-Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 454

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Message: 3
   Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 06:37:55 EST
   From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Freemasonry in Egypt

Thought I would pass this along

>From a current Cairo press clipping.


Last month in Jordan, a prestigious lineup of Western leaders led
by President Clinton and three former US presidents paid their last
respects to King Hussein. While deductions as to why they had all
turned up was disputed live on national TV from Bangkok to Cape
Town, one inference was however passed by. That the wily king
may have also been a Prince of Jerusalem, one of the highest titles
conferred by Freemasons. Whether or not Hussein visited Masonic
lodges and took part in their rituals is unknown, yet there are
persistent claims in certain circles that he was an honorary Grand
Master. Not peculiar for a monarch who spent most of his reign
juggling alliances, some of them treacherous. As a Freemason, he
would have kept excellent company for, besides the Mozarts,
Goethes and Garibaldis, most of Europe's royals and several former
American presidents including its incumbent vice-president, are
professedly on the Masonic roster.

But wait a minute! King Hussein Ibn Talal, far from being a
Westerner, was a descendant of the Prophet. How could a Moslem
notable of his standing become an alleged member of a secret
society with origins in the heartland of a 17th century Judeo-
Christian Europe?!

Adapting the Big Bang theory to Freemasonry, we discover that
the French Revolution and subsequent Napoleonic Wars accounted
for the dissemination of the Society outside its known borders.
Which is why by the late 19th century, Masonic lodges were
scattered across the Ottoman Empire, from Constantinople where
Young Turks were beguiled by the secretive brotherhood, to
Greater Syria and Egypt where emerging nationalists aped their
European assailant in their inherent opposition to autocratic
authority. In Egypt, Freemasonry imploded into feuding camps:
Anglo-Saxon and French, ostensibly reflecting the dual
imperialistic control --military and cultural-- which had entrenched
itself along the Nile Valley.

A favorite Masonic hall south of the Levant was Kawkab al-Shark--
Star of the East. Somehow, its propinquity to after-life symbolism
conjured up echoes of the cult of Isis and Osiris giving it a distinct
character and flavor. Lodges evidencing Ancient Egyptian names
included Sphinx, New-Memphis, Pyramids and Cheops.

The distinction of first modern Freemason in Egypt goes to
General Kleber, the luckless man left behind by Napoleon to
govern the "Oriental Empire. Since that time and up until April
1964, Freemasonry continued uninterruptedly in Egypt. What had
started as a secret movement, eventually came out in the open as
evidenced by notices in newspapers, the social pages and other
forms of printed media.

Historians may assent however, Freemasonry in Egypt came out
of the closet during the Orabi Revolt of 1882. That Ahmed Orabi
Pasha was himself a member of the Order was never proven, yet
we know that several of his supporters were. Part of a budding
oligarchy, they joined the Society in an attempt to penetrate an
impregnable ruling class guarded jealously by Mohammed Ali's
descendants and their Circassian entourage. Consequently, when
the khedive's men arrested the sartujar (head of traders guild) of
Sharkia charging him with conspiring against the state and
supporting Ahmed Orabi with money and the like, it was a
Freemason barrister from London who took up his defense.
Nevertheless, the British-led kangaroo court in Cairo declared
Orabi and his Freemason supporters guilty as charged --they had
dared ask for the substitution of khedivial absolutism with a more
representative government.

While Orabi was exiled to the crown colony of Ceylon, the sartujar
and other Orabi sympathizers were sentenced to imprisonment and
fines ranging from LE 1,000 to LE 5,000. The situation turned on
the British several decades later with the arrival of Mohammed
Farid and Saad Zagloul. Self-declared Freemasons they respectively
headed the National and Wafd parties which called for popular
uprisings against Egypt's Anglo-Saxon occupiers.

With time, inter and intra-Freemasonry rivalries increased in
proportion to the numbers of halls and lodges that surfaced all
over Egypt.  Scottish, French, Italian and English halls operated
side by side with the National Grand Lodge of Egypt. There was
even talk of a Masonic cemetery in Old Cairo to be shared with
free-thinkers and intellectuals.

Among the most important halls within Masonic circles in Cairo
were the Grecia and Bulwer lodges overlooking Midan Ismail
(today, MidanTahrir). The Egyptian Gazette dated 9 January
1903, states that "the new Masonic Hall [used by both lodges]
comprises a commodious and handsome lodge-room capable of
seating 100 brethren; a large assembly room; committee
secretaries' and robbing rooms; as well as a refreshment room
opening on to a spacious terrace whence a magnificent view is
obtained on the new building of the Museum of Antiquities, Kasr-
El-Nil barracks, the Nile and the open country beyond with the
pyramids in the far distance." Both these lodges reported to the
Grand Lodge of England. At the time there were about Egyptian
54 lodges operating in Um al-Dunya.

Between 1940 and 1957 there were 18 Masonic halls listed in
Cairo, 33 in Alexandria, 10 in Port Said, 2 in Mansourah, 2 in
Ismailia and one each in Fayoum, Mehala al-Kobra and Minieh
(numbers fluctuated slightly during the interim yeas). Throughout
that period, the largest and most important Masonic Hall was
located at No. 1 Toussoun Street in Alexandria.

Ignoring its working class origins, modern Freemasonry sought to
attract the privileged elite. And since faith did not really matter,
Anglicans, Catholics, Jews and Moslems from the power elite
rubbed shoulders in Lodges and Halls across the Middle East. After
all, one of the Society's basic ideas was the rejection of dogma.

But the society's secretive character rendered it vulnerable to
defamation and accusation. History abounds with situations where
Church and State took turns at vilifying the elitist brotherhood
often rendering it more surreptitious than it already was. If
Freemasonry burst its banks during the French Revolution, when
an entire nation revolted against church and state, it met with a
devastating crisis during WW2 when Europe's traditional societies
all but crumbled and when thousands of Freemasons ended their life
in German concentration camps. Other wars and revolutions, from
Italy to Latin America, alternately pushed Freemasonry into the
forefront of national and international events.

As attacks against Freemasonry multiplied in 19th century Europe,
one race was repeatedly singled for a favorite target. Living as a
minority almost everywhere, Jews perceived the secret society as a
way to achieve equality --with time they became the torchbearers
of Freemasonry. Furthermore, since much of the Masonic
symbols, rituals and erudition were linked to Jewish mystic, the
accusations cropped up whenever an economic crisis loomed or
when the purported Judeo-Christian alliance fell out of favor. The
Vatican, which saw any secret society other than its own as a
major threat, was at the vanguard of anti-Freemason movements
fanning the flames of the 'conspiracy' controversy whenever
possible. But since Christendom had little influence in a
predominantly Moslem Ottoman empire, the expansion of
Freemasonry among its cosmopolitan elite went on unhindered.

"In a characteristically tolerant Egypt, Freemasonry grew more
out of fashion than conviction. It was more public than secret"
comments Karim Wissa, an Egyptian diplomat who submitted a
paper on local Freemasonry at Oxford while a graduate student.
Like many of his brood and generation, Wissa can attest to at least
one great-grandfather having been a District Grand Master. "There
were two kinds of Freemasons in Egypt in those days. Those like
my landowning ancestor who adhered to the traditionalist English
Freemasonry, and others who because of their fervent nationalism,
joined the liberal French lodges headed in Egypt by Azhar
luminaries Gamal al-Din al-Afghani and Mohammed Abdou.
Interestingly, both gentlemen tended to address their companions
as 'ikhawan al saffa wa khullan al wafa'(sincere brethren and
faithful companions)."

>From Khedive Ismail to King Fouad, Egypt's monarchs willingly
accepted an honorary Grand Mastership although none were known
to have been physically initiated into the National Grand Orient of
Egypt. Their attendance was restricted to official portraits hanging
on the walls of Masonic lodges and halls. Other District Grand
Masters included British High Commissioners (ambassadors) as well
as several Sirdars --British commanders of the Egyptian army.

When Farouk ascended the throne, Freemasonry in Egypt was fast
becoming "guilty by association," accused of entertaining strong
Zionist affiliations. In the minds of traditionalists, the physical
similarities between Masonic halls and B'nai B'rith lodges --a
Judeo-Zionist organization fashioned upon the Masonic model--
were far too obvious for anyone not to confound the two. Because
they were seen, as hand in glove, it is doubtful the young king ever
supported the Society as such.

Once WW2 came to an end, B'nai B'rith lodges in Cairo and
Alexandria were summarily closed down. "Hadn't the analogous
B'nai B'rith done everything in its power to take turn Palestine
into an exclusive homeland for the Jewish Diaspora?" exclaimed a
growing number of Masonic detractors.

Following the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, it was open
season for opponents of Freemasonry to pursue their claims that
Masonic halls were subversive and dangerous, bent on undermining
Arab nationalism and patriotism. Not unlike the anti-Freemasonry
whisper campaigns propagated by the Vatican in the middle of the
last century and early this one, articles cropped up in the post-
1948 Arab World "proving" the connection between Zionism and

In Egypt, arguments leveled against Freemasonry were selectively
derived from the writings of George Zaidan and Shaheen Makarius
--turn of the century writers and freemasons. Both had
commended contemporary businessmen and entrepreneurs, many
of them Jewish, for their active role in reviving Egypt's capitalistic
economy. Six decades later their statements were being salaciously
re-interpreted so that the businessmen and entrepreneurs of yonder
were portrayed as eager tools of a Judeo-Zionist collusion bent on
dominating the regional economy. In his 660-page volume entitled
"Freemasonry In The Arab World" Hussein Omar Hamada
dedicates much of his book juggling Masonic conspiracy theories.

As the predominant conspiracy hypothesis takes credence in the
Near East, the legality of Freemasonry is questioned and
subsequently tabled on the Arab League's agenda. In any case, with
the post-1952 departure of Egypt's haute khawagerie, lodges and
Masonic temples were rapidly loosing their members. Some
freemason, whether out of fear or self-interest, simply stopped
turning up at the meetings so that even the all-Egyptian Star of
the East had a hard time supporting itself.

On 4 April 1964, the Masonic Temple on Alexandria's Toussoun
Street was shut down by order of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
"Associations with undeclared agendas were incompatible with rules
covering non profit organizations."

Sufficiently disturbing evidence for the State to be concerned about
Freemasonry's political goals would turn up the following year in
Damascus when master spy Eli Cohen was apprehended. Having
eluded Syrian intelligence for many years pausing as an Arab, it was
discovered that Eli had been a freemason in Egypt where he was

Yet despite the 1964 decree declaring the demise of Freemasonry
in Egypt, loud cries of "not so" can still be heard. And if one were
to concede to Abou Islam Ahmed Abdallah book "Freemasonry In
Our Region" (published in 1985), Freemasonry is alive and well in
the guise of Rotary Clubs and other like-minded associations.
"Having accomplished their earlier mission to establish a Jewish
state, Masonic conspirators now intend to undermine Islam using
charity work and community outreach as their tools" says
Abdallah in his opening chapter. He then consecrates a substantial
portion of his elusive writing equating the "new Masonic cancer"
with Rotary and Lions organizations and with Jehovah's Witness,
Freedom Now, Solar Tradition, New Age and several other "fringe"

Like it always has in the past, theories of sinister plots by
ambiguous secret societies and associations still make headlines. So
much so that books linking the British Royal family to Masonic
Grand Masters and 'breaking news' detailing President Francois
Miterrand's secret relations with the Brotherhood have become
common literature. For sure, as we enter a new millennium,
Masonic handshakes and cranky rituals continue to excite certain
elements within our society.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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