Mind control Beginnings, researchers and players

A forward from Alt.mindcontrol
from: "Seven of Nine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
World Access / Planet Internet
     Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 17:51:37 +0100
     This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

     A list of a few mind control programmers

     The Illuminati set up the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation to direct
     of the mind-control its research, and its financial affairs. Harold
     Abramson became one of its leaders.  One of the Macy Foundations
     directors has been military intelligence chief and relative to
     Winston Churchill, Gen. Marlborough Churchill. Both Winston and
     Marlborough are of the corrupt Illuminati Marlborough family.


    Dr. Van O. Austin, Utah
    Dr. George Brock Chisholm, Tavistock
    Dr. Lawrence D. Ginsberg\par
    Dr. Robert G. Heath\par
    Dr. Paul Hoch, Scot. Rite Mason
    Dr. Robert Howell, Utah
    Dr. Nathan Kline, Columbia Univ.
    Dr. Nolan D.C. Lewis, dir NY State Psyc Inst. & Scottish Rite Mason
    Dr. Amedeo S. Marrazzi, Missouri Inst. of Psychology
    Dr. Sudha Tayi

     Dr. Ross Adley, formerly of the Brain Research Center at Univ. of
    CA, now at Loma Linda Univ. Med. School, CIA, worked on ELF waves
    the brain, and EM radiation.\par
    Dr. Emmanuel Donchin, head of Psyc. Dept. at Urbana-Champaign
    Univ. of IL, worked on thought-controlled machines.\par
    Dr. Wayne O. Evans--U.S. Mil.
    Stress Lab, Natick, Mass
    Dr. Dave Morgan, Lockhead-Sanders, worked on the syntel\par
    Dr. Arthur Upton, head National Cancer Inst.

     R. Byon
     Richard Crossman
     V. Dicks
     Ronald Lippert
     Brig. Gen. Dr. John Rawlings Rees\par

     Dr. Robert Hanna Felix--33\'b0, dir of psyc. research for Scott.
       Rite, oversaw the Lexington KT programming facility\par
     Dr. Franz J. Kailman-jewish Nazi who did research at NY State Psyc.
       Inst. while at Columbia Univ.
     Seymour Solomon Kety- exec. of Scot. Rites psychiatry
experiments,       &
       nat. dir. of American Eugenics Soc.
     Winfred Overholser- overall leader of Masonic research into
       mind-control, sup. of St. Elizabeths Hosp. a mental
       hospital in Wash. D.C.

     REMOTE VIEWING MIND-RESEARCH Private organizations doing
     research into RV in the U.S. are run by, retired intelligence
     people.  Joe McMoneagle -- retired Intelligence officer left
     govt. Stargate to set up private RV research.

     Hillary Clinton, who is a Grand Dame in the Illuminati, started in
     the early 1960s a group of mind-controlled slaves which is called
     Royal Project. She reportedly exercises power in  the White House
     via 16 staffers who have been given authority over the  different
     departments of government. One mind-control victim claims that  one
     of Clintons talks gave triggers for him to kill. One of Clintons
     never mentioned cronies, who works closely with him,  and travels
     meet him at various locations is Charles Whitmore of Arkansas.

     One of the big areas where a great number of mind-controlled slaves
     congregate are MUFON meetings. An example of a slave handler, who
     also a programmed slave is Dea Martin, who tells people she has
     worked for the government and who does aura readings. She controls
     her sidekick Jim Courant, a commercial airline pilot. An example
of      a
     programmed multiple with alien programming was serial murderer
     Moody. Film taken of Moody in jail shows his MPD (DID).

     Kleinknecht was National Director of NASA during the Moon Flights
     when lots of mind-control programming was being done by both the
     Masonic lodges and NASA. C. Fred Kleinknecht was not only
director      of
     NASA but the Sec. General of the Scottish Rite 33' The Door Singer
     Jim Morrison used the occult code name Lizard Klng and The
     Exterminating Angel. He was involved with mind control.

     Col. John Alexander, (also called Doctor) who has been living in
     Arizona, and who has been in charge of making psychic warriors for
     the U.S. Army, has the inside reputation of being the Illuminatis
     mind-control programmer.  James Monroe. It turns out that there
     been two James Monroes involved in programming. The first one was
     perhaps in the  1920s, was 6'  tall, and he was the
     CIA man who set up the  Society for the Investigation of Human
     Ecology, a CIA front for  mind-control, He had a very polite front
     in spite of being a sadistic  programmer. The second one was James
     Monroe Martinez, bn in 1938,  6 tall, who was busy setting up
     underground bases such as the one at Los Alamos under the cover of
     working for GE. One report said he died in 1965. His mother owned a
     Catholic half-way house in Albuquerque, NM.

     There are all kinds of events happening around us that show
     of mind-control. One example, is the case of a Catholic mm quitting
     the monastery and becoming a NASA physicist.  Part of the success
     the mind-control lays within their child procurement abilities. The
     corrupt Finders group, which consisted of FBI/CIA men who helped
     procure children, were led by Marion Pettie, who was called the
     Stroller and the Game Caller by Finder members.

     The establishment allowed CIA programmer Dr. Louis Joyon Jolly West
     to examine Jack Ruby in his jail cell. When Ruby refused to admit

     insanity, West labelled him "paranoid and mentally ill and Ruby was
     placed on pills? which were called happy pills. Ruby believes he
     being poisoned by the establishment.

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