>Large scale mining does not need the sizable operations you claim, if the
>is subterranean and pure....
This much of M. Dagobert's reply is absolutely plausible. Nature's richest
underground precious metals deposits are native gold found in quartz vugs
(cavities).  These free-standing masses of pure metal approach 24 carat and
take the form of crystals, wires, fern-like formations, etc.  Many examples
of this type of deposit can be found in museums, rock shops and private
collections all over the American west and elsewhere.

Legends persist of the above-described gold deposits having been formed on
a monumental scale in certain locations.  Large cavities (even caverns)
containing huge masses of gold that could be "harvested" by the ton
underground.  No "mining" per se, and no surface disturbance of any kind,
other than perhaps a small portal or cavern entrance to access the
subterranean site.  Under radical circumstances such as these, a small
group of workers could quite conceivably amass and store an enormous
treasure with no one on the "outside" aware of it (particularly if the
vicinity was relatively remote to begin with).  Out of sight - out of mind.

By the way, legends of fabulous "lost" (or should we say "secret"?) natural
gold deposits persist in many locations around the world.  Most of the
early exploration of the New World by the Spanish and others during the
16th century was in pursuit of such legends.  People are still trying to
locate these sites.  With respect to M. Dagobert's claims, I suppose one
could research the mineralization of southern France to establish if such a
potential exists there and evaluate his story based upon the evidence. Of
course, such an exercise would be a waste of time because, whatever the
odds, remember the first rule of gold mining: gold is where you find it.

Steve C.

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