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<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.media:96036">EIR on the Clinton
presidency, after the acquital</A>
Subject: EIR on the Clinton presidency, after the acquital
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 1999 8:23 AM
Message-id: <7b3tdn$2i1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

TONY PAPERT: Welcome to the LaRouche Connection. It's Wednesday,
Feb. 24, 1999, my name is Tony Papert, and with us in the studio
is Jeff Steinberg, EIR's Counter Intelligence Director.
        This is the first regular edition of the LaRouche Connection
we've done since the President was acquitted, rather
overwhelmingly, of impeachment charges by the U.S. Senate,
roughly two weeks ago. Jeff, what is the condition of the
Clinton Presidency after this acquittal?

JEFF STEINBERG: Well, one would have {hoped} that President
Clinton would be a kind of superman figure who could simply walk
into a phone booth and come out back fully functioning as
President, as we knew President Clinton during the first several
years of his first term in office. But unfortunately, that's not
the way the world really works. I think, to understand the fact
that we're still living under the spectre of a constitutional
coup d'etat, one has to remember that the assault against the
Presidency has been really an ongoing fact of life in Washington,
since right after the President's re-election.
        If you think back to the beginning of 1997, already at that
point, we saw the first really visible signs of Vice President Al
Gore, kind of trying to do his best `Al Haig' imitation, claiming
`I'm in charge here,' on every major area of foreign policy. I
recall very distinctly, that in January of 1997, Vice President
Gore gave an interview to {The Wall Street Journal} in which he
very brashly announced that he expected to be taking over China
policy in exactly the same way that he'd taken over Russian
policy early-on in the administration, through the so-called
Gore-Chernomydin Commission, which has been one of the most
poisonous channels of U.S. foreign policy since that point.
        Fortunately, President Clinton understood that China policy
was going to be a {critical} strategic issue, and in fact, would
be an instrumental part of his legacy as President, and therefore
Gore never got the chance to seize control over the China policy
portfolio. In the second half of 1997, in probably the last
dramatically positive foreign policy move, President Clinton
hosted Chinese President Jiang Zemin in Washington and initiated
what he himself called a `new strategic partnership' with China.
        Now, unfortunately by that point, the internal {coup factor}
was already well in place. We had some fairly dramatic changes in
the Clinton cabinet for the second term in office, and most of
those changes we've since discovered, were changes initiated
with, and strongly pushed by, Vice President Al Gore. We had, of
course, William Cohen replacing William Perry as Secretary of
Defense; we had Madeleine Albright coming in as Secretary of
State; and President Clinton had initially appointed Air Force
General Ralston to head up the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A scandal
activated by the British-American commonwealth media cartel
brought down General Ralston, and as the result, we have what one
former flag grade officer described as a 60-watt bulb in the
person of Gen. Henry Hugh Shelton, of Special Forces background,
now in as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
        So, from the fall of 1997 onward, in particular, we've seen
the Gore-centered team inside the administration, centered around
what's known as the Principals Committee. This is a grouping
within the administration made up of all the cabinet, and some key
sub-cabinet officials involved in national security policy. The
Principals Committee meets without the President being involved,
and then presents him, very often, given the combination of
personnel in this, with a kind of policy fait accompli. In
addition to the cabinet people, Albright, Cohen, perhaps the only
person who really has a certain standing as a {long-time} friend
and ally of President Clinton, who is like-minded on many policy
issues, is Sandy Berger, and he's been sort of {overwhelmed} by
this Gore team, on the Principals Committee.
        But, in addition to those cabinet members, you have two very
key sub-cabinet officials, who've never even been subjected to
Congressional oversight, or confirmation hearings. One of them is
Leon Fuerth, who is simply the National Security Advisor to Vice
President Gore; the other is Richard A. Clarke, who's now become
the super-guru of counter terrorism, and we'll get a chance to
discuss that a bit later. So, this team, by the end of 1997, was
in place, and among the first things that they tried to do, was
foment a war against Iraq, and it took them literally fourteen
months to erode President Clinton's resistance to going ahead
with amounts to a kind of a senseless bombing, and a highly
provocative and questionable, in terms of feasibility, attempt to
overthrow Saddam Hussein.
        Now, we're into January 1998, and we have the Lewinsky
affair breaking, and from that point on, more or less consuming
President Clinton. So, and we had the spectre of Netanyahu, the
Prime Minister of Israel, from the fall of 1997 onward, agitating
along with the Principals Committee for a war against Iraq,
threatening that Israel would take {unilateral} action, perhaps
even the use nuclear weapons, theater nuclear weapons, against
Iraq. So, you've had a concert, both within the administration
national security team, and outside, with Netanyahu, and of
course we can't leave out of the equation, British Prime Minister
Tony Blair, who has been doing his very best Margaret Thatcher
imitation to draw President Clinton into this Persian Gulf war
trap. So, 1998, right up through the end of the year, and up to
Feb. 12, when the Senate Impeachment vote occurred, and the
President was acquitted, has been an entire year in which the
President has been largely taken out of the national security and
foreign policy equation, and the fact is that the process began a
year earlier.
        Now, President Clinton has very good instincts on foreign
policy. He has scant understanding of real-world economics, and
this has been a major disadvantage because the number one
strategic crisis threatening the United States in the world
today, is the complete disintegration of the global financial
system. But, taking for a moment the positive side of President
Clinton's foreign policy instincts, which we saw very clearly
throughout the first Clinton administration; an initiative toward
Russia, to basically undercut the IMF's attempts to destroy the
Russian economy. It was an impulse never fully realized, in part
because President Clinton made the horrible mistake of giving Al
Gore, from the second half of 1993 onward, the Russia portfolio,
and so Gore has been in bed with the most corrupt kleptocrat in
Russia, Viktor Chernomyrdin, ever since. So, that's been a policy
instinct undermined by an unfortunate mistake, error in judgment
made by the President.
        We had the initiative toward Germany, that the United States
would abandon the so-called Churchillian Anglo-American special
partnership that Kissinger pioneered into a nearly religious
dogma when he was in power in the '70's. And Clinton instead
returned to a more traditional and viable partnership with
Germany to build up eastern Europe and Russia.
        Then we of course had the China initiative that we spoke of
a few moments ago, and by instinct, President Clinton has been
devoted to the idea of following through on the agenda of Middle
East peace that was the legacy of his close friend, the late
assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and his peace
partner, Yassir Arafat.
        Systematically, since the beginning of the second Clinton
Administration, everyone of those Clinton initiatives has been
undermined through a combination of inside-outside machinations,
and so we're here with a situation, now, where the question, to
my mind, is: will President Clinton, reassert his role as
President of the United States? Because for the past
year-and-a-half, almost two years, that role has been eroding,
and is now a subject of massive attack, it may very well be that
President Clinton won a decisive victory in the impeachment vote
in the U.S. Senate, but nobody should be naive enough to assume
that that means the assault on the Presidency is over.
        If anything, we're now in a more dangerous phase, because
this British-American-Commonwealth cabal, that has been dedicated
to installing Al Gore as their interim President, to follow
through with their agenda, is now confronted with the failure of
their legal coup d'etat, and now they're left with A) a
Presidential assassination, and B) the idea of creating a whole
series of regional war situations, whose cumulative effect is to
destroy the Clinton Presidency, but which could very well also be
a springboard into a kind of pre-WWI phenomenon, where British
geopolitical machinations, in the Balkans, in the Middle East,
and elsewhere around the world, precipitates a world war.
        That's the kind of situation that we're facing, and frankly,
there is no alternative available at the moment, than for
President Clinton to reassert over and against the coup-plotters
within his own government, his authority as President, and to
link up with those countries in the world that are out to bring
stability and economic progress and peace, as opposed to those
BAC and related forces, whose main mission is to blow up the
planet--if that's what it takes to prevent the United States from
leading the world into, what Lyndon LaRouche has called for, in
the form of a new Bretton Woods International Monetary System, to
replace the current bankrupt mess, and great projects typified by
the Eurasian Landbridge, which again is has been a project
LaRouche has pioneered.

TONY PAPERT:  That first group of nations that you said that
Clinton would like to and should be aligned with, Lyndon LaRouche
has referred to as the survivors club, what does that mean?

JEFF STEINBERG: Well, there's a number of nations that have
recognized that the international financial system is presently
being run by a bunch of stark raving lunatics. Who, if allowed to
continue, will destroy one economy after another, and ultimately
{trigger} a new dark age that will take us, in the optimistic
view, several generations to recover from. So, you've got some
very large nations in Asia, and Eurasia, that are looking to
create strategic alliances, in effect, monetary and economic
defense alliances against the worst consequences of this
BAC-steered policy, which unfortunately for the moment is
carrying sway in Washington. You've got China, which has
accomplished miracles, in terms of its own economic improvement,
the policies originally initiated by Deng Xio Ping after the
overthrow of the Gang of Four that carried out their own 20-year
dark age called the Cultural Revolution. He's been succeeded now
by Jiang Zemin and Zhu Ronji, and others, who are pursuing a
policy very much consistent with the Eurasian Landbridge. And
it's no wonder that China has been one of the countries that has
played the most vocal role internationally in advocating
LaRouche's Eurasian Landbridge by name. They've had Helga Zepp
LaRouche of the Schiller Institute, Mr. LaRouche's wife, to China
on a number of occasions to speak at major international
conferences, they've recently published an article saying, the
United States must forge a strategic partnership with China, not
London to build the Landbridge. You've got Russia, under the
Primakov government, the gangsters are for now out of power, the
friends of Al Gore, like Viktor Chernomyrdin and Anatoly Chubais,
are on the outs in Russia, and Russia is trying to get its
economic act together again, and is naturally looking toward a
partnership with China, and with India. You take Russia. China,
and India, and you're not only talking about a very large portion
of the Eurasian landmass, but you're also talking about countries
that represent well over 2 1/2 billion people, and of course
other countries in the Asia Pacific Rim are looking towards this
survivors club, to use Lyndon LaRouche's term, as an alternative
point of collaboration for dealing with the global economic
crisis. Malaysia's a good case in point. Malaysia is probably the
one instance where there's some sign of sanity on economic and
monetary policy coming out of Japan. Because the Japanese put up
some billions of dollars to help Mahathir out when he announced
the capital and exchange controls on Sept. 1, 1998, and they've
basically {indicated} that they strongly favor, and will continue
to support, the activities of Mahathir. This is one of those rare
moments where you see China and Japan very much on the same
political sheet of music, helping to set an example for how to
opt out of the insane bankrupt system and do things that protect
the interests of economies and populations against the power of
the speculative sharks--the George Soros' of the world. Now, the
fact of the matter is, the Russia, China, India triangle, and the
involvement, optimally of Japan in that process, as well as other
countries in southeast Asia, is a policy that has been
historically an American policy. The 19th century ended with
the bright prospect of the Eurasian region, mirroring the great
accomplishments of the transcontinental railroad in North
America, during the second half of the 19th century, in
which we saw a massive buildup of real industrial cities and
agricultural centers all across the northern tier of North
America. And the idea was, to export that concept, and the
technology to realize it, to Russia, to China, to Japan, and to
other parts of that region. So, here we are at the end of the
20th century, with the exact same issues on the table, except
this time, this BAC apparatus with a near death-grip on policy on
Washington and Wall Street, is trying to put forward the
preposterous idea that this kind of Russia, China, India
cooperation with others coming in, is somehow a {threat} to the
United States. Rather than the crowning accomplishment of America
foreign policy of the Clinton era, and the end of the 20th

for more information on EIR and the LaRouche movement:

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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