-Caveat Lector-

 [Rennes-le-chateau] Digest Number 43
Message: 1

   Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 20:31:27 -0500

   From: Andrew Ormston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Sauniére Society Symposium

The latest Sauniére Society Symposium has been done, and a good time was

had by all, from my initial feedback. Other people who came will give you

their own impressions.

>From information received it was better than the first one, better

lectures, better speakers and the organisation was improved. We will strive

to make the next one even better !

The web page to show this times symposium is at:


or via the Templar Lodges web site (follow the link) at:


It is under construction so please bookmark it and come back regurarly.

This time we had Henry Lincoln in good voice, Christopher Knight and Robert

Lomas, together with usual stalwarts of Prince/Pinknett, Alan Butler (this

time with his co author Stephen Dafoe), along with some new speakers Ian

Campbell, Mark Oxbrow (spelling?), Penny White, Ahmed Osman and others.

There was an unusual addition to the proceedings on Sunday night with an

interjection by a Dr. Barbara Young who proceeded to give the audience an

inpromptu "mystical templars" mind experience. This was handled well by

Henry Lincoln, who in his slow, deliberate fashion calmed the whole

audience and received almost a standing ovation.

Retreating to the bar, we all had a good time, networking, rubbing

shoulders with famous authors in a relaxed environment. Many malt whiskies

went down well.

Lets look forward to the next one.

For details of the next Sauniére Society Symposium, please see the above


Thanks must go to the following : The staff of the Templar Lodge Hotel (for

making it work), all the delegates (who wore their badges), Malcolm and Liz

Littler (for the use of the digital camera for the whole weekend that made

the web site), the speakers (who gave us a treat) and all the extras and

people who contributed, especially John and Joy who made it all possible.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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