-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:41819">CIA Terrorism</A>
Subject: CIA Terrorism
From: Ralph McGehee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999 5:42 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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        CIA Support For Terrorism, Murder, Torture and Rape

   Earlier I drew from CIABASE a report on CIA support for death
squads around the world. Direct or indirect support for Death Squads
was a universal of CIA operations -- it itself conducted death squad
operations in Vietnam killing over 35,000 Vietnamese.

    Now the Historical Clarification Commission, in Guatemala,
documents CIA support to the Guatemalan military's murder, torture
and rape.

   The Historical Clarification Commission charged to investigate human
rights abuses during Guatemala's 34-year civil war accused the U.S.-backed
military of responsibility for the vast majority of the crimes, including
murder, torture, rape, destruction of Indian villages and widespread
state terrorism.

   The report of the Historical Clarification Commission, said the
massacres eliminated entire Mayan villages. The commission found the
"government of the United States, through various agencies including
the CIA, provided direct and indirect support for some state operations."

   The report, "Guatemala, Memory of Silence," found that about
200,000 people -- the overwhelming majority of them civilians -- were
killed or "disappeared" during the war. The panel...documented 626 massacres
committed by the army in the 1980s, during the height of its scorched-earth
policy against Indian peasant communities. The army "completely exterminated
Mayan communities, destroyed their dwellings, livestock and crops...and
carried out a systematic campaign of "genocide."  Washington Post 2/26/99 A19.

   Now DCI Tenet wants to run more CIA operations than even during the
Cold War.

Ralph McGehee


Subject: Re: CIA Terrorism
Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999 7:07 AM
Message-id: <7b6db9$8rm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ralph McGehee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>        CIA Support For Terrorism, Murder, Torture and Rape

>   Earlier I drew from CIABASE a report on CIA support for death
>squads around the world. Direct or indirect support for Death Squads
>was a universal of CIA operations -- it itself conducted death squad
>operations in Vietnam killing over 35,000 Vietnamese.

>    Now the Historical Clarification Commission, in Guatemala,
>documents CIA support to the Guatemalan military's murder, torture
>and rape.

>   The Historical Clarification Commission charged to investigate human
>rights abuses during Guatemala's 34-year civil war accused the U.S.-backed
>military of responsibility for the vast majority of the crimes, including
>murder, torture, rape, destruction of Indian villages and widespread
>state terrorism.

>   The report of the Historical Clarification Commission, said the
>massacres eliminated entire Mayan villages. The commission found the
>"government of the United States, through various agencies including
>the CIA, provided direct and indirect support for some state operations."

>From the New York Times article today:

Although the broad outlines of American support to Guatemala's military have
been known, the nine-volume report confirms that the CIA aided Guatemalan
military forces.

The commission listed the American training of the officer corps in
counterinsurgency techniques as a key factor "which had a significant bearing
on human rights violations during the armed confrontation."

>   The report, "Guatemala, Memory of Silence," found that about
>200,000 people -- the overwhelming majority of them civilians -- were
>killed or "disappeared" during the war. The panel...documented 626 massacres
>committed by the army in the 1980s, during the height of its scorched-earth
>policy against Indian peasant communities. The army "completely exterminated
>Mayan communities, destroyed their dwellings, livestock and crops...and
>carried out a systematic campaign of "genocide."  Washington Post 2/26/99

More Excerpts from the NYTimes article:

The commission has been able to establish that state forces and allied
paramilitary groups were responsible for 93 percent of the documented
violations, that the insurgent forces were responsible for 3 percent and that
the remaining 4 percent of the cases include other authors. . . .

We have reached the conclusion that the structure and nature of the economic,
cultural and social relationships in Guatemala, as well as racism, the
closing of spaces for participation and the refusal by the state to promote
substantive reform, were all factors that determined the origin and the
outbreak of the armed confrontation.

We have also been able to demonstrate the participation, by various means, of
economically powerful groups, political parties, the churches and people at
the universities, as well as of other sectors of civil society. ...

Similarly, foreign governments often became involved in Guatemala's internal
affairs, and in so doing they contributed to the resolve and perseverance of
the armed confrontation.

The commission's investigations demonstrate that until the mid-1980's, the
United States Government and U.S. private companies exercised pressure to
maintain the country's archaic and unjust socio-economic structure. In
addition, the United States Government, through its constituent structures,
including the Central Intelligence Agency, lent direct and indirect support
to some illegal state operations. At the same time, the commission has
information regarding the support given by the Cuban Government to the
guerrilla organizations, including military training for combatants. . . .

Believing that the ends justified everything, the military and the state
security forces blindly pursued the anti-Communist struggle, without respect
for any legal principles or the most elemental ethical and religious values,
and in this way completely lost any semblance of human morals. . . .

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