-Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 448
With permission from author
Message: 10
   Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 12:18:30 -0500
   From: Stephen Dafoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: paging steven dafoe on larmenius charter

xxxx wrote:

"the book by alan butler and pos-list-member steven dafoe, 'the warriors
and the bankers' gets into the larmenius document.  they certainly make
room for its being a forgery but i believe they tend to think it's

Hi xxxxx. Sorry if you got the above impression from our book. It was
not our intention to give the idea that we believe the documents
authenticity. In fact at the end of the chapter, "Passing the Torch" we
have made the following comment:

"The whole topic is so serfused in speculation that we leave the final
answer of this question to the integrity and consideration of you, our

Now while this may be interpreted by some as fence sitting, it was not
our intentions to do so, but the size of the book did not permit us to
go into sufficient detail to present a case one way or another for the
documents authenticity.

Additionally, that particular chapter of the book looked at some of the
other theories or arguments of Templar survival, such as the D' Aumont
theory put forth by the Baron Karl Von Hundt in the mid 1700's. I will
be writing an article on this subject for the American magazine,
"Dagobert's Revenge" when I get back from England.

As to the Larmenius Charter, both  Alan and I doubt the authenticity of
the "Carta Transmissionis" (Charter of Transmission) but have not seen
enough proof  to say hands down that the matter is a fraud. Certainly
there is great cause for raising one's eyebrows on several basic points.

1/ As one poster pointed out, Grand Masters were elected by a council of
12 brethren, Four knights and eight sergeants if memory serves me well.
However, in the dungeons of a French prison it is highly unlikely to be
able to convene an electoral process and it is possible that de Molay
may have passed the torch. However based on our own theory of Templar
survival we do not believe this to have been the case.

2/ The new order officially surfaced at the end of the French Revolution
in 1804 and who should be at the helm, but Bernard Raymond
Fabre-Palaprat. This is the Master who would later be ousted for his
Johannite beliefs. Not only was it Fabre-Palaprat who found the Charter
(or at least was given the charter) but it was Palaprat who happened to
discover the Johannite "Leviticon" in a Paris bookstall.  Mere
coincidence or convenience? More likely the latter than the former.

One thing we do know for certain is that orders like the SMOTJ do
believe in its authenticity. On the basis that the intention of the
chapter was not to prove or disprove the document, but rather to show
some of the theories of Templar survival, we as the chapter close
suggests, left the final verdict to the reader.

What might be of interest is that whether the Larmenius Charter is a
fraud or a fact, those that believe in its authenticity, namely the
SMOTJ have outlived the original order already by a full year. The
Templars existing from 1118/19 until 1312 for a total of 194 years. The
SMOTJ from 1804 to 1999 for a total of 195 years. Of course if we
consider the theory that the Freemasons are a continuation, albeit in
another form of the Templars then you have a lineage from 1717 to 1999
for a total of 282 years.

So xxxxx I hope this gives you a better idea of Alan and my thoughts on
the Larmenius Charter..Alan and  I look forward to meeting with many
list members this weekend at the Sauniere Society Symposium in Gullane.

Stephen Dafoe
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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