-Caveat Lector-

Fwd: IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!!!!  March 8,99 deadline
I (CraftE1Ldy)  checked this out and verified this notice( read below).
There was an article in our Newspaper, Jan. 6, 1999 about this proposed
regulation.  It is a nightmare about to come true!!  Here is the latest report
on this ruling.  <A HREF="http://www.messenger-
inquirer.com/business/e27721.htm">FDIC reconsidering new rules while facing
privacy criticism</A> There is indeed a March 8, 1999 deadline for public
comment.  FDIC has been bearing the brunt of the letters of criticism and I
believe complaints should be directed to the Office of the Comptroller and
Office of the Thrift Supervision

Department of the Treasury
 Manager, Dissemination Branch
 Information Management and Services Division
 Office of Thrift Supervision

 Department of the Treasury
 Communications Division
 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Subject: Proposed Regulation

 I'm not in the habit of sending "serious" e-mails asking people to get
 involved. However, I just found out about a proposed banking regulation up
 for consideration that seriously intrudes on our private lives. It's so
 intrusive, I've decide to speak up and send this to you in hopes that
 you'll act on it and forward it to as many people as you can. You only have
 until March 8th to voice your objections.

 In 1998, a "Know Your Customer" banking Bill was defeated in the House of
 Representatives. The federal government, namely the FDIC and Treasury,
 quietly took the regulation and decided to implement it without
 congressional approval. It has silently made its way to the public comment
 phase, and very few people including many of your representatives, bank
 employees, etc.) are even aware it's out there.

 If implemented, this regulation will have a significant and far reaching
 effect on your everyday life.

 Here are a just few of the highlights of the proposed "Know Your Customer"
 regulation. I've included a link below that has all the details (this is
 only the small part of the regulation).

 Bank customers (you) will be required to reveal all sources of revenue
 (income) that you deposit in the bank. Accounts will be monitored to
 evaluate actual deposits compared against projections.

 You must provide them with your projected income and sources.

 Banks will establish profiles, classifications, and categorizations on
 every person who has an account based on information supplied by the
 customer (you) and other gathered information.

 All customers will be compared against the subjective classifications.

 Perceived anomalies in deposits or withdrawals (that means any time your
 spending habits change, even for a day) will be reported as "suspicious
 activity." In short, the bank or credit union will establish a baseline for
 you that identifies when and how you usually receive and spend your money.
 If you normally withdraw $100 from the ATM every Friday night, that will be
 part of your profile. If you decide one Friday to withdraw $700 for a
 weekend trip or to make a purchase, you will have deviated from your normal
 spending pattern, and the bank will be required to file a suspicious
 transaction report to the federal government.

 Banks are prohibited from informing customers when suspicious transaction
 reports have been filed on them. If you do not "volunteer" to be
 identified, you will be denied all banking services. If you believe in your
 4th Amendment right to privacy, I urge you to read the specifics below, and
 contact the agencies listed at the bottom of this message with your strong
 objections. This is your only chance to stop the regulation. Public
 comments will only be accepted through March 8th.

 Here are the complete details of what the regulation includes -- it's worth
your time to read it:
 <A HREF="http://www.networkusa.org/fingerprint/page1b/fp-kyc-summary.html">
 Comments will be taken from the public by these agencies until March 8.1999.

 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
 Robert E. Feldman
 Executive Secretary
 Attention: Comments/OES


 Department of the Treasury
 Manager, Dissemination Branch
 Information Management and Services Division
 Office of Thrift Supervision

 Department of the Treasury
 Communications Division
 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

 If you're so inclined, find out who your Representatives are, and e-mail
 your concerns to them as well.

 I received this most disturbing email from a trusted business associate and
 friend.  I have verified its authenticity by doing research on the Web site
 (and linked web sites) indicated below.


 1.  Send comments to the agencies listed below, email or postal, by March
     8, 1999.  I also recommend a copy of your comments be sent to the White
     House by mail: (1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, DC 20500) or email:

     Pres. Clinton
   <A HREF="  http://www2.whitehouse.gov/WH/Mail/html/Mail_President.html">
     Vice Pres. Gore
    <A HREF="
     William M. Daley, Secretary of Commerce

     Your Senator whose address you can find at
    <A HREF=" http://www.senate.gov/contacting/index.cfm">

     Your House Rep. whose address you can find at
    <A HREF=" http://www.house.gov/writerep/"> http://www.house.gov/writerep/

     Phil Gramm, Chairman of Senate Banking Committee

     Paul S. Sarbanes, Ranking Member Senate Banking Committee

     Jim Leach, Chairman H
      House Committee on Banking and Financial Services

      Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Robert E. Feldman

      Department of the Treasury Manager, Dissemination Branch Information
      Management and Services Division Office of Thrift Supervision

      Department of the Treasury Communications Division
         Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

 2.  Forward this message and attachment to ALL of your email contacts with
      the same instructions.

 3.  Post on Web sites that you sponsor and/or manage.

 4.  Discuss this issue in media outlets (e.g., newspapers, radio talk
     shows, TV, etc.).

     I have drafted a letter that you can customize (i.e., your name, Senator,
     House by mail [1600 , etc.) -- see attached.

 5.  Please, do not sit idly by, watch this happen, and complain when this
     legislation goes through.  This is a serious matter.  Engage your

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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