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->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


Well... there is already plenty of new material to send you all immediately
a follow up on this contrail mysterious story. Today I learned (see article
below "Army sprays Britain with E.Coli in germ war tests") that not only
there is a banned pesticide ethylene dibromide (EDB) in what is being
spread across the skies all over the USA and over parts of Britain, but
there are also at least E.Coli microbes and "other bacteria" according to
this article of which here is a relevant quote: "Such germs, whose
behaviour mimics biological-warfare agents such as anthrax, have been shown
in a recent independent inquiry to cause
pneumonia, blood poisoning and lung infections if breathed in by
"vulnerable people"."

And interestingly enough you'll also find below that a US woman with
psychic abilities has "detected" Anthrax, Borax (used as a dispersing
agent?), measles, German measles, and a whole group of chemicals in the
ethylene family.

So today as I was pondering all this and wondering why the military would
sicken the population of their own country - which really does not make
sense at all unless they would want to make people so weak and ill that
they could not be able to muster the resource and will to oppose some
machiavelic plans they would be about to implement... - I suddenly struck
on the idea (I pass this on to you for what it's worth, just in case) that
*maybe* they are in fact attempting to immunize the entire population
against biological warfare agents such as anthrax through using, possibly,
genetically modified bacteria such as E.Coli to implant an "acquired"
resistance to anthrax into the population. Realizing that only the US and
England are the target of such massive spraying, the 2 countries that
bombed recently Irak, this could be a pre-emptive measure in case Irak or
some other terrorist organization would be planning to disseminate Anthrax
or some other germ warfare agent into thos

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


Well... there is already plenty of new material to send you all immediately
a follow up on this contrail mysterious story. Today I learned (see article
below "Army sprays Britain with E.Coli in germ war tests") that not only
there is a banned pesticide ethylene dibromide (EDB) in what is being
spread across the skies all over the USA and over parts of Britain, but
there are also at least E.Coli microbes and "other bacteria" according to
this article of which here is a relevant quote: "Such germs, whose
behaviour mimics biological-warfare agents such as anthrax, have been shown
in a recent independent inquiry to cause
pneumonia, blood poisoning and lung infections if breathed in by
"vulnerable people"."

And interestingly enough you'll also find below that a US woman with
psychic abilities has "detected" Anthrax, Borax (used as a dispersing
agent?), measles, German measles, and a whole group of chemicals in the
ethylene family.

So today as I was pondering all this and wondering why the military would
sicken the population of their own country - which really does not make
sense at all unless they would want to make people so weak and ill that
they could not be able to muster the resource and will to oppose some
machiavelic plans they would be about to implement... - I suddenly struck
on the idea (I pass this on to you for what it's worth, just in case) that
*maybe* they are in fact attempting to immunize the entire population
against biological warfare agents such as anthrax through using, possibly,
genetically modified bacteria such as E.Coli to implant an "acquired"
resistance to anthrax into the population. Realizing that only the US and
England are the target of such massive spraying, the 2 countries that
bombed recently Irak, this could be a pre-emptive measure in case Irak or
some other terrorist organization would be planning to disseminate Anthrax
or some other germ warfare agent into those 2 countries in retaliation for
these recent military strikes. Don't know! At least there is *some*
rational in this idea for what is going on.

But there are other hypothesis such as the HAARP schemes (more on this
below) or the weather-control weapon test theory as already mentioned in
yesterday's email. So you pick the one that best makes sense to you.

Yet, and again I would love to be focussing my and your attention on some
more joyful matter, there is certainly more than what meets the eye in all

As someone wrote to me today "I feel like a "laboratory rat" in my natural
habitat now", I too feel like a guinea pig in a military global lab test
for, as we have seen with the PCB, the DDT and many other chemicals, this
invisible airborne stuff can drift around the globe and end up in
everyone's lungs and food/water supply quite quickly... Talk about fooling
our own nest!

I've already posted yesterday's email on this subject on my site, plus this
whole follow up. Take a look at this new info below and decide what you
want to do about this - hoping you are now past the denial stage regarding
this hot issue...

Networking for a better world

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

William Thomas (a contrail expert and journalist) will be on Art Bell show
tomorrow night (Thursday) (which anyone on the net with RealPlayer 5.0 can
hear live at www.artbell.com ) if you're interested in getting more
specific information on the contrails.

You can hear it on the net tomorrow too at:

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Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 12:46:43 EST
Subject: Mysterious Contrails.....or...."The Sky is Falling"!


All kidding aside in my message in the "Subject", I have done a little
snoopin', and I found this web site...........perhaps related???  Let me know
what you think or your readers think.........I feel like a "laboratory rat" in
my natural habitat now!!!  I, too, have the headaches, fatigue, body aches,
and flu-like symptoms - I  also see the "mysterious skywriting" and wonder why
I never saw this before.  Let's solve this one...........I am more worried
about the children that go outside to play all the time, especially at recess
in our school systems.  We live in a world of isolation........going from the
home, to the garage, to the car, to the parking garage at the workplace, to
the car, and to the parking garage at the mall, and on and on.........we could
have even more serious symptoms, but the children are getting more exposed, as
well as our pets and other animals.  People don't even open their windows
anymore with air conditioning systems in-place, either in the car or the home.

I am sick and tired (literally!) of being the guinea pig for these supposed
"missions of science."  Again, that is what we are lead to believe.  I also
believe that my happening on this web site with NASA is not an
accident.....that it was put there for all of us curious, intelligent,
enlightened beings.  I am tired of being a mushroom.........kept in the dark
and fed with sh$%.  Sorry, had to say that!

Keep on truckin', Jean.  Love and friendship, along with support in spreading
the news behind the news.

Love and light,

This is the web site:      http://hyperion.gsfc.nasa.gov/AEAP/

P.S.  Also, please check out the SASS section, the 1999 Conference Memo set
for VA Beach (does anyone live near there that could attend and bring back
info?), and check out the whole page most definitely....some of these studies
are from as far back as the 1980's.  Even the United Nations is behind the
"science" research.  Hey you know, this is Ash Wednesday.......kind of
appropriate, since the description of the fall-out, to get this information???
Ba bye.


From: Mark Graffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: jean hudon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Do you have time to check this website Mark?

I looked at the site and wasn't impressed, tho i didn't go thru it all.
One link that looked promising on contrail effects on atmosphere had been
pulled off.

I covered the subject of planned for fleets of supersonics 2 years ago on the
list, and they knew they would destroy the ozone layer like crazy but were
planning to go right ahead because of the high stakes in industries that
were involved. These studies don't change what big business is intent on


Subject: Check out SIGHTINGS

Here is something else I found on the mysterious contrails.  I did not know if
you had this information yet.........

Love and light,
Debbie in West Virginia

<A HREF="http://www.sightings.com/ufo2/biotesting.htm">Click here: SIGHTINGS

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From: Charlotte King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean contacted Hugh Downs on ABC 20/20 some weeks ago on this subject and
was told they were checking into it.. so I will let you know if and when I
hear from ABC.. also sent CC: to Peter Jennings.

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Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 13:22:32 EST

Jean....OMG - You are doing it again!   I have pictures of contrails left over
my house about three weeks ago and the ensuing grey/white thick clouds that
appeared in a perfectly gorgeous blue sky....NO clouds forecast that day....Am
sending them to William Thomas...My animals did not eat for two days after and
I coughed and choked and had itchy eyes.......More later....On a big rush -
Mission Possible volunteers are in town and we all get to meet each
other....Blessings & HUGS !

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Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 08:09:39 -0400 (AST)
From: Mark Graffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Do E.Coli and EDB spraying compliment each other?

To William Thomas and Ian

We KNOW that EDB is being sprayed [they can claim they're just `dumping'
fuel] and we can assume that what's described below isn't just happening
in the UK. The microbes mentioned here are a problem for people with
weakened immune systems and EDB weakens immune systems along with making
people sick. Figure it out!

You have multiple agents being dispersed that work together to sicken
people. It's cheap, effective, easy to explain as legal `dumping' OR
testing of bio-dispersement - and if we wanted to cull a population that
threatens to bring down the biosphere we would argueably be acting like
nature does to weed out the weakest among us to leave a more resiliant
species behind.

And Ian, those contrails you saw and called `normal' may have just been
the water based bio-sprays version that would disperse more normally, as
opposed to oil.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 12:17:40 -0600 (CST)
From: MichaelP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: Brit army sprays E.Coli in open areas

This, I suppose, is not breaking the Nuremberg codes, since the alleged
spraying is being done on your own population, not on an enemy.

But I'm posting this one in conjunction with a reminder about how the CIA
tested LSD on uninformed clients.

No cheers

Army sprays Britain with E.Coli in germ war tests

By Marie Woolf

THE Ministry of Defence is carrying out germ-warfare trials using live E.
coli and other bacteria, which scientists fear are drifting into
residential areas.

The revelation, which follows an in-depth study into bacterial releases
trials in the Sixties and Seventies, has prompted calls from MPs for an
inquiry into the justification for and safety of the tests.

The trials involve releasing bacteria into the air on MoD land to see if
army testing equipment can trace the germs.

Such germs, whose behaviour mimics biological-warfare agents such as
anthrax, have been shown in a recent independent inquiry to cause
pneumonia, blood poisoning and lung infections if breathed in by
"vulnerable people". MPs and academics studying germ warfare had believed
that all such testing outside secure laboratories had been discontinued
because of their controversial nature and because Britain has no offensive
biological-warfare programme.

The trials, which have been conducted since the Eighties, are classified
and it is not known how many bacteria are being released, and how close
the test sites are to residential areas.

Earlier this month, MPs were outraged by the contents of a report by
Professor Brian Spratt, a leading Oxford University scientist, into MoD
germ-warfare trials in the Sixties and Seventies. His report detailed how
bacteria were dropped from aeroplanes over populated areas and from
canisters on the London Underground. The revelation of the existence of
new trials has prompted calls for an MoD investigation into their safety.

"These tests going on now are dubious at best. They clearly have
implications for the environment and human health," said Norman Baker, the
Liberal Democrat environment spokesman. "The MoD needs to come clean with
a justification for these tests and it needs to be pretty good."

The tests are believed to involve Bacillus globigii, which reportedly can
cause disease in humans, and a strain of E. coli.

For people with breathing problems or poor immune systems this E. coli
strain can used septicaemia, fever, pneumonia and chest infections.

"I think these tests are going on all the time. The whole point of these
experiments are for devising new methods of detection," said Professor
Spratt, of the Wellcome Trust Centre for the Epidemiology of Infectious
Disease, Oxford.

The MoD has thousands of acres of land throughout Britain. But most of the
testing is thought to take place at Porton Down, the secret MoD research
centre outside Salisbury.

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From: "boudewijn Wegerif" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yesterday I was emailed the following article about formations of
unmarked tanker aircraft criss-crossing American (and to a lesser extent
Australian and British) skies on a poison-spreading mission authorities
refuse to disclose, but which is leaving people very ill, and
bewildered. In an earlier essay, of January 8, the author William Thomas
related the "poison from the sky" to the unclassified joint US Air Force
and Navy project known as the High Altitude Auroral Research
ProjectóHAARP. An extract from this earlier posting is given after the
article of yesterday's date.

I complete this posting with information about William Thomas, which
reveals him to be a dedicated investigative reporter, with outstanding
credentials, who needs to be taken seriously. The information is from
Thomas' own website http://www.islandnet.com/~wilco/index.html

Thomas' email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I received the articles from Paul Swann, [EMAIL PROTECTED], who had
it in his turn from Mark Graffis [EMAIL PROTECTED] There is a
photograph of the poison contrails at

NOTE: In a multi-part essay posted last December, I gave comprehensive
information about the HAARP project. I concluded that HAARP can and
perhaps is being utilized by a technomad group with connections to the
military-industrial-complex (MIC). This group appears to have horrendous
ambitions to engineer a "psychocivilised" world, with the possible aid,
even, of extraterrestial "greys".

HAARP is so way out, extraordinarily beyond normal comprehension, even
though the evidence is pretty definite and alarming, we prefer to go on
in disbelief. In this the subject HAARP is like the taboo subject of the
many deaths by misadventure and impossible suicide around the Clintons--
there is much evidence and many unanswered questions on the internet (do
your own "Clinton deaths" search through www.altavista.com, for example,
and open out on to over 456410 web pages), but nobody from the
establishment is saying anything, somehow it can't be true-- it just
can't be true that those laughing, smiling faces have that much fatality
to account for. Yet the evidence. . . and the evidence below of
HAARP-related "poison from the skies". . .  the evidence is that evil is
walking naked, evil is flying missions, evil is playing death's harp
with intent.

by William Thomas, Seattle, Washington


In an earlier essay with this title, posted on January 8, William Thomas
relates the contrails to the unclassified joint U.S. Air Force and Navy
project known as the High Altitude Auroral Research Project (HAARP).

(Clip -these 2 articles above were already included in the initial email on
this subject now posted on my site at


By Boudewijn Wegerif

In introducing himself on his home website
http://www.islandnet.com/~wilco/index.html, the author William Thomas
sets up an imaginary conversation with a sentry of an armed
installation, who with gun at the ready, demands to know who he is. I
have extracted the following, to reveal a dedicated  investigative
reporter. Thomas' main area of investigation  has been  the horrors of
the "Gulf War". As the dialogue shows, there have been other important
investigations, and a 165 page book, Y2K, before the above articles
about the HAARP-related "poison from the sky".

I bring the truth. Or at least an extra ration of that rare and risky
commodity. . . I bring the truth about the Gulf War. Not all of it - we
may never know all that went on over there. But enough has been
documented to set the record straight. . . No peace was ever signed. And
casualties on all sides continue to fall - not the least among them, the
truth behind their fate. . . The truth is always more complicated and
compelling than denial. The truth is that American soldiers who pledged
an oath as well their bodies in defense of their country were betrayed.
The truth is that the bio-drugs and weapons deployed by both sides in
the Gulf have erased all front lines. . .

I speak of complicity, not conspiracy. Of shared mindsets among editors
who 'spike' important stories for reasons having more to do with
politics and advertisers than vital news content. I'm also talking about
the kind of self-censorship that makes reporters and editors back away
from stories they know will not be published - but could cost them their jobs.

Your activities have been noted since you started telling university
students not to enlist during the Vietnam War. . . You went and marched
with the blacks and Yippies! in Milwaukee and Chicago. And you were
probably the only 'shorthair' at Woodstock. . . Our files are thick and
our memory is long. We've watched your recent efforts to defend Canadian
rainforests in the Tsitika, Mount Bruce, the Walbran and Clayoquot
Sound. . . You stood with those who stopped the logging trucks, and
helped give them an international voice. One of your investigations on
corporate deforestation won a national writing award. You also exposed a
local pulp mill in a story that went all the way to Canada's capital.
Then you helped form a citizens group that led the biggest demonstration
against a British Columbia pulp mill. But it wasn't enough. You flew to
Auckland to address Fletcher Challenge shareholders at an Annual General
Meeting. The New Zealand media loved that David-and-Goliath story. When
they were through, your 'Green Islands' friends cost Fletcher Challenge
tens of millions of dollars in pollution controls and clean-up costs. . .

You haven't stopped. A couple of years ago, you were the only accredited
journalist allowed inside an armed native camp at a place called
Gustafsen Lake. You joined another independent filmmaker to interpose
your video-cameras between people defending a Sundance site and special
tactical units of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who were preparing
to assault those renegades. . .

You're anti-military. . .

You must be joking. Whether I like it or not, soldiering is in my blood.
. . I respect those who make personal sacrifices to serve others. Unless
directly threatened by circumstances in which they have been ordered to
interpose themselves, the military personnel I've known have preferred
to help, not hurt. . . If I did not identify so strongly with the men
and women who were 'discarded after use' by civilian and military
commanders too cowardly to confront the costs of their Persian Gulf
service, I could not have endured giving voice to their pain while
writing a book demanding justice for everyone abused by one of the most
cynical wars ever fought.

I believe that we need a strong military as much as we require competent
police to protect society - as a last resort - against aggressors who
are not amenable neither to virtue or reason. Because of the incredible
killing power at their command, each member of such a force must act at
all times with the highest integrity. This could mean refusing orders
that target civilians or otherwise violate the Geneva conventions - such
as dropping explosive children's toys from Hind helicopters, or
butchering fleeing conscripts and refugees on the Highway to Hell.
The military imperative to simplify complex situations into black/white,
us/them components often leaves civilians caught in the middle - along
with terrified teenage draftees who would rather be somewhere else.

What I do oppose is a rampant militarism that puts countries on a perpetual
war footing. As the world's biggest corporations and their entertainment
divisions work together to 'market' conflicts for which they can peddle
ever more costly and devastating arms, we are in danger of trashing the
planet in order to save it for these war-profiteers. When nearly 40
percent of industrial plants and equipment in the United States are
devoted to military manufacturing - and seven out of every ten dollars
urgently required for environmental and social redress devoted to
military research and development - we have a serious problem. . .
What is needed now is for people in and out of uniform to give serious
thought to the military's role in a world where the biggest threats to
'national security' cannot be addressed by weapons. Armed defense forces
are still needed. But climate change and accelerating ecological
collapse are our gravest 'enemies'. A Canadian named Dr. Mary-Wynn
Ashford has proposed employing military equipment, discipline and
training to form rapid-reacting 'environmental emergency response
teams.' These specially trained air-mobile teams would use their unique
expertise to assist people hard-hit by natural disasters or similar
calamities. Having personal experience in such a mission to Kuwait, I
would like to be a part of that effort. So would many Canadian Forces
officers, who have been very receptive to Ashford's proposal.

Boudewijn Wegerif
Idaberg, 153 92 H–l–,

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From: Shanna Mac Lean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Fwd: Check out THE ANDREWS OCCUPATION]

Jean, please check this out. Similar to the Texas situation.  In love, Shanna

 <A HREF="http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a36c621c91d54.htm">

THE ANDREWS OCCUPATION</A>  As Doug says here, it' very important that EVERYONE
write their Congressmen and demand an investigation on this.. We may not be
able to stop it, but at least we can give it a good run.  Stay on their backs
constantly.  For those of you who belong to churches or clubs, please get the
groups involved also...This will probably be one of the most difficult tasks
we can undertake...The Justice Department, like the Pres....are running full
steam over everything and everyone....especially the Constitution.....M

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From: "The Noah Project" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: William Thomas On Art Bell !!
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 18:27:44 -0500

Hello Jean,

Just thought you'd like to know that William Thomas will be on Art Bells
show tomorrow night (Thursday) if you're interested in getting more
specific information on the contrails. I'm going to attempt to tape it on
audio cassette. Also, if you would like more information on the contrails
(William Thomas, John Winston and Others globally and Locally) just let me
know and I'll forward what I have to you so you can add to your collection.

Love and Light

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From: "The Noah Project" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: More Contrails Overhead !!!!!!!!
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 18:30:50 -0500


Here's a copy of an email alert I sent out yesterday but accidently left
you off. It also contains a response from some here locally with some
additional information. Thought you might be interested.

Love and Light Richard


From: The Noah Project <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: More Contrails Overhead !!!!!!!!
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 9:24 PM

Hello All,

Thought I'd forward a local response to my email alert of today because
Elora had some meaningful comments on why this may be happening in this
area that were aligned with my ideas of same, as well as information and
possible medical relief and insights offered by one of her associates here
locally. Hope the extra information provided can be of use.

Love and Light Richard


From: Elora Gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 8:12 PM

Dear Richard and Shirley,

Well here we go again. This notice is being sent out for those who are
keeping track or keeping score on the Contrail Spraying of our skies. Let
it be known that on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (2 /14,15,16 /99) Contrail
Spraying took place over Asheville NC again. The skies above were
absolutely blue and cloud free, so it was a real no-brainer as to what was
going on. I and several of my local counterparts have also come down with
the same flu-like symptoms and respiratory problems being shared by all of
you as a result from these sprayings. Once again I added more photographs
to the ones I had already shot before.

Those of us in Black Mountain have also noticed large amounts of contrails
in the last few days.  Today, the 16th, they were almost incessant.  At no
time did I see more than about 10-15 in the sky at once, but I repeatedly
saw patterns of about 5 parallel but separate contrails, all close
together.  These would slowly dissipate, as I saw new ones being made even
as I watched.  For example, when I went to the post office about 4:30 pm, I
could see about a dozen older trails slowly dissipating in the sky.  When I
came out, there was a fresh 5-line pattern that had just been made, with
jets in other parts of the sky laying down new contrails as well.

Last night, I should have known better, but took a long walk in the
evening.  Right afterwards I became ill with strange respiratory and
flu-like symptoms and have been ill all day today.

Is it possible that these mountainess regions are being sprayed to
discourage the flocks of people from all over the country who are
relocating to these safe areas from continuing to do so. I really don't
know what the reasoning is for the spraying or why these particular areas
seem to be chosen, but I am interested in any and all of your ideas as to
why ! The fact that the overall population of this area is extremely small
in numbers, really makes me wonder why they are spending so much time and
money on us. I should be developing these pictures within the next 5-10
days as there are only 6-8 pictures left on the role. I'll contact all of
you when they are developed as to how they turned out.

I believe that Will Thomas is supposed to be on Art Bell Thursday night
with some "hard" information on the contrails.  If anyone can listen in and
report, we would all be appreciative.

I think that different regions are being targeted for different reasons.
As to why Asheville is being targeted, specifically; it is an area that is
well known to be an enclave of lightworkers.  A friend of mine, who lives
south of Asheville now, called me about this and said that this kind of
thing constantly occurred when she lived in Sedona--another famous
lightworker enclave.  Many people were sick with lung, liver, and skin
ailments.  In fact, a number of people died from liver cancer.  In some
cases blisters appeared on the skin after spraying.  My friend finally left
Sedona, but it took her a couple of years to regain her health.  She told
me that now, she is beginning to get the same kinds of symptoms again and
knows that a similar scenario is being played out here.

To continue my own story, when I realized that this stuff was really
getting to me, I called Patricia Zapatka, a holistic practitioner and
medical intuitive.  Patricia told me that she has been working with several
people who were sick from the contrails.  She made remedies for them, to
antidote what was in the contrails, and the results were "immediate".
That's the one good piece of news in this post!

Patricia is highly psychic, and tuned into me (also using her radionics
machine) while we were on the phone.  This is what she found:  Anthrax,
Borax (used as a dispersing agent?), measles, German measles, and a whole
group of chemicals in the ethylene family (such as the ethylene di-bromide
which was apparently found in the lab test.)  She made me a remedy and I'm
hopeful that I'll get good results.

Patricia also made a remark at one point that I don't understand, and she
didn't have enough time for me to clarify what she meant.  I was thinking
about my cats, and that they hopefully wouldn't be affected by anthrax.
She said, "No, this is chemical anthrax."  I have no idea what this means,
but it's true that no one really seems to be coming down with anthrax per
se.  I am also not presenting any of this as fact, just as grist for the
mill.  For anyone who is interested, Patricia can be reached at

The negative powers in our world are really stepping up their attack
against humanity.   Let's continue to share information, and anything that
we know which might help protect us against such influences.



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A college professor, who was previously a sailor, was very aware that ships
are addressed as "she" and "her."  He often wondered by what gender should
computers be addressed.  To answer that question, he set up two groups of
computer experts.  The first was composed of women, and the second of men.
Each group was asked to recommend whether computers should be referred to
in the feminine gender, or the masculine gender.  They were asked to give
four reasons for their recommendation.

The group of women reported that the computers should be referred to
in the masculine gender because:

1.  In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.
2.  They have a lot of data, but are still clue less
3.  They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they
are the problem.
4.  As soon as you commit to one, you realize that, if you had waited a
little longer you could have had a better model.

The men, on the other hand, concluded that Computers should be referred to
in the feminine gender because:

1.  No one but the Creator understands their internal logic.
2.  The native language they use to communicate with other computers is
incomprehensible to everyone else.
3.  Even you smallest mistakes are stored in long-term memory for later
4.  As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending
half your paycheck on accessories for it.

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