-Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for February 11, 1999

     A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
  #525 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2/11/99

   "For Reason and the First Amendment"

  In This Issue...

   * Falwell: beware Telletubbies, antichrist
   * Many agree with Falwell's views on Armageddon
   * American Atheist Press Release on Falwell
   * American Atheists National Convention, April 2-4, 1999
   * Vatican to intervene on behalf of ex-dictator Pinochet?
   * American Atheist Magazine poll
   * Resources
   * About this list...

>From the Antichrist to Gay "Teletubbies," the TV Evangelist Warns the

   He's at it again.

Just one week after apologizing for remarks that many considered to be
bigoted and anti-Semitic, evangelist Jerry Falwell has now suggested
that a popular children's character, Tinky Winky, is gay and thus
"damaging to the moral lives of children."  Tinky Winky is one of the
popular "Teletubbies," amorphous characters on a popular British-made
children's television show which premiered in 1997 and has become a
smash hit for PBS.  The characters have inspired a burst of
promotional tie-ins including doll sets which are scheduled for
release next month.  In addition to Tinky Winky, there's Po, LaLa and
Dipsy who are rounded yellow, green and red characters with
televisions sets in their tummies and squiggly antennae on their

What seems to distinguish Tinky Winky, though -- and outrages Rev.
Falwell -- is his purple color and the fact that his antenna is in the
shape of a triangle.  Get it?

Falwell's remarks appeared in his National Liberty Journal earlier
this month.  Describing the Tinky Winky character, it noted: "He is
purple -- the gay-pride color;and his antenna is shaped like a
triangle -- the gay-pride symbol."  The article then went on to
describe a Washington Post editorial that depicted Tinky's photo
"opposite that of Ellen DeGeneres in an 'In/Out' column.  This implies
that Ellen is 'out' as the chief national gay representative, while
Tinky Winky is the trendy 'in' celebrity."

Tinky has also been seen carrying a "purse," claimed Falwell's
publication.  In addition, the Teletubbies hero has the voice of a boy
"and has become a favorite character among gay groups worldwide..."

"These subtle depictions are no doubt intentional and parents are
warned to be alert to these elements in the series," concluded the

The remarks have rocketed Falwell back into the headlines, provided
news writers with a cornucopia of biting remarks, and left a spokesman
for Itsy Bitsy Entertainment Co., the firm which licenses the
Teletubbies in America, astounded.  Steven Rice told reporters
yesterday that the Tinky Winky character carries a "magic bag" and
that does not "make him gay."

"It's a children's show, folks.  To think we would be putting sexual
innuendo in a children's show is kind of outlandish," he added.  Rice
also charged that Falwell was targeting "something sweet and innocent"
in order to further his conservative political agenda.  "To out a
Teletubby in a preschool show is kind of sad on his part.  I really
find it absurd and kind of offensive."

Falwell's war on the Teletubby character, though, is part of a larger
campaign that he and his organizations have waged against homosexuals
for nearly twenty year.  Gays and gay rights were a major focus for
the preacher when he founded his Moral Majority organization in 1980.
And in 1997, Falwell continued his battle against homosexuals in the
media when he pressured General Motors, Chrysler and Johnson & Johnson
to withdraw sponsorship from an episode of the "Ellen" show where the
lead character -- comedian and actress Ellen DeGeneres -- announced
that she was a lesbian."

                               Understanding Falwell's "Teletubbies" P
To most rational folks, Rev.  Falwell's claim that the Tinky Winky
character somehow embodies homosexuality and is a threat to youngsters
is absurd, even paranoid.  To Falwell and many of his religious right
supporters, however, it makes perfect sense.  Convinced that there is
a wide spread "homosexual agenda" at work in America -- especially one
which intends to condition or "convert" young people from a natural
heterosexual disposition into homosexuality -- the flimsiest forms of
evidence can become compelling.  The more outlandish the "evidence"
is, the more sinister the plot.  In a larger context, it typifies what
historian Richard Hofstrader termed "the paranoid style in American
politics."  This includes demonization of opponents (real and
imagined) by adding a supernatural dimension of evil to their deeds;
predisposition to believe in plots and conspiracies; a sense that
fundamental values are "under attack" by an amorphous amalgam of
opponents; and a perception that conspirators are using every manner
of deceit and subterfuge to accomplish their ends.

Diverse groups, including Jews, foreigners, witches, political
dissidents or, in the case of Falwell, homosexual activists have
played this role as both an ideological and spiritual foil.  The
phobia over homosexuality -- deeply rooted in the Biblical tradition
-- now goes far beyond prime-time TV stars, gay rights politicians
like Rep.  Barney Frank, or even those who defend the right of gay men
and women to coverage under the nation's civil rights laws.  The new
"enemy," at least for Rev.  Falwell, is round, purple, and his name is
Tinky Winky.



For Rev.  Jerry Falwell, the Teletubbies aren't the only evil stalking
the world today.  Last month, while addressing a religious conference
in Kingsport, Tennessee, Falwell declared that "historic and prophetic
orthodox Christian doctrine" taught that the antichrist was Jewish.
The popular Pentecostal preacher also expressed the opinion that this
demonic figure probably was alive today somewhere in the Middle East.
That claim brought immediate censure from groups like the American
Jewish Congress, which issued a warning against "the careless spread
of doctrinal anti-Semitism," adding that Falwell's statements would
have "an inevitably incendiary and degrading effect on Christian
attitudes toward Jews."

The director of the organization, Phil Baum, charged that the remarks
"play right into the worst clich s of the worst nightmares that infect
the Religious Right."

"History unambiguously teaches that the unexplained preaching of
arcane Christian theological concepts like those advanced by rev.
Falwell have an inevitably incendiary and degrading effect on
Christian attitudes towards Jews."

Ironically, Falwell remains an outspoken supporter of the State of
Israel, and has even denounced the current peace process taking place
in the Middle East.  In January of 1998, for instance, Falwell
mobilized supporters, including leaders in the powerful Southern
Baptist Convention, to convey their opposition to Israeli President
Benjamin Netanyahu of any surrender of territory to the Palestinians.
Such support for the Israeli state, though, has less to do with
brotherly attitudes towards Jews than it does with the very "arcane"
theological teachings and beliefs which the AJC warned against.

And there is another irony: millions of Americans, including some of
the nation's most high-profile religious leaders, would agree with
much of Falwell's assessment that the "antichrist" is alive and well,
and probably Jewish.  That religious belief accounts for why other
leaders in the religious right, such as televangelist Pat Robertson,
see "a special place" for the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

                                 The Millennialist Seduction

To appreciate the full import of Falwell's remarks, two important
elements must be appreciated.

First is the metaphorical significance of the new millennium and the
approach of the year 2000.  A strikingly diverse group of people, from
fundamentalist Christians to new agers and even secular apocalyptics,
believe that the onset of 2000 is an event of profound significance.
It could bring everything from the emergence of a new global
consciousness (observers classify those believers as "birds of
paradise") to nuclear war, technological collapse, social
disintegration or other calamitous events.  For many fundamentalist,
evangelical or literalist Christians, 2000 may well signal the
immanent return of Jesus and the other events foretold in the
apocalyptic texts of both the Old and New Testaments.

Like Falwell, many American evangelicals including Billy Graham and
Pat Robertson, believe in what is known as the "pretribulation."  This
means that Jesus will arrive on earth, or would "rapture" his flock of
believers before the antichrist makes a final bid for total world
power.  The latter will result in a period of persecution known as The
Tribulation.  Some Christians divine the texts of the Bible to reveal
a different chronology of events, for instance; post-tribulationists
teach that the faithful must be prepared to endure that time of
persecution, even death, before Jesus and the cosmic calvary ride to
the rescue.

Another factor is the consolidation of the modern State of Israel in
1949.  Many Christians believe that this crucial event initiated the
final countdown to Armageddon and other events which characterize "the
last days."  Part of this eschatological drama is the emergence of the
antichrist, who along with his "False Prophet" comrade will deceive
the people of the world and establish a fraudulent religious and
political system.  Establishing the exact time and sequence of these
colorful events has preoccupied many Christians, from Bishop Ussher
(1581-1656) who claimed to have calculated the exact date of the Old
Testament creation, to American deist-turned-religious prophet William
Miller who in the mid-19th century prophesied the end of the world and
the arrival of the "New Jerusalem."

Billy Graham, his successor, playboy-son-turned-preacher Franklin
Graham, and even Pat Robertson often speak cryptically of the precise
timing of these apocalyptic events, preferring to use terms such as
"soon" in describing when they might occur.  They also skirt the
excesses of some of their religious brethren who claim to have at one
time or another identified the antichrist.  Henry Kissinger, Richard
Nixon, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein are among the
many historical figures who have been suggested as potential

Falwell stands by his claim that the biblical antichrist is, or will
be Jewish.  In a statement to the news media released through his web
site (www.falwell.com), he noted that in delivering his talk about the
alleged second coming of Jesus Christ, "I conveyed biblically-based
truths that I have believed and preached nationally for more than 40
years.  In addition to asserting that I personally believe that Christ
could return soon, I stated that the Antichrist may possibly be alive
on the earth today."  Falwell then goes on to cite "three views" which
he says divide contemporary evangelical Christians in regard to the
background of the antichrist.  The demonic figure is either Gentile,
Jewish, or is neither but instead is "an evil system."  He proceeds to
quote biblical verses from the books of Daniel, Ezekiel and John to
support his contention that "the Antichrist may be Jewish."

Ron Barrier, national spokesperson for American Atheists, criticized
Falwell's bigoted views in a press release to the news media on
Wednesday night.  "We must remember," noted Barrier, "that Mr. Falwell
belongs to that particularly curious class of individuals who 'see
things' where things are not.  These are the same people who see the
word 'sex' in a cloud in the movie 'The Lion King' -- who see an
erection in a cartoon minister's pants during the wedding ceremony in
'The Little Mermaid' -- who criticize fictional TV characters like
'Murphy Brown and 'The Simpsons.'"



The following statement was released to the news media last evening
from the National Media Office of American Atheists...

FEB. 10, 1999


Both are frightening role models for today's youth

American Atheists today criticized both Reggie White, football player
and ersatz preacher, and Jerry Falwell, evangelical media hound, for
their bigoted and ignorant remarks.  Reggie White, a part-time,
self-avowed godrep who is now going after homosexuals the way the
white race went after his ancestors, was pictured in a 3/4- page ad in
USA Today on Monday, Feb.  8, touting his form of religious ignorance
as a "role model for America's youth."  Ron Barrier, National
Spokesman for American Atheists, characterized Mr. White's position as
"the result of too many blows to the head combined with overexposure
to biblical nonsense."  Jerry Falwell, a militant right-wing extremist
d/b/a preacher, today accused one of TV's fictional "Teletubbies" as a
"gay role model."  "We must remember," noted Mr. Barrier, "that Mr.
Falwell belongs to that particularly curious class of individuals who
'see things' where things are not.  These are the same people who see
the word 'sex' in a cloud in the movie 'The Lion King' - who see an
erection in a cartoon minister's pants during the wedding ceremony in
'The Little Mermaid' - who criticize fictional TV characters like
'Murphy Brown' and 'The Simpsons.'  "Mr.  Falwell has entirely too
much time on his hands since he has nothing better to do than watch
children's programming and chase cartoons.  It's frightening that both
Mr. Falwell and Mr. White are considered 'influential'," observed Mr.


                     CONVENTION, APRIL 2-4, 1998 IN NEW JERSEY

Get ready to learn, organize and party!  The 25th National Convention
of American Atheists is slated for April 2-4, 1998 in Parsippany, New
Jersey.  There will be panels, workshops, Leadership Training,
addresses, dinners, social events and the dedication of the new
American Atheists Center.

Among the speakers confirmed are Pamela Sumners, state-church
separation attorney from Alabama and Dee Carona of the New Jersey
Education Association.  Actor William Boyd Francis will give a
stirring stage performance of Robert Ingersoll's speech to jury in the
C.B.  Reynold's "blasphemy" trial.  And Dr.  Tony Pasquarello will be
signing copies of his new book, "The Altar Boy Chronicles."

In addition, there will workshops and Leadership Training for American
Atheists State Directors and much more.  Find out about the 25th
National Convention, and register on line by visiting
http://www.atheists.org/convention99.html for more.



Despite Pope John Paul II's public persona as a defender of human
rights, the Vatican may end up being asked to intervene on behalf of
former Argentinean strongman Gen.  Augusto Pinochet, who is currently
facing possible extradition to Spain following his arrest in London on
October 16.  While in England for medical treatment, the 83-year old
general was taken into custody for gross violation of human rights
stemming from his dictatorial rule in Chile after the overthrow in
1973 of the government of elected President Salvatore Allende.
Following the coup, Pinochet emerged as head of the ruling junta, and
became widely despised for his brutal tactics in suppressing political
opposition.  According to Amnesty International, by the end of 1973 up
to a quarter of a million Chileans had been confined to concentration
camps which sprouted up around the nation.  The following year, the
General oversaw the creation of the notorious DINA (Directorate of
National intelligence) which "quickly became the...instrument for
terror both within Chile and abroad," according to Britain's Daily
Telegraph Newspaper.  A new constitution was written in 1980, but it
ensured that Pinochet would maintain his grasp on political power
until at least 1989.  Misjudging the mood of the nation though, which
was in the middle of an economic upswing, Pinochet ordered a
plebiscite in 1987 on whether or not he should remain in power.  After
a stunning loss, he then negotiated a deal in which he gave up his
political power but remained on as head of the military.  In 1989,
Chile held its first open election and in 1991 a "National Commission
for Truth and Reconciliation" began to examine the numerous human
rights abuses of the Pinochet era; it documented over 3,000
politically motivated assassinations.

When Pinochet traveled to Britain for back surgery, a team of Spanish
lawyers began working on an ingenious attempt to bring the aging
General to justice and invoked the European Convention for the
Suppression of Terrorism as grounds for Pinochet's arrest.  The High
Court in London later ruled that the as a former head of state,
however, Pinochet was immune from prosecution -- at least in the
British legal system.  Following more legal wrangling, the Law Lords
ruled 3-2 against Gen.  Pinochet; that decision is now being
challenged following revelations of a tie between one of the Law Lords
-- Lord Hoffman -- and Amnesty International.

Behind the scenes, supporters of Pinochet are now asking the Vatican
to intervene on the aging ex-dictator's behalf.  Foreign news sources
including the Daily telegraph note that "Senior Chilean ministers, who
have kept the Vatican closely informed of developments since the
83-year old general was arrested in London on October 16, are likely
to ask the Pope to plead for his release on compassionate grounds."
The Telegraph newspaper adds that there have been "a series of high
level contacts" between Chile and the Vatican.  Chile's Foreign
Minister, Jose Miguel Inzulza was in Rome last week, following up on a
November visit to the Vatican between deputy minister Mariano
Fernandez and Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Holy See's Secretary of
State.  Now the number two man in the Vatican hierarchy, Cardinal
Sodano was papal nuncio (ambassador) in Santiago between 1997 and 1988
at the height of Pinochet's reign of terror.  The Vatican officials,
news sources report, supports Chile's claim that no foreign court has
proper jurisdiction over Pinochet.


                  THE FIELD OR COURT?

"Prayer huddles" ...  "spirit filled" athletes using prime time sports
coverage to advertise their faith ...  is it all getting out of hand?
The American Atheist Magazine On-Line Forum and Poll wants to know
your opinion.

The upraised arm no longer means "we're number one!"  It's become a
religious statement for many pro athletes who are going public not
just with their accomplishments on the field or court, but with their
religious beliefs as well.  Does this threaten the inclusive nature of
sports?  Are fans being excluded by energized Christian athletes?  Is
pro sports being turned into a pulpit?

Read more about what is happening in the sports world and this
controversial mixing of public faith and religious enthusiasm.  Find
out how some Christian evangelical groups are targeting high priced
athletic superstars, and why team management and owners are growing
concerned.  Vote on several questions about this topic, and post your
opinion for others to read.



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* The American Atheist Magazine is now on the web!  Check out select
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features.  Visit us at http://www.americanatheists.org

* If you are a current member of American Atheists, sign up for our
e-mail discussion group, aachat.  We have over 120 participants who
discuss topics such as Atheism, religion, First Amendment issues and
lots more!  Contact Margie Wait, the Moderator, through

                                               ABOUT THIS LIST...

AANEWS is a free service from American Atheists, a nationwide movement
founded by Madalyn Murray O'Hair for the advancement of Atheism, and
the total, absolute separation of government and religion.

You may forward, post or quote from this dispatch, provided that
appropriate credit is given to AANEWS and American Atheists.  Edited
by Conrad Goeringer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Internet Representative for
American Atheists is Margie Wait, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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