-Caveat Lector- from: http://www.africa2000.com/CNDX/ras1017.html <A HREF="http://www.africa2000.com/CNDX/ras1017.html">Conspiracies and High Crimes (Conscious Rasta N </A> ----- THE CONSCIOUS RASTA NEWSLETTER FOR PEOPLE COMMITTED TO PROGRESSIVE ACTION Volume 6, Issue 2 October 1998 (6238) PO Box 7683 Long Beach, CA 90807-0683 (562) 602-2432 Cutting Edge Research For An Emerging Leadership: Have you ever wanted to know the secrets behind some of modern history's biggest players? This might be too hot for some people to handle! "CONSPIRACY: in law, agreement between persons to do something illegal or criminal. In this offense, the mere agreement of the conspirators is punishable by legal authority, even though they may not have taken any action to complete the crime. In most cases of conspiracy, however, such acts are performed." -- Encarta® 96 Encyclopedia "It has always been the same. They always have two plans, a peace plan and a war plan. Our grand-fathers told us this. If they don't get their way with the peace plan, then they bring the soldiers. It's no different today." -- Noble Red Man Oglala Lakota Elder,1980 CONSPIRACIES & HIGH CRIMES THE FOLLOWING IS EXCERPTED FROM CONSCIOUS RASTA REPORT VOL. 5, NO. 3. COPYRIGHT 1998/6238. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED In this report, I examine a few of the greatest conspiracies of our time. You may not feel that these particular plots directly affect your life yet they are intended to draw most of us into their nefarious influence. The sponsors of conspiracies act within their own self-interests, thus a negative effect for one group could be absolutely positive for the party which instigated the program. Our analysis of conspiratorial behavior should lead us to be able to resist as well as do a little plotting of our own. Among the conspiracies we examine are the following: •Under the COINTELPRO programs of just the 60's and 70's, hundreds were murdered and assassinated, thousands were jailed through government malfeasance, and tens of thousands of lives were disrupted through clandestine programs to suppress political dissent. Once you are aware of this history, similar methodologies deployed against yourself or your organization will be less successful. Does COINTELPRO live on ? •Freemasonry; Knights of Templer, Skull & Bones, Rosecrucians, Luciferianism, the Round Table Group, Illuminati, Boulé, numerous secret societies and Qabalistic orders — all examples of societies which have confused outsiders and demanded unwavering commitment for the initiated. Circles of power have penetrated the highest realms of industry and governance and direct our affairs upon the whims of ancient sciences. •What if the reoccurring outbreak called "Ebola" is a ruse? Maybe what we are witnessing is a managed disease outbreak, initiated by state-of-the-art chemical-biological warfare. Could this be hiding population control operations directed at regions of the world that have the highest total fertility rate on the planet? I've predicted that the next 25 years will see more "outbreaks" of famine, disease and fratricidal warfare. With understanding we can subvert such satanic intervention in the natural progress of humanity. •A people's future is linked to the status of childbearing age women. Women's health must be measured not only by biology but also as to psychology and spirituality. Out of sight, social engineers have been manipulating black women's ability to reproduce. Will there be any African Americans left in the year 2100? I'm pessimistic about the answer. •This is an investigation into some of the high crimes of this age. If you ever wondered what was behind some of the biggest stories in the newsmedia, with this report you will learn some of the world's greatest kept secrets and hopefully develop a methodology for resistance. It is wise to defend your own self-interests. I intend to turn you into an enlightened skeptic and "conscientious objector" to evil manipulation. MAY YOU LIVE IN INTERESTING TIMES -- Ancient Chinese Curse COINTELPRO: THEN & NOW As I've traveled across this country I have become somewhat shocked and surprised at the number of people with little or no knowledge of the FBI's COINTELPRO (counterintelligence) program. Why should an illegal government counterintelligence program from the 1940's through the 1970's still be so relevant today? Those of us who are not aware of the mistakes of history are thereby doomed to repeat the worst of that history. Using previous repressive eras as example we examine how the United States has constructed domestic programs to crush those who would seek to upset the status quo. During the COINTELPRO programs of just the 60's and 70's, hundreds were murdered and assassinated, thousands were jailed through government malfeasance, and tens of thousands of lives were interrupted through clandestine programs aimed at suppressing political dissidents. Sometimes these covert counterintelligence measures ultimately included assassination. If today's youth are unfamiliar with the COINTELPRO campaigns of the 1960's and 1970's, then chances are that they will be unprepared to effectively deal with similar programs that are now in effect. Quite simply, the standard of life that America has offered up for too many urban youth is intolerable and under such conditions the tendency to revolt against "the system" must become irresistible. History demands that it should be so—at least for those that manage to survive. Send today for your copy of CONSPIRACIES & HIGH CRIMES. Mail a check or money order for $10.00 plus $1.50 for postage & handling (multiple purchases remain at the low postage rate); payable to: Conscious Rasta Press and send it to: PO Box 7683, Long Beach, CA 90807-0683. Video ($15.00) and audio cassettes ($5.00) are also available. For more information call the hotline (562) 602-2432. Still top on our agenda is the previous issue of the Report: AIDS: THE ESTABLISHMENT CONFESSES IT'S A HOAX, only $10.00 plus postage. Vendor inquiries are welcomed. Money-back satisfaction guarantee on all purchases. If your organization is looking for a dynamic speaker, call the hotline today for more info on our lectures. Check us out on the web: http://www.Africa2000.com; send E-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers too plainly proves a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing us to slavery." Thomas Jefferson SECRET SOCIETIES and CEREMONIAL MAGIC THE FOLLOWING IS EXCERPTED FROM CONSCIOUS RASTA REPORT, VOL. 5, No. 3. Copyright 1998/6238. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Freemasonry; Knights of Templer, Skull & Bones, Rosecrucians, Luciferianism, the Round Table Group, Illuminati, Boulé, numerous secret societies and Qabalistic orders — throughout history there are many examples of such initiate societies which have captured the unwavering commitment of the initiated. Such is the stuff of some of the grandest conspiracy treatises of the past 2000 years. Most of us have very little idea what is at the very essence of the teachings that bind men within these organizations to secrecy and to each other. And since people tend to fear that with which they are unfamiliar, we have by and large written these groups off throughout history as essentially evil and conspiratorial. There is significant reason to be fearful of secret societies as they have, throughout history, provided the sinister motivation behind widespread pathological social movements. Secretive circles of power have reached into the highest realms of industry and governance and directed the affairs of millions upon the whims of astrological or fabled destinies. Throughout the media, especially in film, there has always been this fascination with conspiracies that involve secret societies. Even in a number of seemingly unrelated films, you can frequently detect hidden or coded messages that seem to point to the producer's fascination with doctrines held within the confines of initiate orders, esoteric mysticism. Some months ago, in attempting to explain the motivation underlying the use of such esoteric mysticism in rap and hip hop videos, I came upon a passage in Manly Palmer Hall's book SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES, within a chapter entitled "Ceremonial Magic and Sorcery." In it, Hall was attempting to communicate the evolution of "black magicians" whose practice of invoking unseen force had been focus of no small number of secret orders throughout time. Hall traced these rituals to the most ancient of metaphysical sciences, which emerged from Africa's golden age: "Ceremonial magic is the ancient art of invoking and controlling spirits by a scientific application of certain formulae. A magician, enveloped in sanctified vestments and carrying a wand inscribed with hieroglyphic figures, could by the power vested in certain words and symbols control the invisible inhabitants of the elements and of the astral world. While the elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil, there arose from its perversion several false schools of sorcery, or black magic… "These sorcerers then began the systematic destruction of all keys to the ancient wisdom, so that none might have access to the knowledge necessary to reach adeptship without first becoming one of their order… The masses, deprived of their birthright of understanding and groveling in ignorance, eventually became the abject slaves of the spiritual imposters." -- Manley Palmer Hall Thus the individual who can master his/her obsessions and guide them toward higher-order morality is the one who can liberate themselves from the chains which bind the masses to ignorance and spiritual inactivity. -- Keidi Obi Awadu EBOLA: VIRUS OUTBREAK OR MYCOTOXIN ATTACK? THE FOLLOWING IS EXCERPTED FROM CONSCIOUS RASTA REPORT VOL. 5 No. 3. Copyright 1998/6238. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED If there is anything evident in the many conflicting stories that have been published about the so-called Ebola virus, it is that the "experts" have consistently been disseminating half-truths, conflicting scientific data and disinformation. Additionally, these authoritative spokesmen and scientists have not been asking the right questions or not properly answering critical questions that have been put forth. The major news agencies have frequently cited epidemiology experts' widespread puzzlement over the mysterious origin as well as the unknown host of the then-current Ebola outbreak (a virus cannot replicate by itself—it is a parasite and requires a host to exist). They are unsure how the virus has remained genetically unchanged since its first appearance in 1976. Yet, based upon these very points, the most logical place to look for the origin of the Ebola outbreaks might be the U.S. Army biological warfare research center, which is housed at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, containing the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) laboratory or a similar BW research facility in an industrialized nation. Is Ebola the result of some class of "newly infective organisms" predicted to begin appearing in tropical zones where humans are in close living proximity to animals (revisit the now-discredited CDC theory of the origin of HIV) -- or is a conspiratorial combination of both psychological and bio-chemical warfare targeted at Africans and others threatening to the U.S. national security interests? Modern chemical-biological warfare (CBW) has focused on the development of biological (BW), toxin (TW) and chemical (CW) agents. Within each of these three different categories of pathogenic substances, CBW researchers have collected, stored, analyzed, r ecombined, set up delivery systems for, and attempted to defend against, a whole host of deadly substances. Each category of agents has its own set of handling criteria from acquisition to delivery and defense. This chapter explores the very real possibility that Ebola emerges from this DOD research. What's In This Issue of The Conscious Rasta Report? COVERT & CLANDESTINE MANIPULATION—What must be understood is that all of us are being manipulated by secretive forces who utilize time-tested methods of control. (Page 1) BLACKS VULNERABLE TO PROPAGANDA?—Note how the mainstream press slanders whole groups by labeling their concerns "paranoid conspiracy theories." Yet, these same sources have been used to document many of these crimes. (Page 5) THE PLOT TO CRUSH THE AMERICAN INDIAN MOVEMENT—While we have given much attention to the COINTELPRO against black nationalists, the FBI's secret war against native dissidents was even bloodier. What were the names of those who resisted and how did the U.S. government crush them? (Page 15) THE QABALISTS—Considered by many to be the granddaddy of secret societies, this group has positioned itself inside of industry, government and the media. Learn how they trace their origin to King Solomon, long considered by the Qabalists to be the greatest practicing magician throughout history. (Page 24) RECLAIMING YOUR POWER—The key to the ability of conspiratorial societies to control us is to lock us into ignorance and make us slaves to their manipulation. Break out of spiritual and intellectual inactivity and begin to beat the devil back! (Page 33) MYCOTOXIN WARFARE—Many people have concentrated on the possibility of bio-war germ attacks yet scientists for the Department of Defense have spent much of their time on research into toxin agents. Could this be the real cause of Ebola? (Page 38) THE CONSPIRACY TO DERAIL BLACK MOTHERHOOD—Using movies, television and popular magazines, those conducting "race improvement through selective breeding" convince would-be mothers to pursue other priorities. (Page 48) Send today for your copy of CONSPIRACIES & HIGH CRIMES. Mail a check or money order for $10.00 plus $1.50 for postage & handling (multiple purchases remain at the low postage rate); payable to: Conscious Rasta Press and send it to: PO Box 7683, Long Beach, CA 90807-0683. Video ($15.00) and audio cassettes ($5.00) are also available. For more information call the hotline (562) 602-2432. Still top on our agenda is the previous issue of the Report: AIDS: THE ESTABLISHMENT CONFESSES IT'S A HOAX, only $10.00 plus postage. Vendor inquiries are welcomed. Money-back satisfaction guarantee on all purchases. If your organization is looking for a dynamic speaker, call the hotline today for more info on our lectures. Check us out on the web: http://www.Africa2000.com; send E-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Back to Conscious Rasta Page Back to Africa 2000 Entry Point ----- Aloha, He'Ping, Om, Shalom, Salaam. Em Hotep, Peace Be, Omnia Bona Bonis, All My Relations. Adieu, Adios, Aloha. Amen. Roads End Kris DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright frauds is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at: http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ ======================================================================== To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: SUBSCRIBE CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED] To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email: SIGNOFF CTRL [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Om