-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Colleen Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have decided not to let this pass by; in the first place the question
>I asked about Jesus Christ holding a book and giving someone the mojo,
>was just that.
>At no time did I say he was holding a bible;  I sid a book.

You said a book with a gem-encrusted cover, and inquired why the book
would be covered in gems...my response was that you should read the Bible,
to find out what the meaning of certain gemstones mean.  I also pointed
out that before the invention of the printing press, that the creation of
a book was so labor-intensive that the cost of a book was in league with
precious jewelry, and it was not uncommon to create them as works of art/

Now, Jesus MAY be holding a copy of the latest Jackie Collins potboiler in
that icon of yours, but I doubt it...when Jesus is shown holding a book,
it is always assumed to represent The Word of God, e.g. the Bible...

>somewhere....Guttenberg, as I recall, published one of the first bibles.

Bibles had been 'published' for a millenia before that, albeit by hand by
monks working in illuminaries...

Guttenberg invented the printing press, and indeed printed a Bible,
starting a 'fad' which brought the cost of Bibles within the reach of the
middleclass, who previously could not afford them...but the prior hand
written/illuminated Bibles were still considered precious, and highly
collectable...and it was this group of Bibles which routinely had gen-
encrusted covers...

I suggest you not only study gemstome lore in the Bible, but the history
of illuminated manuscripts, such as The Book of Kells...

>June, you are rude and crude;

And you're stupid and lazy...and most likely a troll...

>I have a picture of you in mind and it isn't very pleasant =

And tell me why I'm supposed to care...?


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