Richmond, Virginia

In what can only be described as a swift, total and stunning
victory - SOFTWAR defeated the Clinton administration in Federal
Court today.  During a pre-trial hearing, Richmond Federal Judge
Robert Payne ordered the Commerce Dept. to deliver all documents
in reference to the Chinese Army Unit COSTIND within 60 days.

Judge Payne's ruling came after Joan Evans, Assistant United
States Attorney representing the Commerce Dept., failed to show
a reasonable cause to withhold the documents.

Judge Payne called the Clinton administration defense arguments
"too weak".  Judge Payne also noted that the Commerce Dept. had
defined the Freedom of Information request by Softwar to be as
tiny "as a BB pellet".

"I want you to open this up all the way," Payne ordered the
Justice lawyer.  "I want it full bore, double barrel, 12 gauge,
shotgun open.  I want everything."

Ms. Evans, the Dept. of Justice lawyer, noted that the Commerce
Dept. has already discovered "thirteen" documents responsive to
the SOFTWAR request on the Chinese Army Unit that met with Ron

Judge Payne warned the DOJ lawyer and the Commerce Dept. to
comply with his orders.

"I will come down on you like a ton of bricks," Judge Payne
warned the Dept. of Justice lawyer representing Commerce.  "I
don't want any fooling around."

Judge Payne also ruled that any documents that Commerce wishes
to withhold under any national security provisions may be
reviewed by the Court.  This review is called a "Vaughn" index
after the Court case in which it was first established.  The
index is a complete description of each document and the reason
to hold them from release.  Judge Payne will review the index of
the documents and if necessary, review the documents themselves
to ensure the withholding is correct and legal.

Judge Payne ordered the Dept. of Justice attorneys representing
Commerce to work with SOFTWAR to develop a reference of
meetings, documents, and known personnel of COSTIND.  Commerce
can use that reference to respond but the reference will in no
way limit the search for responsive materials.

According to the GAO, "COSTIND" - the Chinese Commission of
Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense,
"oversees development of China's weapon systems and is
responsible for identifying and acquiring telecommunications
technology applicable for military use."

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
Pcyphered SIGNATURE:
SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                            02/18/99
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