-Caveat Lector-


It's no accident that a
country can be most free
and most armed
Charley Reese

The Sentinel Staff
Published in The Orlando Sentinel, Jan 31 1999

Do you believe that people have a right to overthrow the
government with force and violence? If you say no, then
you need to study your American history. The basic
premise of the American Revolution, beautifully spelled
out in the Declaration of Independence, is that people
have not only the right but, under certain circumstances,
the duty to overthrow a government. Let's examine what
is the true American philosophy as spelled out in that
In the first paragraph, it is stated that "laws of nature and
of nature's God" entitle people to assume a separate and
equal station among the powers of the Earth. In other
words, self-determination. In the second paragraph the
basic premises of the Revolution are laid out:
1. All men are created equal and endowed by God with
unalienable rights; 2. governments are instituted to secure
these rights; 3. the only just authority of any government
is the consent of the governed; 4. when any form of
government becomes destructive of these ends
(protecting rights and governing only by consent), people
have a right to alter or abolish it.
The third paragraph states that it is prudent not to change
governments for light or frivolous reasons, but when a
long train of abuses and usurpations show a clear design
to reduce people to despotism, " . . . it is their right, it is
their duty, to throw off such a government."
When you understand this, then it becomes crystal clear
why the right of private citizens to keep and bear arms is
included in the Bill of Rights. A just government, securing
the people's rights and acting with their consent, has no
need to fear an armed citizenry. James Madison, in
refuting a European friend's pessimistic view of America,
boasted, "unlike your governments, we are not afraid for
our citizens to have arms."
I have called the right to keep and bear arms the canary
of American liberty because when government seeks to
disarm its citizens, it plainly intends to take away their
freedom. No movement in America should so alarm
Americans as the gun-control movement, because its
true aim has nothing to do with crime but everything to
do with disarming honest and decent Americans.
Machiavelli, the first and smartest of the political
advisers, once said of the Swiss that they were "the most
armed and most free people in Europe." That is still true.
And it is no accident that liberty and private arms
co-exist in the same country.
A small percentage of people will abuse the right to keep
and bear arms, just as all rights and privileges are
abused. So what. A little crime is a small price to pay for
freedom. Many wise men have warned that those who
prefer security to liberty will lose both.
You think that criminals are bad? You don't know what
bad is until you're the victim of a criminal government.
You should talk to people who have lived under criminal
governments and survived before you swallow the bilge
being poured down your throat by Handgun Control Inc.
and its lapdogs in the press.
And remember, rights come from God, not from
government. The Constitution does not grant anyone any
rights. It merely acknowledges already-existing rights.
The American citizen does not owe the government for
his rights. The government owes him the duty to protect
his rights. We are a free people by the grace of God.
We are governed with our consent for the sake of
Too many politicians are arrogant to suit me. They
should remember that not all Americans have been
Europeanized. The flame of liberty may be turned low,
but it has scorched more than one despot and can flame
forth again. [Posted 01/30/1999 6:54 PM EST]

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