-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from-
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly reccomended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of orginal source material.As. always, Caveat

      Memorandum Number Five:
  What Organizations Has It Penetrated?

 The Order has either set up or penetrated just about every significant
research, policy, and opinion-making organization in the United States,
in addition to the Church. business, law, government and politics. Not
all at the same time. but persistently and consistently enough to dominate the
direction of American society. The evolution of American
society is not, and has not been for a century, a voluntary development
reflecting individual opinion, ideas and decisions at the grass roots.
the contrary, the broad direction has been created artificially and
stimulated by The Order.

 Not all organizations know they have been penetrated or used for
another purpose. It's a situation very much as Quigley (see page 30)
found in "The Group":

   --there is . . . an inner core of intimate associates who unques-
   tionably knew that they were members of a group devoted to a
   common purpose and an outer circle of a larger number on whom
   the inner circle acted by personal persuasion, patronage distritbu-
   tion and social pressure. It is probable that most members of the
   outer circle were not conscious that they were being used by a
   secret society."

 Therefore our Hypothesis Number Two is:


       Hypothesis Number Two:
The Order Has Penetrated Every Segment
         Of American Society


The White House
Executive Branch

Political parties


"Think Tanks"
Policy groups



Federal Reserve System


The Order Is The Original impulse

  One observation is that The Order gets the ball rolling in new
organizations, i.e., puts in the FIRST President or Chairman and the
ideas and then, when operations are rolling along, often just fades out
of the picture.

  Among universities we can cite Cornell University, where Andrew
Dickson White ('53) was its FIRST President, and John Hopkins
University, based on the German educational system. Where Daniel
Coit Gilman ('52) was the FIRST President (1875-1901).

  Among academic associations the American Historical Association,
the American Economic Association. the American Chemical Society,
and the American Psychological Association were all started by
members of The Order or persons close to The Order.  These are key
associations for the conditioning of society.

  This phenomenon of The Order as the first on the scene is found
especially among foundations, although it appears that The Order
keeps a continuing presence among Foundation Trustees. It does more
than just be FIRST where money is concerned. It stays around to keep
an eye on expenditures. The FIRST President of the Carnegie Institu-
tion (1902-5) was Daniel Coit Gilman, but other members of The 0rder
have been on Carnegie boards since the turn of the century. Gilman
was on the scene for the founding of the Peabody, Slater, and Russell
Sage Foundations. McGeorge Bundy was President of the Ford Found-
dation from 1966-1979.

  The FIRST Chairman of an influential but almost unknown organiza-
tion established in 1910 was also a member of The Order  In 1920
Theodore Marburg founded the American Society for the Judicial Set-
tlement of International Disputes, but Marburg was only President. The
FIRST Chairman was member William Howard Taft ('78). The Society
was the forerunner of the League to enforce the Peace, which
developed into the League of Nations concept and ultimately into the
United Nations.

  In United Nations we find, for example, that Archibald McLeash ('15)
was the brains behind the constitution of the UNESCO organization.

  We find the same FIRST on the scene phenomenon in "think tanks"
In 1960, James Jeremiah Wadsworth ('27) set up the Peace Research
Institute. In 1963 this was merged to become the Institute for Policy
Studies, along with Marcus Rashkin, who had been National Security
Council Aide (1961-3) to McGeorge Bundy ('40), a very active member
of The Order.

The Church

 About 2 percent of The Order is in the Church (all Protestant
denominations), although this percentage has declined in recent years;

 A key penetration is the Union Theological Seminary, affiliated with
Columbia University in New York. This Seminary, a past subject of in-
vestigation for Communist infiltration, has close links to The Order
Henry Sloane Coffin ('97) was Professor of Practical Theology at Union
from 1904 to l926 and President of Union Theological Seminary, also
known as the "Red Seminary," from 1926 to 1945. Union has such a
wide interpretation of religious activity that has, or used to have, an
Atheists Club for its students.

 Henry Sloane Coffin, Jr. ('49) was one of the Boston Five indicted on
federal conspiracy charges.

 And this is only part of The Order's penetration into the Church

The Law

 The major establishment law firms in New York are saturated with
The Order.

 In particular, Lord, Day and Lord, dominated by the Lord family
already, discussed; also Simpson, Thacher and Bartlett, especially the
Thacher family; David, Polk, Wardwell and Debevoise, Plimpton, the
Rockefeller family law firm.


 There has been a significant penetration into communications. some
   * Henry Luce of Time-Life is in The Order.
   * so is William Buckley ('50) of National) Review'
   * and Alfred Cowles ('13), President of Cowles Communications
       Des Moines Register, Minneapolis Star
   * and Emmert Bates ('32) of Litton Educational Systems, plus
   * Richard Ely Danielson ('07) of Atlantic Monthly
   * Russell Wheeler Davenport ('23). Fortune
   * John Chipman Farrar ('18) of Farrar, Straus, the publishers.

 The most prestigious award in journalism is a Nieman Fellowship at
Harvard University. Over 300 were granted from 1937-68. The FIRST
Director of the Nieman Fund was member Archibald McLeash.


 The oil companies have their links to The Order. Members Percy
Rockefeller, the Paynes, the Pratts, all link to Standard Oil. Shell Oil,
Creole Petroleum, and Socony Vacuum also link. A wide variety of
manufacturing firms have members in The Order from the Donnelley
family in Chicago (Printers of the Official Airline Guide and other
references) : lumber companies like Weyerhaeuser, who is also a
Trilateralist; Dresser Industries. and so on.

The Federal Reserve System

 A dozen members can be linked to the Federal Reserve, but one ap-
pointment is noteworthy, Pierre Jay ('92), whose only claim to fame in
1913 was to run a private school and be an obscure Vice President of a
Manhattan Bank yet he became FIRST Chairman of the New York
Federal Reserve, the really significant Reserve Bank.

The White House, Politics and Government

 This is the area where The Order has made headway: with names like
Taft, Bush, Stimson, Chafee, Lovett, Whitney. Bundy and so on. It will
take a separate volume to cover this story and in Memorandum nine we
describe just one example, THE BUNDY OPERATION.

pps. 25-29
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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