Richmond - Virginia.
SOFTWAR and the Commerce Dept. go to Federal Court today for
pre-trial hearings over a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
Softwar took the Commerce Dept. to court when the agency refused
to release records involving meetings between Commerce Secretary
Ron Brown and the Chinese Army unit COSTIND.

According to the GAO, "COSTIND" - the Chinese Commission of
Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense,
"oversees development of China's weapon systems and is
responsible for identifying and acquiring telecommunications
technology applicable for military use."

The Commerce Dept. refuses to "confirm or deny" that data on
COSTIND exists inside their files.  According to the Commerce
Dept., even if records on COSTIND did exist - they would be
withheld in the "national interest".

Softwar argues that Commerce has already returned loads of
documents on COSTIND.  According to documents obtained from the
Commerce Dept., COSTIND Lt. General Shen Rougjun met with Ron
Brown and Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz at the personal request of
President Bill Clinton.

You can see some of the documents that, according to Commerce,
do not exist and should have been withheld in the national
interest at:

DOD report on COSTIND found inside Commerce files -

LORAL CEO & Ron Brown meet COSTIND Lt. General Shen Rougjun -

The Pentagon - Virginia.
The Defense Dept. has upped their estimate on the number of
intermediate and short range Chinese ballistic missile facing
Taiwan.  According to the Defense Dept., satellite photos now
show over 200 DF-11 and DF-15 mobile units are in position to
fire their missiles at the tiny island Republic.  The red
missiles are reported to be armed with nuclear and chemical

According to the little red book (Chairman Mao) the nuclear and
chemical warheads are under the control of Communist party
Politburo officers.  The warheads are carried separately under
Politburo guard and only attached to the mobile missiles under
the direct command from Beijing party headquarters.

DOD satellite photos also show that China has already begun
their new nuclear missile program.  DOD has quietly reported
that China is scheduled to deploy an estimated 600 new mobile
short and medium range tactical missiles over the next 24
months.  The DOD total force estimates are based on known
production and new storage/basing facilities built for the
Chinese 2nd Artillery Corps.

The tactical DF-15 mobile missiles are currently being produced
at their highest rate ever recorded.  China previously
manufactured no more than one DF-15 missile per month.  DOD
analysts say that satellite photos show that China has increased
mobile missile production to as many as 20 brand new nuclear
tipped units per month.

China is expected to field a total force of about 1,000 nuclear
tipped missiles, including a large number of strategic mobile
missiles capable of striking anywhere in America.  The new
Chinese DF-41 mobile ICBM is based on the Russian SS-27 Topol M.

Taipei - Taiwan.
Taiwan has rushed their newly purchased, extended range version
of the U.S. Patriot missile into service.  The Taiwan Defense
ministry announced they have rushed 400 hastily trained Army
personnel and the new Patriots into action.  200 ROC Patriots
have been activated around Taipei in response to the nuclear
tipped mobile missiles now facing Taiwan from the communist
Chinese Army.

The Gulf
DOD sources say the Iraqi secure fiber-optic integrated air
defense network (NATO codename TIGER SONG) is still very active.
According to bomb damage assessments,  the hundreds of millions
of dollars invested in DESERT FOX (Monica-Storm) missile strikes
did not knock out the Iraqi Internet for SAM missiles installed
by the Chinese Army under contract to Saddam Hussein.

The Iraqi "Tiger Song" air defense network is made up of U.S.
and French fiber-optic systems sold to China under so-called
"commercial" licenses.  In 1994, the Clinton administration
allowed an encrypted fiber-optic, network to be sold by AT&T
directly to a unit of the Chinese Army.  The system included the
encryption source code.

In addition, according to the GAO, President Clinton personally
approved the export of an encrypted, fiber-optic, air traffic
control system directly to the Chinese Army Air Force (PLAAF).

The Gulf
U.S. forces have changed tactics, following the unsuccessful
strikes against the Iraqi "Tiger Song" system.  U.S. forces are
now concentrating on Iraqi Surface-To-Air (SAM) missile units
and radars instead of attacking the fiber-optic command network.

One change is a new recon robot drone.  The USAF has just
activated a unit of PREDATOR unmanned aerial vehicles over Iraq.
The Predator's mission is to find and target Iraqi SAM missile
units with its computer imaging Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).

The change in U.S. tactics also includes a new weapon in the
American arsenal.  The JSOW (Joint Standoff Weapon) was used in
anger for the first time against an Iraqi Surface-To-Air (SAM)
missile battery.  The 2,000 glide bomb was delivered by a U.S.
NAVY F/A-18 Hornet and scored a direct hit on the Iraqi SA-3
(NATO codename "GOA") mobile missile unit.

According to NAVY sources, the heavy JSOW was "much more lethal"
than expected.  The results were so impressive that the Air
Force is accelerating their purchase of the long range glide
bomb to replace shorter range laser and TV guided smart bombs.


1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
Pcyphered SIGNATURE:
SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                            02/18/99
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