-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 8 Mar 1999 23:52:21 -0500, you, Edward Britton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> -Caveat Lector-
>As far as I am aware, word processing programs utilize .dll's (dinamic
>linking libraries) to tell the program what type format the file is in.

They can.  To be more precise, any program can look at any file and see if it
fits a particular format.  .dlls are a nice easy way to do it because they allow
different programs to read common file formats and not have to replicate the
same code someone else wrote to translate that file format.

>it happens, so do other programs which are brought up in the boot process.
>They look first (anybody correct me if I'm wrong about this process) for
>something to tell them what to open a program with and that usually
>requires a .dll. What I do remember from having loaded this OS is that it
>was almost all .dll's with a few .exe's mixed in.

.dlls do more than that.  They are libraries of common functions that do almost
anything that more than one program will need to do; again, to eliminate
needless repetition of the same code over and over, with the possibility of
error or incompatibility between two programs' functions.

>So, the problem between Linux and Windows is that they do not "speak the
>same language." Neither do most or all of the programs which run within
>Windows. What I'm looking for is a Rosetta Stone in the form of a monster
>.dll  :-)

Good luck!  There probably are many conversion programs out there, though.


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