Bechtel California  |  Bizarro MacWEEK

     Welcome to the Bechtel California

     The Knife will be the first to admit that he is a born conspiracy
     theorist. While he has finally accepted the fact of Jim Morrison's
     demise, for example, he is still disturbed by hints of a political
     cabal behind Buddy Holly's tragic plane crash in 1959.

     Of course, the Knife's special brand of obsessive paranoia got a
     real boost last month when he and his MacWEEK cohorts were
     compelled to walk the trail of tears from their ancestral homeland
     at 301 Howard St. to 50 Beale St., headquarters of the shadowy
     conglomerationists of Bechtel Corp.

     The Knife and his colleagues are rapidly becoming inured to
     quizzical stares from button-down Bechtellians. They are even
     growing accustomed to overhearing their neighbors citing CIA
     protocols in the elevator. Nevertheless, the Knife still can't
     show up for work without feeling a bit like Robert Redford in the
     opening scenes of "Three Days of the Condor."

     In search of a few answers, the Mac industry's quintessential gay
     blade has gone to the source: Bechtel's Web site at

     While he has yet to uncover the frozen alien babies he is
     convinced are lurking somewhere in the building, he is happy to
     report that the company seems to be amorphous and terrifying
     enough to keep him cowering under his desk for the next decade.

     It's got the look: The site's jaunty industrial design evokes some
     of the finest architecture to appear in East Berlin after the
     Second World War!

     It's got the feel: The Knife was wowed by such Machiavellian
     statements as, "Bechtel offers its customers the most complete
     range of services available from one organization to bring
     projects from vision to reality. Whatever it takes to get the work
     done, Bechtel can make it happen."

     It's informative: Crypto-anarchists everywhere will thrill to read
     page after HTML page detailing the length of Bechtel's reach. In
     the 140 countries it owns or leases, Bechtel's holdings include
     500 fossil-fired and nuclear power plant units, 350 chemical and
     petrochemical projects, 150 nuclear generating units, 27,000
     kilometers of highways and roads, 80,000 kilometers of pipeline
     systems, 40 percent of the world's natural-gas liquefaction
     capacity, 20 new towns and 150 hotels and resorts.

     It's radioactive: "Around the world," the Web site claims,
     "Bechtel squeezes schedules because TIME IS MONEY. Every day that
     a nuclear power plant is off-line can cost a utility hundreds of
     thousands of dollars."

     Zoiks! The Knife will be certain not to skimp on the iodized salt
     next time he visits the Bechtel Cafeteria!

     It's acquisitive: The How to Join Us page describes exciting
     opportunities to join the huddled masses employed in the Bechtel
     empire. "Bechtel people have developed a reputation for making
     things happen when others cannot," the digital recruiting poster

     Were Bechtellians "making things happen" to the Big Bopper on the
     morning of Feb. 3 somewhere over Clear Lake, Iowa? Are J. Edgar
     Hoover's private files somewhere in this very building? And why
     did the price of soft drinks go up to 65 cents? Coincidence, or
     proof of ancient astronauts?

>From the Mac the Knife Home Page

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