-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 4:05 PM
Subject: Rockefeller's propaganda profile rising to "operational levels" for
UFO efforts.

Propaganda film about Laurance Rockefeller released; acclaimed by usual

(Note: Ever since Rockefellers' goons gunned down miners and workers in
Colorado, the effort to "paint 'em green" has continued, in philanthropy,
conservation and in the areas of "myth management" and application of "new
thought" to American culture. It is to these folks we owe many of the
unhappily bad ideas with which our culture now wrestles, and from which we
have a "socio-cultural infrastructure" that is addicted to the philosophical
and political positions which facilitate excessive political influence by
these monied "priest-kings" and their acolytes, a dangerous "self-anointed"

Most recently, Joseph Campbell's religious deconstruction of our culture was
funded primarily by Laurance Rockefeller, whose "conservation" is a
And his irresponsible promugation of so-called "Eastern medicine," thrown
a sop to our population increasingly deprived of adequate health education
medical care, promotes a system of myths, legends and superstitions aimed at
tribalizing the U.S.

It is their "shadow sides" we ought to examine, expose and hold accountable.
Their "environmental senses" began in the times when Laurance's mother and
circles were influential with "eugenics" and that kind of "selective
that was picked up and taken to "embarrassing lengths" (for the practice's
American advocates) by the Nazis under Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and their
industrialist-benefactors. And in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and America,
they sought to diminish the growth and spread of populations deemed
"inadequate" by these "Queens of the Industrial Age."

Blacks were not even considered "human" in the same way by these elite
It was the influx of "Irish, Hungarians, ghetto Jews, Polish, Slavs" and
others, imported to work their husbands' steel mills and coal mines, that
these fine ladies believed it was necessary to "cull and improve." They
their husbands to fund atrocities.

Even in Britain were major philosophical initiatives propelled by a
stupid science which sought to "hybridize" the "Eastern Races" thought by
leading lights of the day to be "incapable of us civilizing" and, "for the
most part, 'retarded' as a race."

Before their madnesses were reversed, 27 American states plus a dozen
countries had policies of involuntary sterilization for "unacceptable
populations." And the definition of who could reproduce and who could not
in the hands of a few.

This work is still present. It has evolved into the "Population Councils,"
the "Zero Population Growth" and Planned Parenthood movements of today.
Facilitated by the "free-sex" libertinism, followed by subliminal child-
sacrifice in "prophylactic abortions for convenience," and in celebrations
"harmess pagan rituals" in Bohemian Grove and Council Groves, they bely an
emergent neo-pagan 21st Century techno-facism.

And their hired "deep ecologists," many in Rockefellers' employ, strive to
cloak in a high-faluting academic camouflage what remains of a  proto-Nazi
non-science. Most members of current environmental advocacy and "population"
groups and new "peace movements" do not know of this. It is not trumpeted by
their, direct-mail marketers.
The Church of Rome knows it, but can't say so in America. Evangelicals don't

Native American history is lionized, yet trivialized and sanitized. European
refugees, who came seeking freedom and choice in America from tyrannical
European states, are redefined as interlopers, invaders, rapists of pristine
lands, destroyers of cultures.
The least educated and most fearful elements of our increasingly fragmented
culture are "wrought up" with fears and conspiracies then aimed at each
to seed chaos and disorder, rending our nation while rendering us highly
vulnerable, but from within.

Here too we can see again the "painting green" of Laurance Rockefeller's
deeper-held world views, from which he and his peers and minions conduct a
societal warfare on human cultures which are not deemed, by Rockefellers and
their "eco-philosophical partners," to be worthy of life on what they
is an increasingly crowded planet.
Likewise their post-Cold War gambits promulgating "world peace;" in reality
And their goal, and that of their European oligarchic friends, is to
exporting of the American Revolutionary principles of Jefferson, Madison,
Franklin, and replace them with the egomaniacal "realpolitik" of a
a Greenspan and Rockefeller.

This film is propaganda, and it will be unsuccessful in "rehabilitating" the
Rockefeller image beyond those who already pay obeisance to his and his
brothers' networks of power, unelected, unaccountable. Their "secret
government" is neither. It is tyranny.
DO NOT FEAR THEM! They have no real power, other than what WE cede to them.
The "gods" they worship are illusory tricks of ego. They are an
cult," to quote a former CIA scientist familiar with their machinations for
the past 50+ years. Likewise, do not fall for their propaganda and that of
their parasitic non-profits and the cadres they have spawned. Resistance is
NOT futile, and non-violence IS effective. It is Rockefeller's minions,
cloistered in Room 5600 at Rock-Center, who created this. It is George Lamb,
Laurance's chief conservation-philanthropy advisor and manager, and owed so
many favors by those he's funded, for whom this film was an easy sell.
- - - - +

Subj: Film On Conservation Efforts of Laurance Rockefeller,...
Date: 2/12/99 9:19:20 AM Eastern Standard Time

Film On Conservation Efforts of Laurance Rockefeller, Other Conservationists
Nominated for Academy Award

     NEW YORK--(ENTERTAINMENT WIRE)--Feb. 12, 1999--"A Place in the Land," a
film produced for The Woodstock Foundation, Inc., that commemorates the
conservation stewardship achievements of Laurance S. Rockefeller and two
pioneer conservationists, was nominated this week for an Academy Award in
Documentary Short Subject category by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and

     The 30-minute film, produced by documentary film maker Charles
Guggenheim, a four-time Academy Award winner, already has received a Gold
Award from the Flagstaff International Film Festival in Flagstaff, Arizona,
and the Earthwatch Institute Film Award. "A Place in the Land" will be shown
in the visitor center theater as an introduction to the Billings Farm &
in Woodstock, Vermont, as an introduction to both the Farm & Museum and the
new Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park.

     The film examines the history of conservation stewardship in America,
reflected through the estate that is now protected as the Billings Farm &
Museum and the Park, and the lives and work of George Perkins Marsh,
Billings, and Laurance S. and Mary Rockefeller.

     Mr. Marsh is often credited as the founder of the American conservation
movement. His seminal work, Man and Nature, first examined man's impact on
environment. Marsh's work influenced Mr. Billings, a lawyer and railroad
builder, who put Marsh's ideas to work in Woodstock. Mary French Rockefeller
was the granddaughter of Frederick Billings and she and her husband,
S. Rockefeller, were stewards of the property for many decades.

     Mr. Rockefeller's long conservation career was commemorated in 1991
the award of a Congressional Gold Medal from President George Bush. In 1992,
Mr., Rockefeller and his wife donated the estate and 555 surrounding acres
the federal government to create the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National
Historical Park. The Woodstock Foundation and the National Park Service work
in partnership to present these historic properties to the public.

     Mr. Guggenheim, described by The Saturday Review as "probably the most
accomplished maker of documentary films in the country," is the recipient of
the George Foster Peabody Award in broadcasting, 11 previous Academy Award
nominations and four Academy Awards for "RFK Remembered," a film biography
Robert F. Kennedy; "Nine From Little Rock," which chronicled the Arkansas
school integration crisis and subsequent changes; "The Johnstown Flood,"
commemorated the 100th anniversary of the disaster; and "A Time for
the story of the Civil Rights Movement.



Emerald Partners, Fort Lee, New Jersey

Fraser P. Seitel, 201/784-8880

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