The Guide to Virginia which I hope you can pull up Brian - states that
Jefferson Davis was a member of St. Paul's.....and baptized there.

It is also noted that there was confusion about his middle name;  an old
family bible I have, has all the old chapters dismissed from then New
KJV, Susannah, etc.  These are still in Douhey, I believe.

So here are two conflicting references record in a book;  and now, I do
not know for sure.  It has been 30 years since I have been deep into
some of this stuff.

One thing I learned - Booth had gotten into the Oil business.   Now that
really makes me wonder.....evey where I go, the root of all evil seems
to be oil.

There is a poen called My Dark Rosaleen - something about ale from
Philip, and wine from the Pope.....and it makes me wonder sometimes if
the war between the North and South was not a continuation of the War of
the Roses.

I apologize if I gave you wrong information.  I take things from my
memory banks, and know the reference to Davis being Catholic is out
there, but do not recall what book.

Keep us posted.    You know the basis of the New World Order has been
before us all the time - the bible, is the master plan....and the -
well, here I go again.

I am going to just sign off.  Would sure like to read your stuff when
you are done.

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