-Caveat Lector-

One says:

Ok, start here
and click to Civil Liberties, Free Republic.

Now, as for "wide-spreading" your message . . . ask to become a part of
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and see if that don't get you an audience !!!

 I object to defects in process . . . one of those objections
is to the use of ALL CAPITALS
 . . . you see, that is a nom de guerre (war name)
under the Doctrine of Necessity, as declared every two years by our
Presidents to continue the SUSPENSION of our Constitution
 . . . hmmmm.  since FDR 1933.

And, let us NOT get into a "democracy" - - - we started a Republic (if we
could keep it) . . . so, also, may I recommend you join Excite.com

When you go to my home page (above) click on Civil Liberties
(you will see my Constitutional Republic form of Government site)
. . . go to its related links and click on Constitutional Alliance
I will past your post and my reply. There are others who are
on the same beam as you on such topics. They will be able to
go to your web site.
Reply to the above post.

I am not on the internet. I can't go to web sites,
I only have e-mail and my software only connects
me to a local server until I can exchange in/out
going mail.
But I can/will subscribe to the newsletters you
cited with @  in them.

If you are on the internet, I can send you gov.txt
I can not send large files, so I have to break them
If you know how to cut and past, you can put
it together and make it available to others.

The file covers the set up of the republic, which is
rePUBLIC . I don't have the defination in memory
but a republic is a government which uses representative
to represent the people as a whole.
Political parties do not represent the will of the people,
they represent the agenda of the political parties.
(I won't go into all of that now, it is in the file)

The petition network gives the people the power
to recall politicians. At the present time, the party
pals can flip the finger at the people and there is
nothing we can do about it.
Only if, politicians are accountable can there ever
be a hint of a republic.
There can not be, there is no republic in any nation
where politicians have power over the people.

Even though a lot of things you stated is a fact,
only a few people know or care. While you have your
hot issues, everyone else has their own.

Information pollution? Do you have time in your life
to read all the information available on the constitution
and government outrage?

Consider someone you know who reads book after
book, reads and writes volumes on the internet....
What have they changed after 2 years?

In 5 minutes any voter (who has not read one page
of all that stuff) will do more to make a change
at a voting booth than 10,000 students who have
read a million pages.

Taking such extensive information to the public will
only bore them.
If you are satisfied with things as they are, then
there is no problem, but if you wish to change things
you need the voters.
It does little good to know all of that stuff if you can
do nothing to change it.

Forcing politicians to be under the control of the people
will not be accomplished by knowing all the information
on the internet or by reading ever page of written material.
Forcing politicians to be representatives of the people
will only be accomplished IF/WHEN the politicians are
made accountable to the people.

Passed out a petition?
Signed a petition?
Voted on an issue at the voting booth?

Only those who do not engage in these constitutional
given rights, need tell me about the evils of democracy.

The American movement includes democracy and the
right to petition as stated in the constitution and it integrates
a republic ... an actual republic in which the "representatives"
are not representative of the agendas of political parties nor
are they representatives of bribe givers.

Thanks for the info on the newsgroup

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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