-Caveat Lector-

Hey, Kris, sometime man-made junk foods destroy your taste for really good
food, and unctiously sweet smells might seem to be better than nature's
odors -- until you realize your sense of smell was perverted, or maybe your
olfactory nerves have even been temporarily disabled by the man-concocted
smells -- like the way Lysol works.

Now, I admit that I don't know hardly anything about this event -- except
what I've heard for years about "the great" Smedley Butler --- from the same
people who froth and denigrate Lindbergh, McFadden, Joe McCarthy, Fr.
Charles Coughlin and (to a lesser extent) Henry Ford (better not say too
much against him lest people wonder how the guy that was so insightful in
bringing them the car could be so far off on politics). SO -- all this
praise from thinkers like Nurev does NOT make me inclined to believe in the
greatness of Smedley Butler, especially when he said "He's the greatest."
Wow! That must mean he's the typical "educated" goy like G. Gordon Liddy who
acts tough on every other subject, but when it comes to the dominant Jewish
Lobby says, "Saddle up and ride me anyway you want."

Incidentally, your brief explanaton on how MacArthur and the Veterans figure
into this was not very helpful to increase my understanding of this. If you
have time, I would appreciate a brief but comprehensive summary of this
incident as told by the pro-Smedley people.

I will stand by my statement: America now needs a Pinochet. The top
Judeo-Masons at the 4 Big Networks, the Federal Reserve Board, the CIA, and
the FBI need to be rounded up (that would take an afternoonJ) and put on
trial for the treason against this country, especially in treason in favor
of our greatest enemy of all time: Israel. This is what happened in every
Catholic country in the Middle Ages, and why Jewish leaders worked so hard
to topple all the monarchies of Europe, which were bulwarks FOR the people
and AGAINST their evil machinations. So now there are voices (believe me,
I'm the mildest) calling for similar action again, in my case, against a few
evil leaders.

THEN, and only THEN, could we get back to enjoying our Constitution, with a
few additional safeguards against evil-doers and promoters and apologists of
evil-doers (probably like yourself). Evil-doers: abortionists, usurers,
pornographers, public promoters of the Homosexual Lobby, spy-traitors who
have greater loyalties to other countries (primarily Israel), etc.

Don't you see, or don't you want to see? The current Ruling Elite has STOLEN
the entire country through tricking Congress (probably corrupt even then)
into handing over our country's money (1913), which allowed them to buy all
the Big Media outlets (1930 to 1950's) and now to operate computerized
RIGGED elections for the last 25 years, leading by now to the purging of
almost every person in office who will stand up to this evil Ruling
Judeo-Masonic elite, with the most recent editions being to start national
corporate chains with unlimited financial backing and the best of everything
from the beginning -- which in turn is turning the country into a nation
comprised of three classes: 1) owners (Ruling Elite) and talented
cooperators, 2) managers (who, like in Communist countries) get a pretty
good deal to ride the serfs so they do the grunt work, and 3) serfs.
(Incidentally, I know this may offend the eyes and ears of some {most?) of
the "conspiracy" buffs on this list.) You might be interested to research,
the suppressed four volume set, The International Jew, compiled under Henry
Ford's financing in about 1920 or so. It is available from Omni books, as I
believe is a book on the "other side" of the Smedley affair, which you have
piqued my curiosity to look into.

And finally, I am NOT a covert apologist for Hitler, Mussolini, as some of
you may simplistically suppose. But neither am I an OVERT, brain-washed (and
loving it) apologist for a force much more evil than both of those put
together (I realize I'm splitting hairs here), namely, the dominant
Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite. I do support Franco and what he did to protect
Spain from a bloody Commmunist takeover, just as Pinochet did in Chili.
Those in the process of using the "foot in the door" -- gained by Allende's
election -- to consolidate dictatorial communist power over Chili -- people
who are now crying to high heaven that they got caught with their hand in
the cookie jar in Chili back then -- people whom you probably support
against Pinochet (is your "stench" now evident?) -- have hounded down
Pinochet with their Big Ruling Elite friends in Europe. Hey, maybe it sets a
good precedent -- someday our USA Pinochet can cite what they've done to
Pinochet to grab a future Netanyahu when he comes to the state.

Anyway, I proudly support Franco and Pinochet -- and I would support an
American Pinochet who rounds up the American Allende's, who have now rigged
the computerized elections in our country --- permanently in their favor --
they think! But it will not stand. Or do you say that as long as a group,
via assassination, trickery, bribery, blackmail, etc, -- can accomplish an
apparantly (not really) bloodless coup like the Ruling Elite has done in our
country, -- that we must grin and bear it, and resign ourselves to play by
their rigged rules, and rigged courts, forever and ever? Go ahead, but a
growing number of Americans don't agree, and all the phony rigged Network
polls used to keep Clinton in power in America, and the spectacle of our
black-mailed Senate Republicans, have racheted things up many degrees in
just the last year -- in reaction to the EVIL FORCES represented by Stooge
Clinton.  --- So, if you call that stench --- I suggest your nostrils have
been perverted by the man-concocted Lysol spilling into your house from your
TV and Radio. The mere fact that you "detect" stench in my last e-mail, but
don't see the real stench in the pro-abortion outpourings of SnoOwl and many
others on this list, proves my case, to all who haven't lost their moral
bearings. Jim Condit Jr.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of Kris Millegan
> Sent: Sunday, February 14, 1999 10:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Plot to overthrow FDR
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Well, now, Jim, we now can all smell your true stench.
> Please read The Plot to Seize the White House, I will even post
> it for you.
> Please realize, that the 'plotters against our Constitution' went
> to General
> Butler, because he was the only person the vets would follow.
> MacArthur was
> the stooge used to break-up the vets when they went to
> Washington, DC to get
> what was theirs. The plan was to bring fascism, like mussolini
> and hitler did,
> with goon-squads of vets to beat-up the opposition.
> There is so much that either you are ignorant of or your dogma
> will not let
> you see.
> Do you even realize what you are saying? That for some religious
> zeal your are
> pro-torture and pro-dogmatical murder. You support dictatorship?
> As my grandaughter says "Ooooh, gross."
> Om
> K
> In a message dated 2/14/99 1:21:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> <<These were probably a bunch of a far-sighted patriots who picked a brave
> soldier, but political moron (Butler) a la John McCain to do what
> would have
> probably been good for America. I say probably, because I'm not
> sure of what
> exactly they were up to (as you say this is suppressed history)
> -- however,
> I suspect these men realized that FDR was a front man for the
> anti-Christian
> network under whose rule we now live (Clinton as their pathetic front man,
> whom they are keeping afloat through Big Media support. What we
> need in this
> country is an American Pinochet to overthrow the current anti-Christian
> network, and, now luckily, we have the proven votefraud scam to
> justify such
> a topply of the evil usurpers of OUR government and country. Jim
> Condit Jr.
> >>
> -----
> Aloha, He'Ping,
> Om, Shalom, Salaam.
> Em Hotep, Peace Be,
> Omnia Bona Bonis,
> All My Relations.
> Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
> Amen.
> Roads End
> Kris
> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list.
> Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are
> sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections
> and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and
> minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always
> suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> ========================================================================
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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