-----Original Message-----
From: Martin H. Katchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lloyd Miller, A-albionic Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, December 13, 1998 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: [prj] Occult (Secret) Technology of Commercial Imperialism or Business Collectivism?

Dear Lloyd:
There may be one other group as old and as widespread and as conspiratorial as the British East India Company. I am speaking of the VOC,
Lloyd Asks:  What does VOC mean?
 the Dutch East Indies Company. Just as the British East India Company plundered and utilized the resources of India, so the VOC did with Java and ultimately, much of the rest of Indonesia and the Cape Colony. The VOC's territorial holdings were not nationalized until 1820, not long after the Congress of Vienna and only 16 years before the nationalization of India by the British Crown.
Lloyd Remarks:  I think we can assume that the British and Dutch East India Companies were co-ordinated after the Glorious Revolution and William was awarded the British Crown.  The last Anglo-Dutch War was in the days of Cromwell, I believe.
One wonders how the influence of the VOC spread throughout Dutch politics in its heyday and therafter. In Indonesia, it ruled indirectly via the Culture System in which Javanese rulers were obliged to cultivate certain amounts of acreage in agricultural products such as pepper or sugar that the VOC would sell in Europe. One wonders the degree to which the Javanese kleptocratic elite that has brought Indonesia to bankruptcy was the heirs to the VOC and its methods.
Lloyd Sez:  Yes, indeed!  Probably very closely related.    Many have called Britain's Raj "socialistic".
Or one can wonder about South Africa's Broederbond, the Boer secret society which was behind the replacement of Anglo rule in South Africa with Afrikaner rule in 1948 and the imposition of Apartheid. One wonders, but one would need to be literate in Dutch to find out, unfortuanately. At least the British East India Company material is in English.
Lloyd Responds:  Here, I think the record is pretty clear.  The Dutch had long lost control of their settlers is South Africa though the Boer's fondness for slavery was part of the old Dutch system (Brazil too).  When the British seized the Cape, they outlawed slavery, forcing the Dutch into their great trek into the interior to escape British rule.  Contrary to some conspiracy theorists, Lord Milner and his "Kindergarten" where not the inventors of Apartheid...the British always worked toward a color blind rule of law.  However, the British victory in the Boer war was of little use.  The Boers quickly achieved political dominance through the failed institutions set-up by Milner after the war.  Onlyl recenty were the Brits able to finally defeat the Boers through an alliance with the African majority under TuTu and Mandella, etc.  One of Mandella's first acts was to rejoin the British Commonwealth.
All the best
Martin H. Katchen
-----Original Message-----
From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Date: Saturday, December 12, 1998 6:39 AM
Subject: [prj] Occult (Secret) Technology of Commercial Imperialism or Business Collectivism?

A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date of December 12, 1998
               The Occult (Secret) Technology of
                     Commercial Imperialism
                   or Business Collectivism?
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
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