-Caveat Lector-


 The following letter was sent to researcher Val Valerian and was
 dated May 13, 1992.  It states in part:

 "...The stranger who has been in the house with his unknown
 monitoring device apparently is not pleased with the fact that I
 placed a magnet in the vicinity of the monitoring device... I put
 the magnet next to the place... and within 24 hours there was a
 generalized feeling of freedom and relief in the air.  My thinking
 processes seemed to flow easier and clear.  I guess one could say
 that there was less tension in general wherever I happen to be.
 On May 7th, I was in the parking lot to pick up Sheila from work
 (about 9:30 a.m.) reading a book.  A strong feeling came over me to
 doze off.  As I did, I dreamed that I was in my car reading my book
 when my 'visitor' fellow opened the door, but rather brought the
 monitoring device and left it in the back seat of the car.  He then
 jumped out and slammed the door with a pop that woke me up!
 Strange.  The 'dream' and dozing period lasted less than 10 minutes
 and the 'dream' is one of those rare types that one does not
 forget.  What I found was particularly curious was that I knew who
 the fellow was, what the device was, and I actually saw the device
 well enough to describe it.  Two days later the right brake system
 failed.  And, that indescribable weight seems to be back in the
 air, again.  Now, I shall place another magnet in the back seat of
 the car..."

 This person described the 'entity' as follows: "...Face is sort of
 Eyes are round.  Nose is small with vertical slits.  Ears are very
 small and flat against head.  Symbol (can't remember) on left side
 of chest garment.  Garment looks like confederate grey uniform.
 Doesn't fit tight.  Rather like sport coat.  Skin color is light
 brown.  Face is expressive and shows fear.  Device was black on
 round pedestal and appeared to be solid metal."



 From 'THE UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA', by John Spencer (Avon Books, 1993),
 under the heading 'DR. OTTO STROVE', we read how this
 astrophysicist assisted Frank Drake in establishing Project OZMA,
 and it's very mysterious conclusion:

 "...the project began its search by focusing on the star TAU CETI.
 According to claims made at the time, AS SOON AS the project got
 underway STRONG INTELLIGENT SIGNALS were picked up, leaving all the
 scientists stunned.

 "Abruptly, Dr. Strove then declared Project OZMA had been shut
 down, and commented that there was no sensible purpose for
 listening to messages from another world."

 [Note: Or, was this merely an 'excuse' used to keep the Project and
 it's findings SECRET?  If not, then Dr. Strove would seem to have
 an extremely warped idea about what is or isn't "sensible" -



 The following information was sent in by Juliette Sweet, personal
 friend of Sharula Dux, the self-alleged resident of Telos, the city
 below Mt. Shasta, and was dated 2/7/93:

 "...last month I had your disk [containing some of the COSCON files
 - Branton] transcribed and read your materials in their entirety.
 Very interesting, and full of well cited facts.  I appreciate your
 sense of groundedness when presenting your ideas... I am not
 familiar with the saurian race, nor have I heard mention of them
 from Sharula or Adama... The Greys do come up from time to time,
 and what has been communicated by the (Telosian) Hierarchy is that
 they are indeed being asked, forcibly if necessary to leave.  The
 ousting process has been active for the last year or so, and Adama
 has indicated that Los Alamos will be one of the last areas to
 clear out... there has been some "star wars" type of conflict of
 late, but the (Telosian) masters tell us not to worry about it
 (and) that they have things well in hand... Sharula's age is
 actually 267 years.  Although for surface ID purposes, she says she
 was born in 1951.  It helps where social security and passport
 purposes are concerned.  You might want to update your materials to
 reflect her actual age..."



 Researcher Vladimir Terziski believes, in spite of all the
 descriptions of 'aliens' given by abductees, that there are also
 craft constructed by 'the Illuminati' which are taking advantage of
 the 'alien' question by attempting to pass off their own black
 projects as 'alien technology'.  Although Terziski is uncertain as
 to the existence of the so-called 'greys', he does admit his belief
 in an ancient human-like society which possesses antigravity craft.

 Terziski states that whether or not the 'greys' exist, the New
 World Order may be using the 'external' alien threat as a means to
 bring about world unity after the fall of Russia while "...at the
 same time hundreds of valid, but undesirable ET contacts with...
 more advanced races are debunked or ignored by the government."

 If some researchers are correct, Bavarian Intelligence [the
 Illuminati's Skull & Bones society, the Thule Societies "Nazi"
 Empire, and the CIA-NSA network that was 'german'ated from within
 the Bavarian Illuminati and Bavarian Thule societies] are actually
 working  with the 'Greys' in secret.  Even if the 'New World Order'
 declares 'war' on these creatures, as opposed to a grass-roots
 'human resistance', one can be assured that this war be a farce as
 have other conflicts in the past.  It would very well be like the
 Korean war conflict wherein SOCIALISTS within the 'United Nations'
 waged a no-win 'police action' against southeast Asian COMMUNISTS.
 General George Douglas MaCarthur for one accused the Socialist
 leadership of the U.N. of intentionally SABOTAGING his forces in
 Korea by leaking American positions to their Communist allies.
 Now in recent years 'Patriot' organizations have been warning of
 a possible "RED DAWN" takeover of the U.S. by Socialist UNITED
 "IN TRAINING" within the borders of the United States.  (If such a
 take-over attempt were to occur, we would suggest that the UNITED
 NATIONS complex in New York City increase it's security by at least
 a thousand fold to defend itself from the retaliation that would
 follow.  Let's just say that there is an entire 'Army' of
 grass-roots Patriots waiting-in-the-wings to defend America from
 such a threat if or when such an invasion is attempted).  The
 Bavarian "National" Socialists who ultimately control the U.N.,
 such as the Trilaterals, are reportedly tied-in with the reptilian
 gray empire, so it is doubtful that any resistance to the invaders
 will come through the Trojan-horse United Nazis (er, excuse us...
 United Nations!).  Such a 'war' may be the grand finale of a series
 of outward Machiavellian 'conflicts' which the Bavarian Empire has
 allegedly 'arranged' between nations over the centuries for the
 purpose of simply keeping the human race in the state of disorder,
 chaos, confusion and fear which is so necessary to ensure the final
 goal -- an absolute electronic dictatorship in which every human
 being will be 'tagged' and branded like cattle with an electronic
 chip implant which will make them the absolute spiritual, mental
 and physical slaves of the 'New World Order'.  Multitudes may be
 deceived into receiving this "mark" of the Beast (or the
 "Serpent"?) and in doing so will have relinquished the greatest
 thing that they possess, their FREE AGENCY (and with it, their

 Terziski alleges that the Illuminati has been involved in top
 secret 'space R&D' [Research & Development] since the turn of the
 century, and that the Nazi's, the American Eastern Establishment,
 and the KGB has been involved as well.  In other words, the lower
 classes of all these nations were themselves largely unfamiliar
 with such top secret research, although the 'Illuminists' working
 in the highest levels of internationalism were and are intricately

 Although it may sound rather incredible, Terziski alleges that he
 possesses confirming information such as the "...first video expose
 of Nazi UFOs.  German/Japanese saucer landings on the moon and Mars
 in 1944-46, Marconi group's landing on Mars in 1956... video
 footage of Nazi interplanetary dreadnoughts and of secret
 Soviet-American saucer landing on Mars."  Although many of the
 'Greys' have been described as being of neo-saurioid configuration,
 other 'Greys' pose a different mystery as to their origin and seem
 to be more of a bio-synthetic or 'manufactured' configuration.
 Vladimir Terziski suggests that some of these greys may be "...a
 product of the US government's biogenetic cyborg R&D program."
 (Note: There may have been "secret society" ties behind the AXIS
 Alliance of World War II.  The JESUITS ORDER of ITALY, according to
 researcher Edmond Paris, had strong connections with Adolph
 Hitler's S.S., and in fact may have been working with the THULE
 SOCIETY of GERMANY in establishing the S.S. as the premier German
 Intelligence Agency.  In turn, according to Trevor Ravenscroft,
 the Nazi occult lodges were in close contact with the occult
 GREEN DRAGON society of JAPAN.  ITALY, GERMANY and JAPAN were the
 three members of the "AXIS" powers who fought against the "ALLIED"
 alliance: the United States, Great Britain, and to a lesser degree,
 Russia - Branton)

 Terziski is "...a Bulgarian born engineer and physicist, graduated
 Cum Laude from the Master of Science program of Tokai University in
 Tokyo in 1980.  Served as a solar energy researcher, Bulgarian
 Academy of Sciences, before immigrating to the U.S. in 1984.
 International UFO researcher with command of English, Japanese,
 Russian, German, and Bulgarian.  Creator/lecturer of UFOLOGY-101
 course for University level attendance."

 In a June 5, 1993 interview with talk-show host Sam Russell on
 K-TALK radio in Salt Lake City, Utah, Vladimir Terziski made the
 bold assertion that in one way or another, any independent
 scientists who discovers the secret of electromagnetic
 'free-energy' antigravity-propulsion is soon bought off,
 black-listed or killed by the Bavarian Illuminati, which has for
 centuries been extremely determined to maintain their monopoly on
 such technology and keep it out of the hands of the masses.  The
 military arm of the Bavarian Empire, the Third Reich, was allowed
 to 'field test' much of this technology under supervision during
 World War II as the Bavarians were intent on establishing the
 "New World Order", by force if necessary.

 Terziski also stated that a joint German-Japanese 'suicide'
 volunteer crew utilizing this 'confiscated' Illuminati
 'free-energy' technology -- a Hanz-Kohler converter powered
 'Dreadnaut', a giant craft approximately 230 feet in diameter --
 landed on Mars in mid-January, 1946 after 8 months of heavy flight.
 He did not say what became of this expedition, but he did state
 that the German Illuminati had established a base on the moon and
 planted their swastika flags there years before the Apollo program.
 Terziski also stated that a 'secret' joint American-Russian space
 program -- behind-the-scenes of the public program -- had landed
 men on the moon BEFORE the Apollo flights as well, and had
 discovered the "ex-Nazi" base already in existence there.

 One of the more startling claims made by Terziski in this interview
 was that the German experiments in mind control, genetics, and
 hybridization (between humans and animals) -- which were apparently
 aided by the discovery and perfection of the microscope in Germany,
 including a Teslan scaler-wave microscope which helped the Germans
 to unlock the human genome -- were repeated in ten times their
 intensity in the underground Nazi South Polar colony or 'city'.
 This base-city, rumor has it, is known by it inhabitants as the
 'NEW BERLIN' and contains a population of over 2,000,000 people
 loyal to the Nazi philosophy.  These include so-called pure-bred
 'Aryan S.S.' who apparently utilize slave labor to expand their
 underground empire.  The genetic experiments in this underground
 metropolis (as in the trilateral Dulce-Dreamland-Luna facilities)
 is reportedly continuing unabated.

 Terziski claims that German occultists gained entrance to
 underground repositories below Tibet with the help of Ahrimanic
 and Luciferian secret societies in that country, where they gained
 access to ancient records from an early civilization which
 developed it's own form of occult-technology.  According to
 Vladimir, the Nazi's had made contact with 'half a dozen' alien
 races, including the malevolent reptilians, which may explain why
 they were so successful in their technological pursuits.  Could the
 U.S. government, fearful of the Nazi Empire/Gray Empire alliance,
 have chosen to negotiate with this powerful force rather than stand
 against it? ["if you can't beat'em, join'em"].  If so, it may have
 been a tragic, pathetic and cowardly decision not only for
 themselves but for their and our posterity.  Apparently the
 Germans-Nazis-Illuminati had established a 'pact' with the serpent
 races long years before the American 'secret/conventional' hybrid
 government had done so.

 The South Polar base according to Vladimir Terziski is also
 actively involved in space travel, and if the theories of W.A.
 Harbinson and others are correct, they may in fact constitute the
 'Aryan' blonds who have been seen working with the grays and
 reptilians in UFO scenarios in their attempts to abduct, implant
 and program the minds of humans in an apparent long-term agenda to
 conquer the MINDS of the nations, and therefore the nations
 themselves.  Failing to do so during World War II in an overt
 manner, is Bavarian-Draconian alliance now attempting to bring
 about a covert takeover of the planet from their South Polar
 installation?  Harbinson, the author of the fact-fiction book
 'GENESIS', is convinced that they are...



 The following are several questions that were directed to former
 Dulce Base Security officer Thomas Edwin Castello approximately a
 year before his death.  They are followed by his responses:

 "QUESTION - When exactly was the (upper human-occupied level of
 the) Archuleta installation constructed?

 "ANSWER - I heard Dulce was started in 1937-38 by the Army
 engineers, enlarged over the years, most recent work was completed
 1965-66 to connect tunnels to Page, Az. (Note: This is referring
 here to the upper levels, not the extreme lower levels which
 include vast natural caverns and, some believe, very ancient
 tunnels as well.  This would include the tunnels illuminated my
 phosphorus pentoxide which the alien grays avoid, and the origin of
 which none of the humans involved with the upper base seem to be
 aware of - Branton)

 "Q -- By what means was the (upper) installations constructed?
 Are you familiar with the alleged developments made by the Rand
 Corporation of a highly-efficient bore-mole machine capable of
 melting rock using wolfram-graphite 'drill-cones'?

 "A -- Part of it was blasted by nuclear device, part of it by a
 machine that melts rock and leaves the surface smooth.

 "Q -- By WHOM was the Dulce installation (upper levels) originally

 "A -- Through RAND corp.

 "Q -- What exactly are the cattle (and human) organs such as blood,
 colons, eyes, reproductive organs, tongues, etc. used for -- i.e.
 the organs obtained via cattle and human mutilations?

 "A -- Read the so-called Dulce papers.

 "Q -- Are the various electromagnetically-controlled air or
 spacecraft [that have been seen] leaving from and arriving at
 Mt. Archuleta manned by humans, the 'alien entities', or both?

 "A -- Archuleta Mesa is a minor area... the craft leave (and is
 stored) in five areas.  One is SE of Dulce, one near Durango Co.,
 one at Taos, NM, and the main fleet is stored at Los Alamos
 (under).  (Note: We suppose Thomas Castello is referring to the
 'joint' fleet.  From combined sources however is appears as if
 Dulce is absolutely SURROUNDED on all sides by 'alien' bases
 inhabited by reptilian-sauroid and 'controlled' humans, and that
 Archuleta peak -- although possibly the most notorious sector of
 this alien facility -- is itself just one part of the overall base
 that some claim is nearly the size of Manhattan!  One source claims
 that there are chambers a few hundred feet below the very town of
 Dulce itself.  This close proximity may explain why it has usually
 been described as the 'Dulce Base'.  Apparently even with his
 high-security clearance Thomas Castello was only familiar with
 one part of the overall mega-complex which underlies the area.
 Whatever amount of activity is taking place there, all sources
 seem to indicate that the town of Dulce is nevertheless a major
 crossroads, convergence or 'intersection' area and even though
 other bases exist beneath Los Alamos, etc., Dulce seems to be a
 major 'through' point of exterran and subterran saurian activity,
 as well as a central 'infiltration' zone  for 'chameleoid'
 mercenaries, and a major convergence of sub-shuttle terminals,
 UFO ports, and so on - Branton)

 "Q -- Some have suggested that the entities (or so-called EBE's)
 are not 'extraterrestrial' in (original) ORIGIN, but use their
 off-planet bases as a smokescreen designed to hide their true
 nature and origin, that their actual origin-place is a subterranean
 nether region beneath the surface of this planet, and that they are
 actually descended from a hominoid reptilian creature or 'serpent
 race' which is hinted at in the third chapter of the book of
 Genesis, and which is [also] referred to as the 'Nagas' by both
 Hindus of India and Buddhists of Tibet.  [They are] creatures which
 allegedly control the spiritual and physical leaders of this and
 other nations through supernatural manipulation.  Does such a
 possibility/ scenario fit in with your own observations at the
 Dulce facility?

 "A -- (Although this may have been a somewhat 'leading' question,
 his answer was) Yes.

 "Q -- Some have suggested that the so-called underground 'E.T.'
 bases and tunnels may for a large part be thousands of years old,
 and constructed by a antediluvian race which reached a considerable
 level of scientific complexity, and who were destroyed by a
 Divinely-initiated cataclysm which took place after they attempted
 to merge their science with occult forces.  Do your observations
 tend to confirm or refute such a possibility?

 "A -- I'm not sure about the Divine part, but these 'aliens'
 consider themselves 'NATIVE TERRANS.'

 "Q -- Are there other sites tied into the 'shuttle network' other
 than those which you mentioned, and if so, where?


 "Q -- Are there any 'bases' in the state of Utah?  (Note: Thomas
 mentioned in earlier writings several sites in the four-corners
 states of New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado where there are
 'connections', but little on Utah)  Have you heard anything about
 an alleged underground installation within the Wasatch Mountains
 [on the western flank of the Rocky Mountain range]...?

 "A -- Salt Lake, Lake Powell Area, Dark Canyon, Dougway Grounds,
 Modena, Vernal.  All have exits there.  Others too.

 "Q -- Does the Mt. Archuleta 'shuttle system' connect with a
 shuttle system which allegedly radiates from Mt. Shasta in
 northern California?

 "A -- Yes.

 "Q -- Did you notice any involvement of high-level Freemasons or
 Rosicrucians or Jesuits with the underground installation and/or
 underground creatures?  (This based on the assumption made by some
 researchers that many of the Masonic lodges are ultimately
 controlled by 'illuminized' 33rd degree Scottish Rite Masonry, a
 'Rite' which can allegedly be traced back to the JESUIT college at
 Clermont in Paris, a 'lodge' which is also tied-in with the Knights
 of Malta and possibly subterranean beings):

 "A -- Yes.  (Note: Salvador Freixedo, author of 'VISIONARIES,
 MYSTICS & CONTACTEES' -- Arcturus Book Service -- "was a Jesuit for
 30 years until, that is, he began to discover that the [Roman]
 Church not only knew A LOT about unexplained phenomena, but that it
 USED phenomena as a basis for exercising its stranglehold on the
 minds and spirits of 700,000,000 'faithful'".  Pope Leo XIII stated
 in 'THE GREAT ENCYCLICAL LETTERS', p. 304: "We hold upon this earth
 THE PLACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY."  Theologian David Hunt believes that
 regardless of the possible sincere intentions of most Roman church
 goers, the original Popes were actually members of a continuous
 succession known as the secret 'Pontifous Maximus' order, or a
 succession of 'Grand Pontiffs' of the ancient Babylonian Mystery
 Religion which sought to wrest power out of the hands of God and
 rule over humanity themselves.  Hunt alleges that Constantine, the
 LAST recognized 'Emperor' of the Roman Empire and FIRST recognized
 'Pontiff' of the so-called 'Holy' Roman Empire, only feigned
 conversion to Christianity when it was evident that the Empire was
 crumbling politically.  He replaced the empirical robes for
 'religious' ones when he realized the 'Empire' could benefit from
 manipulating the spiritual-religious feeling of the masses.  Former
 33rd degree Mason Jim Shaw in his 'tract' A PONTIFF FREEMASON --
 Box 884, Silver Springs, FL  32688 -- named over a dozen
 high-ranking Vatican officials who were also high-ranking Masons,
 including at least one Pope!  This in the face of the Vatican's
 OUTWARD past condemnation of Masonry.  Also Burke McCarty in his
 LINCOLN' states that John Wilkes Booth was a member of the
 neo-masonic 'Knights of the Golden Circle', which was a branch of
 the Jesuit lodge as was the 'Carbonari' which incited the French
 revolution.  Lincoln it seemed, as was confirmed by Charles
 Chiniquy in his 'THIRTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME', had resisted
 the so-called 'divine right' claims of Rome over the earth,
 including America.  He paid for this with his life.  McCarty also
 alleged that the Civil War was inflamed by Golden Circle agents on
 both sides to weaken the nation so that the 'Roman' empire could
 more easily take control.  He also indicated how presidents William
 Harrison, Zachary Taylor and James Buchanan, who publicly stated
 their opposition to the imperial Jesuits, were also targets of
 assassination through poisoning by arsenic.  Harrison's whole
 family died soon after he himself was assassinated by poison, and
 when James Buchanan was poisoned in 1857 he -- realizing what had
 happened -- was able to instruct his physicians on how to save his
 life.  Unfortunately, 38 of the northern cabinet, members, etc. who
 dined with him on Washington's birthday died from the poisoning.
 This is HISTORY, although not the "kind" of history one is likely
 to find in the establishment history books.  McCarty and others
 accused the Golden Circle 'Masons' and the Jesuits.  Apparently,
 as is suggested in Revelation 13 & 17, there is a secret element
 working in Rome that is tied-in with the serpent race as is
 indicated by the reference to the 'dragon' in those passages.  But
 we should remember that those 'in the know' are a relatively small
 minority compared to the rest of the controlled masses who cannot
 be blamed for being victims of mental and spiritual manipulation.
 The British economist Dr. John Coleman -- Box 507, Chalmette, LA
 70044 -- also speaks of the extreme threat that America and other
 freedom-loving countries face from the 'virulent' influence of
 'Jesuit-Freemasonry' or the Scottish Rite-Illuminati.  Although
 Coleman has been influenced somewhat by anti-semitic 'white
 supremist' elements of the 'conspiracy research' community, much of
 his information on Jesuit-Masonry is nevertheless very useful and
 well documented - Branton)

 "Q -- [continuing with the questions to Thomas Castello] Is there
 any truth to the allegations that the CIA/'Aliens' have established
 'bases' on the moon and/or mars?

 "A -- I heard that too, but I haven't seen proof with my own eyes.

 "Q -- Have you heard any hints or rumors suggesting that there may
 be lower levels beneath ULTRA-7, and also, where these might lead
 to and what they might consist of?

 "A -- YES.  Your guess is as good as mine.

 "Q -- There is evidence that the U.S. government has developed it's
 own disk-craft based largely upon secret experiments carried out by
 the Nazi-German scientists during World War II.  Have you heard
 anything referring to this?

 "A -- When I was working in Photo-security, heard a lot of talk,
 never saw the proof, but once in the Air Force I developed a roll
 of film that showed a craft LIKE ADAMSKI'S WITH A SWASTIKA ON THE
 SIDE.  (Note: A letter from 'R.J.M.' of Pennsylvania dated 1-31-91
 stated: "...I have a lot of UFO videos.  I also have 'THE SECRET
 LAND' [1947].  It shows Bunger's Oasis and says they discovered
 warm land at the South Pole.  One German author claims the Nazi's
 had a photo-finish FIGHT with Byrd.  At the end of the movie, it
 says: 'Byrd's Intrepid 4,000 met and defeated ANTARCTICA'S TOUGHEST
 BATTALIONS.'  I don't think they were talking about the weather..."
 Another source stated that there were loses on BOTH sides.
 Question: Why would Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide and have
 their bodies cremated after Hitler had spent so much energy
 executing over 5000 Nazi leaders whom he suspected were behind his
 assassination attempt at the 'Wolf' bunker, especially if he had a
 way out via a south Polar disk base?  The March 18, 1994 issue of
 THE PLAIN DEALER [Cleveland, Ohio] carried an AP story titled
 "...French forensic experts say the charred corpse said to be
 Hitler's is not his body... experts FALSIFIED verification reports
 ordered by Josef Stalin to appease the Soviet dictator... the body
 is actually that of an unknown German male.  [The forensic experts]
 spent more than two years analyzing the autopsy reports prepared by
 Soviet coroners in the days following... the surrender of the Third
 Reich in 1945... the body [said to be Hitler's] had an extra tooth
 and only one testicle... no German doctor who had examined Hitler
 before his death ever mentioned either anomoly." - Branton)

 "Q -- (Any other comments which you might want to submit):

 "A -- (regarding the question about Mt. Shasta) Mt. Shasta is a
 major site of Alien - Elder Race - Reptilian Race - Human meetings.

 "Beginning Cleveland, Grover every president in U.S. history have
 visited Telos City.

 "Truman was supposed to have visited the Lower Realms as a High
 Archon on Earth.  He was supposed to have met the King of The World
 there, and gave him the 'Keys to the U.S.A.'

 "Truman received assurance to new high tech knowledge, and victory
 over all enemies on Earth.  He then was introduced to Samaza and
 Khoach, aliens from Bootes and Tiphon (Draco), both reptilian
 'kings' or Embassadors.

 "Truman updated the '100 Treaty' (that began IN 1933, Roosevelt)
 and requested magnetic advance, space knowledge and experiments.
 Khoach agreed, Samaza partially agreed.  He exchanged hostages for
 genetic experiments and magnetic advance, but vetoed space and beam



 Researcher Len Stringfield released a document which he received
 from an employee of the 'Department of the Air Force - Security
 Police Squadron (PACAF)' in San Francisco, in 'Response for Request
 of Information in Relation to UFO Contact and Other Related
 information.'  The document contained the following statements:

 "1.  In January of 1978, I was stationed at McGuire AFB, N.J. One
 evening, during the time frame of 0300hrs. and 0500hrs.,  there
 were a number of UFO sightings in the area over the air field and
 Ft. DIX Army camp.  I am a security policeman and was on routine
 patrol at the time.  N.J. State Police, and Ft. Dix MP's were
 running code in the direction of Brownsville, N.J.  A state trooper
 then entered Gate #5 at the rear of the base requesting assistance
 and permission to enter.  I was dispatched and the trooper wanted
 access to the runway area which led to the very back of the air
 field and connected with a heavily wooded area which is part of the
 Dix training area.  He informed me that a Ft. Dix MP was pursuing a
 low flying object which then hovered over his car.  He described it
 as oval shaped, with no details, and glowing with a bluish green
 color.  His radio transmission was cut off.  At that time in front
 of his police car, appeared a thing, about 4 ft. tall, GRAYISH,
 brown, FAT HEAD, LONG ARMS, and slender body.  The MP panicked and
 fired five rounds from his .45 Cal into the thing, and one round
 into the object above.  The object then fled straight up and joined
 with eleven others high in the sky.  This we all saw but didn't
 know the details at the time.  Anyway, the thing ran into the woods
 towards our fenceline and they wanted to look for it.  By this time
 several patrols were involved.

 "2.  We found the body of the thing near the runway.  It had
 apparently climbed the fence and died while running.  It was all of
 a sudden hush-hush and no one was allowed near the area.  We roped
 off the area and AF OSI came out and took over.  That was the last
 I saw of it.  There was a BAD STENCH coming from it too.  Like
 AMMONIA SMELLING but it wasn't constant in the air.  That day, a
 team from WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB came in a 0141 and went into the
 area.  They crated it in a wooden box, sprayed something over it,
 and then put it in a big metal container.  They loaded it in the
 plane and took off.  That was it, nothing more said, no report made
 and we were all told not to have anything to say about it or we
 would be court martialed."



 The following article comes from the 'TC TECHNICAL CONSULTANT',
 Nov.-Dec., 1991 issue:

 "The death of a journalist in West Virginia, plus the jailing of an
 alleged CIA computer consultant in Washington State may be elements
 of a much wider scandal that could have serious implications for
 the Bush White House in 1992.

 "What started out as an investigation of an apparent case of
 pirated software has grown to be a project involving hundreds of
 journalists all over the world.

 "The dead journalist, Joseph Daniel 'Danny' Casolaro was found dead
 August 10th in a motel room in West Virginia.  His wrists were
 slashed seven times on each wrist and a suicide note was found
 nearby.  The only manuscript of his book, with accompanying notes,

 "The book, provisionally titled 'The Octopus', was meant to be an
 explosive expose of misdeeds by the Justice Department under the
 Reagan administration.  Time Magazine also reported that Casolaro's
 research centered on gambling and attempted arms deals at the
 CABAZON reservation near Indio (California - Branton).

 "Indeed, the scope of Casolaro's investigation was so large that
 any one of a large number of areas of research could have been the
 trigger for a possible hit.

 "While authorities declared his death a suicide, his relatives
 definitely stated that Casolaro's mental state was sound, indeed
 upbeat, after the completion of his book.

 "Casolaro started his work nearly two years before, investigating
 the bankrupting of a small computer software company called Inslaw,
 allegedly by the U.S. Justice Department.  INSLAW, a company headed
 by Bill and Nancy Hamilton of Washington D.C., had developed a
 package known as PROMIS -- short for Prosecutor's Management
 Information System -- to act as a case management tool for the
 Justice Department's unwieldy work load.

 "Inslaw President Bill Hamilton [NOT the well-known UFO researcher
 - Branton] has claimed that Ed Meese associate EARL BRIAN was given
 control of pirated versions of the PROMIS software by Meese to sell
 back to different U.S. government agencies for great profit.
 Two courts have so far agreed with Hamilton awarding an 8 million
 dollar judgment, but a higher court of appeal has quashed the award
 and the verdict, declaring that it was not the jurisdiction of the
 lower courts.  As of October 9, the case has moved into the realm
 of the Supreme Court.


 "According to a Washington man, who claims to have modified the
 cobol-based software for the CIA and other intelligence agencies,
 the software was a reward for Earl Brian's role in arranging the
 so-called 'October Surprise' gambit, the alleged conspiracy to
 withhold the American hostages in Iran until after the 1980
 election which saw Carter removed from power.  The 'October
 Surprise' scandal has taken some time to emerge.

 "In a Paris meeting, President Bush is alleged to have met with Ali
 Akabar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the speaker of the Iranian Parliament,
 Mohammed Ali Rajai, the future President of Iran and Manucher
 Ghorbanifar, an Iranian arms dealer with connections to Mossad,
 according to Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher who claims to have
 flown Bush, William Casey -- the CIA chief -- and Donald Gregg,
 a CIA operative to that location.  Russbacher, who made these
 allegations in May is now in jail on Terminal Island, convicted on
 the charge of impersonating a U.S. Attorney.

 "The Washington man is MICHAEL RICONOSCIUTO who is now waiting for
 a trial in a Washington jail on conspiracy to sell drugs charges,
 charges which Riconosciuto claims are manufactured.  Indeed, the
 charge made against Riconosciuto were made one week after
 Riconosciuto authored and signed an affidavit describing his role
 in modifying the pirated software.

 "The affidavit also claimed that he had been contacted by phone and
 threatened by PETER VIDENIEKS [a Justice Department employee and
 Customs official who, Riconosciuto alleged, had intelligence ties]
 as to the possible consequences of his going public with certain

 "According to Riconosciuto, Videnieks was a frequent visitor to
 the Cabazon Indian reservation near Palm Springs and visited with
 tribal manager, John P. Nichols.  Nichols was in essence
 Riconosciuto's boss in a number of enterprises conducted on
 reservation land and the PROMIS modification was just one of these
 projects.  According to Riconosciuto, in an interview with T.C.
 conducted from jail, the PROMIS software was modified to install a
 backdoor access for use by American intelligence services.  The
 software was then sold to 88 different countries as a sort of
 'trojan horse' package enabling us to access their intelligence
 systems.  According to Riconosciuto these countries included Iraq
 and Libya.

 "Correspondence between Nichols and other companies, if authentic,
 indicates that Riconosciuto's claims of his expertise in the area
 of electronics and armaments appear to be true.  Marshall
 Riconoscuito, Michael's father is a reputed former business partner
 of Richard Nixon.

 "According to Riconosciuto, the fuzzy status of reservation land as
 'sovereign' allowed elements of the CIA and organized crime to
 conduct business uniquely.

 "Among the projects worked on during this time were joint projects
 with WACKENHUT, a company loaded with former CIA and NSA personnel
 and business ventures with the Saudi Arabian royal family and other
 unusual projects.

 "A joint venture with Southern California Edison will soon be
 generating power for bio-mass drawn from local waste outlets.
 Biological warfare projects were investigated with Stormont
 laboratories looking into the creation of 'pathogenic viruses' and
 enhanced fuel-air explosive weapons were created and tested in
 league with Meridian Arms at the NEVADA TESTING RANGE which matched
 the explosive power of nuclear devices.

 "These enhanced weapons gained their power from polarizing the
 molecules in the gas cloud by modification of the electric field,
 a technology developed from exploring Thomas Townsend Brown's
 suppressed work, a knowledge which Riconosciuto claims he gained
 from working at LEAR in Reno, Nevada.

 "Riconosciuto is said to have worked on the enhanced fuel-air
 explosive weapons with Gerald Bull of Space Research Corporation.
 Bull, now deceased, later became an arms advisor to Saddam Hussein.

 "In July, Anson Ng, a reporter for the Financial Times of London
 was shot and killed in Guatemala.  He had reportedly been trying to
 interview an American there named Jimmy Hughes, a one-time director
 of security for the Cabazon Indian Reservation secret projects.

 "In April, a Philadelphia attorney named Dennis Eisman was found
 dead, killed by a single bullet in his chest.  According to a
 former federal official who worked with Eisman, the attorney was
 found dead in the parking lot where he had been due to meet with
 a woman who had crucial evidence to share substantiating
 Riconosciuto's claims.

 "Both Eisman's and Ng's deaths were declared suicides by

 "Fred Alvarez, a Cabazon tribal leader who was in vocal opposition
 to the developments on the reservation, was found shot to death
 with two friends in 1981.  Their murder remains unsolved.

 "The leader of the House, Thomas Foley, announced last month that
 a formal inquiry will be initiated into the Inslaw case.  Foley
 appointed Senator Terry Sanford as co-chairman of the joint
 congressional panel.  Prior to his election, Senator Sanford was
 the attorney representing Earl Brian in his 1985 takeover bid for
 United Press International and was instrumental in appointing Earl
 Brian, a medical doctor, to the board of Duke Medical School, of
 which Sanford is President.

 "However, despite repeated requests from journalists to produce
 photographs showing Riconosciuto together with Brian, and requests
 to produce his passport showing his alleged trip to Iran, he has
 not yet done so.  Also Riconosciuto failed to be able to describe
 Peter Videnieks to CNN's Moneyline program, claiming a medical
 condition prevented him from remembering clearly.

 "This led one former intelligence operative to speculate that we
 may be witnessing a very sophisticated intelligence operation being
 played out in public.

 "Former F.B.I. Special Agent, Ted Gunderson, speaks for
 Riconosciuto's credibility.  Gunderson, who lives in Manhattan
 Beach, has worked with Riconosciuto for many years in his capacity
 as private investigator.

 "Together, according to Gunderson, they were responsible for
 thwarting a terrorist operation during the Los Angeles Olympics.
 According to Gunderson, Riconosciuto was well known in certain
 circles as a genius in almost all sciences.

 "The so-called drug operation broken up in Washington State was
 an electrohydrodynamic mining operation claimed Gunderson, using
 Townsend Brown technology.  A videotape viewed by this journalist
 revealed metallic powders and apparent processes unrelated to
 drug manufacture.  Indeed, a government analysis of soil samples
 revealed the absence of drug contamination, but a high
 concentration of barium.  Barium is often found in high voltage
 related work.

 "Unsubstantiated information from an intelligence source claims
 that the current situation (with the scenario being carried out
 around former Wackenhut/Nevada Test Site worker Michael
 Riconosciuto and others? - Branton) is the visible effect OF A WAR
 centered in the CIA called AQUARIUS (around a powerful center
 KNOWN AS MJ-12) and a group known as COM-12 centered around Naval
 Intelligence.  COM-12 is reputedly trying to sustain a rearguard
 action to sustain and preserve constitutional government and is
 deliberately LEAKING INFORMATION damaging to the former group."
 (Take note of William Cooper's pro-constitution, anti-MJ/12
 writings and his past association with high levels of Naval
 Intelligence.  Also, one source has implied that "COM-12" may stand
 for an intelligence organization known as the "COMMITTEE OF 12",
 to which the notorious "Commander X" himself has apparent ties -

 In the same publication, same issue, there appeared a small article
 just following the one quoted above.  Written by Thomas Zed, the
 WORLD", stated:

 "The Wackenhut company has a very close connection to the world of
 BLACK BUDGET PROJECTS.  Besides being connected with the Cabazon
 venture mentioned in this issue it is also responsible, according
 to jailed computer consultant Michael Riconosciuto, FOR THE SECRET
 Labs near Dulce are alleged to be tied-in with the Department of
 Energy, Rand Corp, Los Alamos Labs, MJ-12 and other 'secret
 government' controlled military-industrial organizations.  It is
 believed to be the largest underground joint CIA-Alien laboratory
 of it's kind in the United States, and perhaps the world.  Could
 the Cabazon reservation also hold an underground base? - Branton)

 "After sending two of my colleagues there recently AND RECEIVING
 I decided to call the newspaper office and make an educated bluff.

 "I identified myself as a freelance reporter from Los Angeles --
 and told the newspaper that I was doing a story on the Cabazon
 reservation biological warfare projects that had been undertaken
 there on behalf of the CIA.  I told her that I had heard that there
 were similar things being done in Dulce and would like to know what
 was going on.

 "The official I spoke to BECAME FRIGHTENED and said, 'I can't talk
 to you about that!  It would be very unprofessional of me to talk
 to you about that.  You'll have to speak to the President of the
 tribe.'  She then hung up.

 "I have yet to call back and ask the President of the tribe, but
 will report on that in the next issue.

 "Wackenhut is also responsible for security of a lot of UNDERGROUND
 FACILITIES in California and Nevada, including the notorious S-4 or
 Area 51 in Nevada where Townsend Brown flying disk technology
 (written about in a T.C. recent issue) has been flying and
 developing for decades.

 "A recent helicopter crash at the area, where two pilots and three
 security guards from Wackenhut flying in a Messerschmit BO-105
 helicopter were killed was not at all accidental claimed
 Riconosciuto, who said that the individuals aboard the helicopter
 were traveling with sensitive documents.

 "Groups are now investigating Riconosciuto's claims."



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