-Caveat Lector-

March 9, 1999
            Russia and China Prepare for War
            Special Series by Chris Ruddy

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  Russia and China Prepare for War
            Christopher Ruddy
                        March 9, 1999

            Get a free trial subscription to Internet Vortex when you order
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Assessment." Click here for the Special Offer.
                        While America has been preoccupied with Clinton?s
sexual shenanigans and Wall Street?s gyrations, extremely ominous
developments have been quietly taking place within Russia and Communist

                        These ominous developments have occurred during a
time when President Bill Clinton has systematically moved to disarm the
United States.

                        While it has gone largely unreported, President
Clinton has overseen the destruction of nearly two-thirds of America?s
nuclear weapons stockpile. He has ordered that America no longer have a
"launch on warning? policy and has replaced it with one that says America
will retaliate only after it has been attacked. This non-sensical Clinton
policy means that American cities and American military targets must first
be destroyed before America retaliates. He has proposed taking computer
circuitry out of land-based missiles, so that they could not be launched in
an emergency. Clinton has proposed making it much more difficult for our
submarines to launch their weapons, and even has suggested welding closed
the missile hatches on our submarines.

                        Most Americans assume that the Cold War is long
over, and that we have nothing to fear from our new "friends," Russia and
China. Such a notion is completely contradicted by Russia?s and China?s
expansion of their nuclear arsenals at breakneck speed, and deployment of
dozens of new weapons systems. Target: America. (Now, I know you may be
saying this can?t be true, Russia is in chaos and China is just too weak to
take on the United States. Please read on and then form your own opinion.)

                        Most Americans think war with these communist
nations is now impossible. Unfortunately Russia and China don?t agree. These
are the same nations that have murdered tens of millions of their own
citizens and which continue to target America with tens of thousands of
strategic and tactical nuclear weapons. Never before has the strategic
balance been so much in favor of Russia and China.

                        Further a series of unusual recent activities in
these countries indicate that they are at least contemplating nuclear
blackmail of the United States These activities include:

                        a.. An enormous military build-up, including
expansion of their arsenal of strategic nuclear weapons, and introduction of
new biological and nuclear weapons with first-strike capability.

                        b.. A huge expansion of their navies (while the US
mothballs over half its ships).

                        c.. A new form of brinkmanship, in which Russia and
China regularly probe America?s defenses.

                        d.. Huge new civil defense programs, including
enormous fallout shelters in Russia (one new underground city is larger than
Washington, DC).
                        At the same time, under Clinton, the US military has
been cut to the bone, leaving America more vulnerable to foreign attack than
at any time since the Cold War. Specifically:

                        e.. Clinton has slashed troop levels in the Army,
Navy and Marines by 30-40%. Most remaining battle troops are now deployed
overseas, in the Middle East, Bosnia, South America and elsewhere.

                        f.. The US arsenal of cruise missiles has dropped to
a dangerously low number, just over 100 cruise missiles are left. Further,
these few remaining missiles are being quickly thrown away in senseless
engagements in the Middle East, and the administration is not building any

                        g.. Clinton has slashed defense spending, from 28%
of the federal budget in 1988, to 17% today.

                        h.. The navy has decommissioned almost half of its
ships, down from 600 in 1991 to 336 today. That?s the lowest level since

                        i.. The critical balance of nuclear weapons is now
heavily in Russia?s favor. The US has about 10,000 to 11,000 nuclear weapons
left, compared to over 30,000 for Russia. Further, thanks to Clinton, many
of our remaining nuclear weapons are vulnerable to attack. For instance, the
nuclear warheads for our strategic bombers are in the US, while many of the
planes are in the Middle East and Europe. Never before has America been so
vulnerable to devastating attack by the worst mass murderers in human
history, and never before has an American leader so jeopardized America?s
ability to defend itself.
                        Revisit Christopher Ruddy's interview with Russian
defector Stanislav Lunev Defector Reveals Russian War Plans.

                        Tomorrow in NewsMax.com: Clinton?s Sell-Out of

                        Internet Vortex Newsletter: Order today, call
                        Super Offer: $79. Receive 24 issues of Vortex and
Save $10 off the second year's subscription and receive FREE the Brown
video, the Brown special report, a FREE special report on the TWA 800
cover-up, a FREE audio cassette "The Bill Clinton Story: Sex, Lies, and
Audiotape" -- PLUS The Y2K-Russia Information Package -- a value of $140
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