tipped as a
leading candidate for its top job.
Vyvyan Howard, one of the scientists who is
backing Dr Pusztai, told BBC's Newsnight last
night: "We find that his data are sound. We think
it would pass peer review and be published and we
are at a loss to explain why the Rowett institute
came to the conclusion it did." Mr Howard, a
toxipathologist at Liverpool University, said that
the scientists from various countries who reviewed
Dr Pusztai's work included specialists in genetic
engineering and in medicine.
A Scottish Office immunologist is reported to have
approved the methods used by Dr Pusztai's team.
Recent research on the same rats by Dr Stanley
Ewen, a senior pathologist at Aberdeen University
medical school, is also understood to validate Dr
Pusztai's preliminary findings and suggest new
possible health risks.
Dr Ewen found that rats fed the GM potatoes used
in Dr Pusztai's experiments suffered from an
enlarged stomach wall and an elongation of a
section of the stomach after 10 days of feeding
trials. Mr Cunningham, who as Minister of
Agriculture banned beef on the bone, told
Newsnight that it would be "very surprising" if Dr
Pusztai's work were "suddenly validated by another
set of experiments".
But he said: "We shall certainly examine it very
thoroughly and very quickly. We want to be aware
of any new work and any new developments in what
is a fast developing field."
Asked if he believed that GM foods were safe, Mr
Cunningham said: "I think they can be safe. They
have of course got to be thoroughly examined and
properly licensed before they can ever be either
grown or produced or brought into the food chain."
Last night Paul Tyler, the Liberal Democrat food
spokesman, said he would ask the Commons
agriculture select committee to investigate the
affair. "These are not scaremongering amateurs but
the premier Government research team in this
field," he said. "Confusion over the original
significance of these findings meant that the huge
companies involved in genetic engineering were
able to dismiss them as misleading. "Now the
reputation of Dr Pusztai is being reinstated and
it is the novel foods which are back in the dock."
The Government's handling of the affair had been
criticised earlier in the day when Mr Cunningham
was accused of misleading MPs into believing that
its official wildlife advisers had not recommended
a three-year ban on GM crops.
Lady Young, chairman of English Nature, wrote to
Tony Blair saying her organisation had called for
a moratorium on all herbicide-tolerant and
insect-resistant crops so that research could be
carried out into their impact on the countryside.
"We are very concerned about the effects that
herbicide-tolerant crops would have on
biodiversity," she said. "These varieties would
give farmers the ability to eliminate wildlife in
crops." But in the Commons on Wednesday Mr
Cunningham said William Hague, the Tory leader,
had been "misleading and irresponsible" in
suggesting that English Nature wanted "a
moratorium on these matters".
Lady Young stressed that English Nature was not
asking for a moratorium on the commercial release
of all GM crops but only on those likely to damage
the countryside. No crop likely to meet English
Nature's criteria was expected to emerge for five
or 10 years.
She said there might be a potential in some gene
technology for producing "more environmentally
friendly crops" and better food, but this needed
further research and safeguards. English Nature
had been "taken aback" by the decision last week
of the Advisory Committee on Releases to the
Environment to approve the release of
herbicide-tolerant oilseed rape.
Lady Young said: "This type of genetic
modification will make farming even more intensive
and is undesirable in the British countryside
where farming and wildlife must co-exist."
Tim Yeo, the shadow minister of agriculture, said
Lady Young's letter was "devastating". He fully
supported English Nature's call for a three-year
ban. "It would in our view be outrageous to
overrule this advice."
Friends of the Earth, the environmental pressure
group, said the letter was a "devastating blow" to
GM food promoters. But Mr Cunningham last night
made clear he stood by his original remarks. The
Cabinet Office issued a statement in which he said
he had quoted Lady Young "fairly and accurately"
and he again accused Mr Hague of making an
"incorrect" claim about English Nature's position.
The Consumers' Association called on Mr Blair
yesterday to block sales of any new GM foods in
shops and supermarkets until the Government had
tightened the safeguards. In its toughest
statement so far, the association said: "There is
currently no way of knowing what the unintended
health consequences of GM food ingredients will be
and they cannot be monitored once they have
entered the food chain." But the association
welcomed a Government decision to oppose the
introduction of genetically modified cotton seeds
into animal food in the European Union.

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