-Caveat Lector-

>  -Caveat Lector-
> from:
> http://www.jya.com/nsa-pollard.htm
> <A HREF="http://www.jya.com/nsa-pollard.htm">http://www.jya.com/nsa-
> pollard.htm</A>
> -----
> 9 December 1998. Thanks to Anonymous.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >From the CBS News web site.
> The Sins Of Jonathan Pollard
> Pollard Said To Steal Top-Secret Radio Manual
> He Passed Information To Pakistan, S. Africa
> Intelligence Officials Oppose Freedom For Spy
> U.S. officials believe Israel continues to put aside money for Pollard
> while he is in prison and that by now he is probably a millionaire.
> WASHINGTON, Tuesday, December 08,1998 - 10:28 PM ET
> Of all the secrets confessed spy Jonathan Pollard sold to Israel, none
> was more sensitive than the top-secret manual the National Security
> Agency uses to intercept other countries' communications and prevent
> eavesdropping on U.S. communications, CBS News Correspondent David
> Martin reports.
> The radio signals information manual is a 10-volume guide to every
> communications circuit NSA listens to as well as every circuit the U.S.
> government uses for its own communications.
> That manual is one of the reasons CIA Director George Tenet has
> threatened to resign if President Clinton agrees to an Israeli request
> to release Pollard from prison.
> U.S. officials opposed to Pollard's release are worried the president
> will make a commitment to release the spy when he visits Israel next
> week. Pollard was sentenced to life in prison.
> Pollard pled guilty, so there was never a public trial. U.S. officials
> say that allowed him to create a number of myths about his spying,
> beginning with his first television interview.
> "None of the information that I provided Israel, none of it, dealt with
> U.S. codes, agents, their identity, location, military hardware, war
> plans, intelligence collection devices or force dispositions," Pollard
> claimed.
> But U.S. officials say Pollard enabled the Israelis to identify the
> CIA's sources inside the Palestine Liberation Organization. He also told
> them the disposition of U.S. Navy ships in the Mediterranean so Israel
> could strike PLO headquarters in Tunisia without being detected.
> That 1985 raid was planned with satellite photos Pollard had given the
> Israelis. Pollard admitted all this to the FBI, but he maintains passing
> secrets to a friendly country like Israel does not merit a life
> sentence.
> U.S. officials say Pollard also gave classified information to Pakistan
> and South Africa and that his motive for spying for Israel was money.
> Earlier this year, the Israelis finally admitted Pollard had worked for
> them in a handwritten note from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
> Netanyahu. Pollard says that should clear the way for his release.
> "I was a spy. That certainly I don't think has been in question. Ihe
> only problem has been whether the government of Israel would be willing
> to acknowledge it," Pollard said.
> But U.S. officials say Israel has never admitted the full extent of
> Pollard's spying, claiming he only gave them 300 documents when in fact
> he passed at least 800 documents, plus thousands of messages.
> U.S. officials believe Israel continues to put aside money for Pollard
> while he is in prison and that by now he is probably a millionaire. If
> he ever gets to spend it, these officials say, it will send a message
> that espionage pays.
> Contacted in Israel, Pollard's current attorney said U.S. intelligence
> is trying to cover up its own "incompetence" by slandering his client.
> ©1998 CBS Worldwide Corp. All rights reserved.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following is not intended as justification of Pollard.
Because this is a conspiracy list we are interested in how the media
manipulated, by whom, and why.


Countering CBS News Disinformation on Pollard

RE:     CBS Newscast  Dec. 8, 1998- Dan Rather, anchor

4 page transmission
December 13, 1998

Written in response to the many inquiries that the Justice for
Pollard office  has received for information and clarification of the
information" on the case that was recently leaked by US Government
to CBS News (Newscast Dec. 8,1998).   Point by point refutation

All of  the "new information" leaked to CBS by "official sources" is
recycling of old lies. There is no evidence to support any of these
allegations and therefore, obviously, Jonathan Pollard was never
for any of the charges alleged.
Official sources in Washington indicate that there is serious concern
during his upcoming visit to the Middle East Mr. Clinton will honor
pledge he made to Mr. Netayahu at the Wye summit in October by
that Jonathan Pollard will be released. The disinformation leaked to
News  is simply an attempt to tie Mr. Clinton's hands and prevent him
doing so.
A  copy of the original news transcript can be obtained (by fax )by
contacting the Justice for Jonathan Pollard office Tel 416-781-3571
Here are examples of some of the egregious untruths and disinformation
contained in the  December 8th newscast.

1) The CBS newscast alleges that Jonathan Pollard betrayed US Codes
HUMINT Sources
An honest scrutiny of the record will show that NONE of the
Jonathan Pollard provided to Israel dealt with US codes or agents'
Jonathan Pollard did not even have the clearances to access this kind
Independent intelligence analysts such as Professor Angelo Codevilla
witnessed the evidence against Pollard first-hand as an advisor to the
Senate Intelligence Committee which investigated the  "damage" done by
Pollard, when he was first arrested) have confirmed that Pollard could
have provided this kind of information to Israel since he was not even
to access it!
If Codevilla knows that Pollard did not have access to the information
Government is now claiming he leaked, so do the Government officials
have concocted these false allegations!

2) The CBS newscast alleges that Jonathan Pollard "sold" information
Israel has publicly acknowledged that Jonathan Pollard was a bona fide
Israeli agent, and that puts the lie to any further allegations that
Jonathan  Pollard acted out of mercenary motives. For more information
see the FACTS PAGE on the Justice for Jonathan Pollard web site
at  http://www.interlog.com/~abrooke/jp
3) The CBS newscast alleges that Jonathan Pollard gave Israel a Top
Secret Manual, The Radio Signals Information Manual. which would allow
Israel to monitor all secret US communications.
It is  a matter of record that at Pollard's sentencing the Government
admitted that it had officially provided a large portion of this
manual (
1/3 of it) to Israel.
Later, when Admiral Bobby Ray Inman and then Caspar Weinberger
an undeclared intelligence embargo against Israel (in the wake of the
Osirak strike), 2/3 of  these manuals that Israel had officially been
receiving were suddenly cut off without any explanation.
At sentencing, the Government refused to explain why the remaining 2/3
been withheld on the orders of Inman and Weinberger. No Government
was willing to commit in writing anything that might document the
post-Osirak intelligence embargo.
For further information on this matter see the following articles on
Justice For Jonathan Pollard Web Site:  Nov. 25, 1994  CIA Aims at
Pollard for Scapegoating  (in the 1994 List) by  Arnold Forster Esq. &
David Kirschenbaum Esq.;  and  Feb. 22, 1997  Jonathan Pollard
Comments on
Time Article (in the 1997 List)

4) The CBS newscast alleges that The Radio Signals Information Manual
was a
code book.

Untrue. It was a frequency manual. As stated above, it was officially
provided to Israel until the Osirak strike.  Without the encryption
pertaining to the frequencies  ( which Pollard had no access to and
therefore could not and did not provide to Israel), the manual was
virtually useless as a code-breaking instrument.
Jonathan Pollard did NOT have access at any level to codes or
code-breaking equipment. Moreover, he had no training and no technical
understanding of any of the technology in this field. Consequently,
Government has never officially accused Jonathan Pollard of
any codes. This "charge" has only surfaced in the media to serve other
ends, and is completely false. See Feb. 22, 1997   Jonathan Pollard
Comments on Time Article (in the 1997 List) on the Justice for J.P.
It should further be noted that NONE of the radio signals information
Jonathan Pollard provided to Israel dealt with American communications
frequencies, to which he had absolutely no access.

5) The CBS newscast alleges that Jonathan Pollard spied for Pakistan.

This allegation is completely false. There is no evidence. Jonathan
Pollard was never indicted for spying for Pakistan.
As the record shows, when he was initially interrogated by the NIS,
Jonathan Pollard invented an alleged Pakistani connection as a cover
misdirection in order to stall for time. When the FBI later
the facts did not corroborate this invented story.  Therefore Jonathan
Pollard was never charged with spying for Pakistan.  But the
Government has
recycled this false charge  over and over again in the media to serve
own ends.

6) The CBS newscast alleges that Jonathan Pollard spied for South
This allegation is completely false. There is no evidence. Jonathan
Pollard was never indicted for spying for South Africa.
There is evidence however that the Government communicated this false
allegation about South-Africa, ex-parte - without facts or evidence-
Aubrey Robinson, the black sentencing judge, in order to incense him
create a personal animus against Pollard.
Alan Dershowitz, a former Pollard attorney testified in a sworn
that he was told about this ex-parte communication with the sentencing
judge by Justice Arthur Goldberg, (now deceased) who was personally
informed of it by Robinson himself.  Dershowitz's affidavit states
"Goldberg told me that Robinson had told him that the alleged
African connection had weighed heavily in his (Robinson's) decision to
impose a life sentence."
For further information a faxed copy of a 1991 article published in
Washington Post Weekend Magazine  "A Plea Bargain That Was No Bargain
For A Crime Of Conscience" is available from our office. Tel
Fax 416-781-3166. (Email copy is not yet available, but will be in the
7) The CBS newscast alleges that Jonathan Pollard gave Israel
that allowed them to identify CIA sources inside the PLO.

The US Government never accused Jonathan Pollard of compromising human
assets- Russian, Palestinian or otherwise.
What Jonathan Pollard DID show the Israelis was that information from
Palestinian sources (unnamed and unidentified)  to the CIA, detailed
times and locations of upcoming planned Palestinian terrorist attacks
against Israeli civil, diplomatic and military targets - NONE OF WHICH
The only things getting "blown" were Israeli civilians like the ones
Larnaca, Cyprus, whose brutal murder aboard a pleasure yacht
the IAF raid of the PLO headquarters in Tunis in October 1985.
8) The CBS newscast alleges that Jonathan Pollard gave Israel
that assisted Israel in planning the raid on the PLO headquarters in
in 1985 in retribution for the brutal murder of
Israeli citizens vacationing in Larnaca, Cyprus.
This is correct. At sentencing, Jonathan Pollard's attorney read a
statement by then President Reagan praising "whoever was responsible
facilitating the October 1985 Israeli raid on the PLO headquarters in
 (Under pressure from Weinberger et al the President withdrew his
statements at a later date.)

9)  The CBS newscast alleges that Jonathan Pollard damaged US
communications abilities.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Proof of this is the fact that last March, just before the Hebron
accords were signed (which many then thought would include Pollard's
release), the MEGA scandal broke in Washington. The FBI held a press
conference about MEGA, and publicly  trumpeted  not only their having
compromised the transmission frequency of the Mossad station in
Washington, but also that they had cracked Israel's top secret code
"SILON". The FBI then provided clear text of an extremely sensitive
Israeli coded transmission to the media, who in turn broadcast it
the world to all, including direct broadcasts to enemies of Israel.
further information see The Mega Spy Scandal page on the  Justice for
web site.
10) The  CBS newscast dropped some of the most egregious lies
repeated ad nauseam by the media, with no attempt to rectify previous
widespread disinformation.

"US sources" are now backing away from these lies because they are
untenable and do not hold up in the light of honest scrutiny.
*For example, and  for the first time in the CBS newscast,  "US
no longer try to promote the lie that Jonathan Pollard was responsible
for the deaths of American agents in Russia- a crime which they knew
along was attributable to Aldrich Ames, NOT Jonathan Pollard.  See the
many articles on the Ames case on the Justice for J.P. web site
including: The Ames Disclosures  September 28, 1994 - Jerusalem Post
Editorial (in the 1994 list) and The Conspiracy Against Pollard- March
1994 -  by Chezi Carmel (in the 1994 list).
*Another example of an untenable lie that was omitted from the CBS
was the search for MR. X - the fictitious highly-placed Israeli mole
Washington, that allegedly tasked Pollard - that US "officials"
they were still trying to find. See the Justice for J.P. web site for
article (1998 list)
 Was there another U.S. spy tasking Pollard? - Mr. 'X' Exposed
-February 5,
* A final example, probably the most egregious lie about Jonathan
Pollard - namely the volume of information that he allegedly
transmitted to
Israel was not omitted from the CBS newscast, but for the first time
it was
toned down.
Previously,  "US Govt. sources" have described the volume of data
transmitted in building-sized  terms, in cubic meters and the like.
Originally they alleged that Pollard had transmitted hundreds of
thousands of documents, later that number dropped to tens of thousands
of documents, then thousands of documents, and now in CBS newscast the
number drops to 800 documents.  See the Justice for J.P. web site
PAGE items 18 and 19 for further information.
The CBS newscast also indicated that the US claims that Israel has not
returned 500 of these 800 documents, whereas Israel insists that it
returned all of the information it received from Pollard.
The claim that there are an additional 500 documents which Israel has
not returned is another example of US duplicity towards Israel. This
nothing more than a fishing expedition on the part of the US  designed
to determine whether there are any additional  Israeli spies in
Washington who have provided documents to Israel beyond the 300 which
Pollard relayed.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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