-Caveat Lector-

The following is an extract from the Reverend Robert Kirks 1697AD treatise
On 'the secret commonwealth of elves, fauns and faeries'
Isbn 0 85991 016 4
He was one of Scotlands first recorded abductees - 17th Century !!!
Please note the references to shape shifting and rematerialisation.
The word 'Reptile' isn't in this book - but he does refer to strange aquatic
Faeries in Scotlands Western Isles called 'the blue men of the Minch'
As we found with the Romans [cf. versae pellis aka reversing skin], the
scholars in the wilds of Scotland knew about the strange way that Beings
could alter -
The Celtic Races of Scotland and Ireland had a very active pineal gland,
as indeed the term Aryan may be applied to them, however, American
scholars may care to note that one of the earliest Aryan Races was a dark
skinned people on the sub-continent of India.
In Scotland, the ability to see the effects desribed was held by SEERS
who possessed the second sight - this, however, was not always a desirable
trait as it could mislead.

CHAP.I. of the Subterranean Inhabitants.

. sith, 'S  or Fairies, they call sluaghinaith or the good people:  it
would seem, to prevent the dint of their ill attempts: for the Irish use to
bless all they fear harnie of and are said to he of a middle nature betwixt
man and Angell (as were daemons thought to be of old); of intelligent
Studious /4 spirits, and light changable bodies

(11k those called Astrall) somewhat of the nature of a condens'd cloud, and
best seem in twilight. These bodies be C. * •)l so plyable thorough the
subtilty of the spirits, that agitate them  that they can make them appeare
or disappear at pleasure. Some have bodies or vehicles so spungious, thin
and defecate, that they are fed by only sucking into some fine spirituous
liquor that pierce like pure air and oyl: others feed more gross on the
foyson or substance of comes and liquors, or on come itselfe, that grows on
the surface of the Earth; which these fairies steall away, partly
invisible, partly preying on tho grain as do Crows and Mice. wherefore in
this Sam age they are somtimes heard to bake bread, strike hammers, and to
do such like services within the litle hillocks where they most haunt- som
whereof of old befor the Gospel dispell'd paganism, and in som Barbarous
places as yett, enter houses after all are at rest, and set the kitchins in
order, cleansing all the vessells. such drudgs goe under the name of
Brounies. when we have plentie, they have scarcity at their homes; and on
the Contrarie, (for they are riot impowered to catch / as much prey everie
where as they please.) Their robberies notwithstanding, oftimes occasione
great Ricks of corn not to bleed so well (as they call it) or prove so
copious by verb  far as was expected by the owner.
                Their bodies of congealed air, are som times carried aloft, other 
grovell in different shapes, and enter in anie Cranie or cleft of the ..'
 That it is no less strange for Immortal Sparks and Souls to come and be
immersed into gross Terrestrial Elementary Bodies, and be so propagated, so
nourished, so fed, so cloathed as they are, and breath in such an air, /
and world prepared for them, then   (p.68) for Hollanders2 or Hollow-cavern
Inhabitants to live and traffic amongst us in another State of Being
without our knowledge, For Thaymond de subunde in his third Book chap.12.3
argues quaintly that all sorts of living creatures have a happie rational
polity of their own with great contentment, which government, and mutual
converse of 'Pheirs, They all pride and pluime themselves, because it is as
unknown to man, as mans is to them Much more that the  Son of the Highest
Spirit should assume a Bodie like Ours, convinces all the world that no
other thing that is possible, neide be much wondered at. 2. THE Manucodiata
or Bird of Paradise living in the Highest Region of the air; Common Birds
in the Second Region; Flies and Insects in the Lowest, Men and Beasts on
Earthes Surface; Wormes, Otters, Badgers,...'

(p.81) '.....   perfectly happie a/gainst the last day, salves all the
difficultie; But in everie deed, and speaking sutable to the nature of
things; There is no more absurdity for a spirit to inform an Infantin Body
of Air, than a Body composed of dull and drousie Earth; The best of spirits
having aiwayes delighted more to appear into aereal, then into Terrestrial
Body's. They feed mostwhat on quintessences, and 'Ethereal Essences: the
pith and spirits only of Womens milk feed their Children, being
artificially convey'd (as air and oyl sink into our Bodys) to make them
vigorous and fresh. And this shorter way of conveying a pure Aliment
(without the usual digestions) by transfusing it, and transpyring thorow
the pores into the veins and arteries, and Vessells that supply the body,
is nothing more absurd, than an Infants being fed by the Navel be-fore it
is borne, Or than a plant which groweth by attracting a lively juice from
the Łarth thorow manie smal roots and tendons; whose / Courser      (p.S2)
parts being adapted and made connatural to the whole, doth quickly coalesce
by the ambient cold, and so are condens'd, and baked up into a confirmed
wood in the one, and solid body of flesh and bone in the other. A Notion,
which if intertained and approvtd, may show that the late Invention of
soaking and transfusing (not blood, but) 'Ethereal virtual Spirits, may be
useful both for nourishment and health; whereof there is a Vestige in the
damnable practise of Evil Angels, their sucking of blood and spirits out of
witches bodys (till they drein them, into a deformd and dry leanness) to
feed their own Vehicles withal, leaving what wee call the witches mark
behind. A spot that I have seen as a smal Mole horny and brown coloured,
throw which mark, when a large brass pin was thrust (both in / Buttockr
Nose, and roof of the   (p.83) mouth) till it bowed and became crooked; the
witches, both men and Women, neither felt a pain, nor did bleed, nor knew
the precise time when this was a doing to them  their eyes only being
covered.) Now the air being a body as well as Earth, no reason can be given
why there may not be particles of more vivific Spirit formTd of it for pro
creation, then is possible to be of Earth, which takes more time and pains
to rarify & ripen it, ore it cane come to have a prolific virtue. And if
our Tripping Darlings did not thus procreat, their whole number would be so
exhausted after a considerable space of time. For tho they are of more
refined bodys and intellectuals than wee, and of farr less heavy and
corruptive humours, (which cause a dissoluti~;) yet manie of their lives
being dissonant to / Right Reason and their own Laws, (p.84) and their
Vehicles, not being wholly free of Lust and Passion,especially of the more
Spiritual and hauty Sins, they pass (after a long healthy lyfe).

Andrew Hennessey
Transformation Studies Group
Edinburgh   Scotland

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