-Caveat Lector-

(Some of the people who blow up and start shooting people have recently
discontinued antidepressants, including one of the students who recently
killed many of his classmates after being withdrawn from Prozac. --SW)

Tyson outburst came after being taken off
antidepressants, source says

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press


LAS VEGAS (February 21, 1999 11:09 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Mike Tyson had been taken off an
antidepressant drug for two days at the direction of a jail physician when he
became enraged and smashed a television set in a Maryland jail, a source
close to the fighter told The Associated Press.

The incident prompted jail officials to lock Tyson in an isolation cell at the
Montgomery County Detention Center, and could lead to anything from a
reprimand to further jail time for the former heavyweight champion.

A source close to Tyson said jail officials had stopped giving him the
antidepressant Zoloft two days before the Friday afternoon incident. The
medication was stopped after Tyson refused to let a prison psychologist
examine him.

Tyson refused on the grounds he had already undergone extensive
psychological examinations by doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital
in October and was under the continuing care of Dr. Richard Goldberg, who
heads the psychiatric program at Georgetown University, the source said.

Tyson had been taking Zoloft on a daily basis for the past four months,
except for the week prior to his Jan. 16 fight with Francois Botha. Tyson
was weaned gradually from the drug during that week, and began taking it
again the day after the fight, the source, who asked not to be identified, told
the AP.

Neither jail officials nor Goldberg could be reached for comment. A call to
the home of Tyson's Washington, D.C., attorney, Paul Kemp, was not

Tyson was in a common area with other prisoners on Friday and was
talking on the phone when a guard came in and hung the phone up, the
source said.

The action enraged Tyson, who picked up the television set and threw it
against some bars. Tyson, the source said, immediately apologized and
offered to pay for the TV.

Doctors at Massachusetts General testified at Tyson's licensing hearing
before the Nevada Athletic Commission in October that the former
heavyweight champion was often depressed but that his mood swings
could be controlled if he took the proper medication.

On the medication, Tyson was cheerful and cooperative in interviews with
reporters when training for the Botha fight in Phoenix in December. The
week of the fight, though, he was combative at times and engaged in a
profanity-laced tirade against a New York television reporter four days
before the fight.

Tyson was being held in an 8-by-5-foot isolation cell pending a hearing
either Monday or Tuesday on a citation for destruction of county property in
the jail in the Washington suburb.

Tyson, 32, was sentenced Feb. 5 to a one-year jail sentence for assaulting
two men after a minor traffic accident in August in Gaithersburg. Tyson
pleaded no contest to the charges, but might appeal the sentence.

Tyson's advisers had been hoping that he would be put in a prerelease
program within 60 days of beginning his sentence that would allow him to
stay in a halfway house and leave during the day for training.

The incident with the television, though, could harm hopes of an early

The boxer also is on probation in Indiana for raping a beauty pageant
contestant in an Indianapolis hotel room in 1991. He served three years in
prison and was released in March 1995.

Indiana officials say they will wait to see what happens in Maryland before
deciding whether to revoke his probation.

Tyson stopped Botha in the fifth round of their fight, his first since losing his
boxing license for biting Evander Holyfield during a championship bout in
June 1997.

Tyson was scheduled to fight April 24 in Las Vegas against an opponent to
be determined, but that fight apparently will not take place.

Steve Wingate

California Director

TODAY'S MP3: "I Wanna Watch the X-Files In The Rain", by DARKANGELES



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